His courtesy name was Shuche, a native of Dunhuang during the Western Jin Dynasty. He studied in the capital since he was a child and once held a position in Taixue. He is knowledgeable, especially proficient in yin and yang, astronomy, and magic. He has profound attainments and has foresight. As early as Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty, he predicted that civil strife would break out in the Central Plains, so he left the Central Plains and returned to his hometown in Dunhuang. He was a legendary local squatter. Proficient in Yin and Yang Bagua, astronomy and geography, fortune telling, and especially good at dream fortune telling. There is a biography in Volume 95 of "Book of Jin".



Suo Tao's "Tao Te Ching" (Biography) Paper 30.8 X 208.2cm Art Museum Affiliated to Princeton University, USA
Reprinted from Chinese Calligraphy Online

  This scroll was copied on May 5, the second year of Wu Jianheng of the Three Kingdoms (AD 270). The Dunhuang scroll was unearthed in Dunhuang at the beginning of the last century. The style of calligraphy is the early regular script that has not yet departed from the official meaning. Both the shape and strokes were developed from the official script and gradually took the prototype of regular script. The calligraphy is neat and sophisticated. This volume has been circulating in the hands of famous masters in Shanghai. After the Civil War, it was transferred to Hong Kong and is now stored in the Art Museum of Princeton University in the United States. There is much controversy over the authenticity of this volume.