Wang Changdeng (1535-1612) Ming writer. The words Baigu, Baigu, and Bogu, the title of the Elder of the Half Sutra, the Qingyang Monarch, the Lord of Guangchang Temple, the Lord of Guangchang An, the Taoist of the Songtan, the Taoist of the Songtan, the Lord of the Changshengguan, and the Jie Keqing. The ancestors were from Jiangyin (now in Jiangsu) and moved to Suzhou. Four-year-old can be right, six-year-old is good with big characters, ten-year-old can be poems, long and prosperous, full of famous Wuhui. At the end of Jiajing, he entered Taixue and Wanli called to study the history of the country. His poems are mostly about personal daily life, and the style is close to the public security school. After Wu Zhong Wenzheng Ming, Fengya has no definite genus, Changdeng tasted Zhengmingmen, and received his style from afar. He has been in the position of poetry for more than 30 years. At the same time, Shanren cloth also had the top ten poetry names, and Rangdeng was the most. In the twenty-second year of Wanli (1594), Lu Bi, Wei Xueli and others were called to participate in the Imperial History. Good calligraphy, Xing, Cao, seal, and li are all fine, Qian Qianyi’s "A Collection of Poems in the Dynasties (列朝诗集)" says: "The dignity of the book and the seal and the official. The people of Fujian and Guangdong who have passed the Wu sect, although Jia Hu Qiongzi , Must follow the door to see, begging for the pieces to be refined and then go." "You Ju Lu (游居录)" said that "the official script of the ancient, the great victory over the true and the grass." Wang Shizhenyun: "Hundreds of valleys go to Chunfu, public flaws, and add Sharp." Zhou Zhizhi called him "a hundred valleys thin but not explicit." "Wu She (吴社编)", "Yi Shi (弈史)", "Wu Jun Danqing Zhi (吴郡丹青志)".


Ding Hai's first banner in running script Taiwan He Chuangshi Calligraphy Art Collection