The best results are achieved when you start writing when you are in elementary school or even before you enter elementary school. Before the third grade of elementary school, I was deducted from test papers because my handwriting was too ugly. Later, after practicing my writing during the summer vacation, I was praised by the teacher. , not to mention how beautifully written it is, but it is also comfortable to read. So how can we write beautifully?

Children's handwriting is ugly mostly because the handwriting is too big, which looks messy when they grow up. But if a man doesn't pay attention to every stroke, it will look very irregular. If he writes while practicing calligraphy, If the space is not restricted, it will be difficult to standardize the writing, and it will look ugly. Therefore, a grid book is indispensable for practicing calligraphy. The editor used to use a square grid book with Tian characters. Even smaller, you can practice in that small square.


Many people just follow the copybooks when practicing calligraphy. The editor does not recommend using copybooks, just use square notebooks.

1. The main strokes of Chinese characters should start or end on the dotted line of the frame.

2. The external strokes of Chinese characters (horizontal, vertical, vertical strokes, flat strokes, etc.) should be parallel and close to or coincide with the dotted line on the edge of the frame.

3. Up-down, left-right structure (including up-middle-down, left-middle-right structure, for example, "Yi" can be seen as the up-and-down structure of "Yin" and "心", and "Tree" can be seen as the left-right structure of "Wood" and "Dui") According to the rules of Chinese character structure, Chinese characters are bounded by the central vertical or horizontal center of the grid, which is equally divided into left and right and upper and lower. Characters with a structure of narrow left and wide right, wide left and narrow right, or characters with a structure of large at the top and small at the bottom, small at the top and large at the bottom are wider. The part can exceed the central horizontal and vertical lines.


When writing, in order to speed up the progress, I will choose to use a ruler to write. This will cause the bottom line of the written words to be flat and lose the beauty that Chinese characters should have. However, when practicing calligraphy, try to ensure that every word is "correct". A large part of the reason why the handwriting is ugly is that the handwriting looks crooked. Don't rush to make progress first. The first thing is to write the handwriting "correctly".


When children learn to write, they will imitate the fonts they often see or the fonts they like. Here teachers and parents have become a very important reference object for students' writing. If parents can write beautifully, Beautiful and bright, it not only makes children interested in imitating, but also stimulates children's interest.

Children should learn to write as early as possible. At that stage, their attention is the most concentrated and it is easiest to teach. At the same time, their imitation ability is also the most focused and efficient. As long as they are guided, the words they write will be beautiful. But it will be very comfortable to look at.