Basic knowledge and learning methods of fountain pen calligraphy. Calligraphy is an art about contradictions and is beautiful because it is full of contradictions. Calligraphy is the technique of writing. "Book" means writing; "Fa" means methods, techniques, and rules, which is the art of writing Chinese characters. It is an advanced art form unique to our Chinese nation.


1. Writing posture

Writing posture is very important. Correct writing posture not only ensures free writing, gives full play to writing skills and improves writing level, but also promotes the normal development of young people's bodies, prevents the occurrence of myopia, conus curvature and other diseases, and is beneficial to health. This is also the most basic requirement for writing. Although some calligraphers have the foundation to write pen calligraphy, their writing posture is not correct enough and must be corrected.

The correct writing posture is: body straight, head upright, arms open, and feet open. Sit upright. Straighten your shoulders, straighten your back naturally, and lean forward slightly. Your chest should be about a punch away from the edge of the table: your head should be straight and slightly tilted forward, and the distance between your eyes and the paper should be about one foot; your arms should naturally open to the left and right. Open, put your forearm flat on the table, press the paper with your left hand, and hold the pen with your right hand, so that the penholder is slightly tilted to the right, not directly in front of the nose, but the pen tip falls directly in front of the bridge of the nose; both feet are naturally flat on the ground, in line with the Shoulders shoulder width apart.

2. Writing method

However, there are some key points that are not mentioned in the picture, but it is these details that determine the stretch and smoothness of your pen writing:

1. The angle between the pen and paper is approximately 50-75 degrees.

2. When holding a pen, you should not use your thumb to cover your index finger, or your index finger to cover your thumb. The thumb and index finger should remain slightly apart.

3. The pad of the index finger, the right half of the pad of the thumb, the first interphalangeal joint of the middle finger and the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger are in contact with the pen;

4. The pulp of the index finger and the right half of the pulp of the thumb are the main force-generating points, the first interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is the secondary force-generating point, and the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger is used for positioning.

5. When writing strokes such as "hook" from the lower right to the upper left, the ring finger should assist the middle finger in kicking the hook, and should not lie softly on the paper.

During the writing process, your fingers should be relaxed and natural. You must not tighten the pen tightly or forcefully compete with the pen.

The ancients said: "Anyone who studies calligraphy must first learn to write." It can be seen that the method of holding the pen is very important for practicing writing. Whether the method of holding the pen is correct or not is related to the control ability of the pen, the flexibility of the pen, and the writing speed, which directly affects the writing effect. Although some calligraphers have the foundation to write pen calligraphy, their writing method is not correct and must be carefully corrected.

The correct way to hold the pen is: use the first section of the thumb, index finger, and middle finger to pinch the lower end of the pen holder from three directions. That is, the thumb and index finger hold the pen holder from the front and left of the pen holder. The index finger extends slightly forward, and the middle finger uses the fingernail to The upper rear side is against the lower rear side of the pen holder. About an inch from the tip of the pen, the fingertip is lower than the thumb and index finger. The ring finger and little finger naturally bend toward the palm of the hand in turn, just below the middle finger. They play a role in coordinating the writing movement of the middle finger and cannot touch the paper. The upper end of the pen holder is tilted against the highest bone of the third joint of the index finger, tilted to the right and back, at an angle of about 50 degrees to the paper. When holding the pen, the fingers should be solid and the palm should be empty. That is to say, the lower finger should hold the pen firmly, and the palm should be empty, as empty as an egg shape. In this way, you can use your pen flexibly when writing and improve your writing effect.

Pen calligraphy is the art of using pens to express the line writing and modeling of Chinese characters. Its "line writing" refers to the method of expressing various strokes of Chinese characters with a pen, and its "shaping" refers to the structure and organization of Chinese characters. therefore. Pen calligraphy is the same as brush calligraphy. It consists of the three most basic and critical factors, namely: lines (strokes), structure, and composition, which are called the three elements of calligraphy.

The so-called lines (strokes) refer to the traces left on the paper by the first stroke of a Chinese character. With the same stroke, the faces and images written by writers of different levels are quite different.

The so-called structure refers to the correct and clever organization of strokes so that all the strokes of each Chinese character are arranged according to rules and rationally to meet the requirements of beauty.

The so-called composition refers to the method of layout of chapters, that is, the skills and methods to make a calligraphy work overall beautiful. It emphasizes the coordination, echo, coherence, density and radiance between words and lines, and makes use of the distribution of black and white, the size of fonts, the distance between words, and the orthogonality and oddness of fonts to make all kinds of single characters appear in the same space. With a reasonable and clever layout, a harmonious, beautiful and interesting work of art is formed. It can trigger people's sense of beauty.

Have good handwriting that is accurate, clear, smooth and beautiful. Not only is it very beneficial to work and study, but it is also a manifestation of cultural literacy and a beautiful enjoyment.