Li Bai (701-762), also known as Taibai, also known as Qinglian Jushi. His ancestral home was Chengji, Longxi (now Qin'andong, Gansu Province). At the end of the Sui Dynasty, his ancestors lived in Suiye (now the Chu River Basin south of Balkhash Lake), where Li Bai was born. Although the title of Li Bai's book is hidden in the title of the poem, it is still recorded in the history books of the past dynasties. Huang Shanshangu of the Song Dynasty once commented: "Li Bai was not able to pass down writings in Kaiyuan and Tianbao. Today, his work is no worse than that of the ancients." Zhou Xinglian of the Qing Dynasty also said in "Linchi Guanjian" that Taibai's calligraphy is "fresh and lively, with a pure breath, free from the mundane world, and floating with a fairy spirit." It can be seen that as the most outstanding romantic poet in the Tang Dynasty, he also expressed his calligraphy in his calligraphy works. Full of romantic and freehand sentiment.

"Tie to the Balcony" ink written by Li Bai. Cursive script, 5 lines, 24 characters, with an inscription and the inscription "Taibai". In front of the post, across the water, there is a gold calligraphy inscribed by Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, with the words "Li Taibai of the Tang Dynasty went to the balcony".
"Tie on the Balcony" is a four-character poem composed by Li Bai, and it is also his only authentic calligraphy handed down from generation to generation. The writing in "Up to the Balcony" is free and easy, quick and smooth, showing elegance in the vitality and various expressions. The structure is also uneven and full of ups and downs, looking forward to the sentient beings and endlessly interesting. Behind the post is a postscript by Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. The postscript reads: "Taibai tried to write running script." When he stepped on the moon and entered the restaurant in the west, he could feel that the figures were looking at each other and that he was outside the world. Poetry."
Zhang Yan's postscript of the Yuan Dynasty said: "The banished immortal (Li Bai) tasted the cloud: Ou, Yu, Chu, Lu Zhennu Shu Er. Since it flows out of the chest, it cannot be reached by other people's extreme practice. Watching it float like a cloud, it is high. When you leave the world of mortals, you can find the wonderful things outside of things. I have tasted the Jin Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, and suddenly opened this book, which makes me feel refreshed."
Ouyang Xuan, a calligrapher of the Yuan Dynasty, wrote a poem after seeing this post by the poet Li Bai:
The young master of the Tang Dynasty is a fairy in brocade robes, and his literary talents have been popular for six hundred years. It can be seen that the moonlight shines brightly on the roof beams, and the spare ink turns into clouds and smoke.