Wang Guxiang (1501-1568) Ming Dynasty painter. The word Luzhi, number unitary room. A native of Changzhou (now Suzhou, Jiangsu). Jinshi and the first, official to official department member Wailang. Frustrated in officialdom, abandoning the officialdom and returning to the inside, enter the gate of Wenzheng Ming. He is good at painting flowers and birds, between fine brushwork and freehand brushwork, as well as calligraphy and seal cutting. The brush is free and refreshing, powerful, and the pictures are full of literary spirit, with a certain moral and simple and simple wit. After middle age, he never painted for people easily, and many fakes were spread. The handed down works include "Mountain Fairy and Spring Plum Fan (山仙春梅扇面)", collected by Shanghai Museum; "Gui Shitu (桂石图)" axis, collected by Beijing Palace Museum; "Collection of Calligraphy and Painting (书画合册)", collected by Liaoning Provincial Museum.

  Wang Guxiang's calligraphy is concealed by the name of the painting. His calligraphy is mainly influenced by calligraphers of Wu Men. His brushwork is vigorous and strong, and the knots and bodies are relaxed. The whole work echoes from top to bottom, with left and right reflections. The blood is connected, and the spirit is overflowing.


Seven-Law Scroll in Running Script Paper  158X73.5cm Collection of Xiling Yinshe

The information comes from "The Best Collection of Xiling Yinshe Hundred Years (西泠印社百年社藏精品)" (Xiling Yinshe Publishing House)