Nowadays, more and more friends are joining calligraphy learning, and many of them have "zero foundation". At the beginning stage, the biggest fear is that I don’t understand calligraphy, which leads to confusion and I don’t know where to start. After writing for a long time, it is still difficult to make progress. This has a huge impact on your confidence, and you may even doubt your ability, and you will lack motivation to write. So how to practice calligraphy well? The following 15 calligraphy practice websites share with you the tips for writing calligraphy.


First: Preparation work, choose brush, paper and copybook.

You need to know some knowledge about calligraphy and prepare tools related to calligraphy practice, such as the selection of brushes, such as brush characteristics, sheep hair or wolf hair; paper for practicing calligraphy; such as buying rough paper, calligraphy practice paper or finding newspapers to make connections; three It’s better to choose calligraphy practice copybooks. You can read more introduction materials about copybooks, and then choose calligraphy copybooks that you like. Generally, there are more calligraphy copybooks, choose European style, Yan style and Liu style block letters. It is best to choose large characters, which can be seen more clearly. You can put it far away and write directly while looking at it. Also, it is more suitable to open and fix the copybook book, so that you will not keep turning the fixed page.


Second: What font is more suitable for learning calligraphy?


For friends who practice calligraphy and brush calligraphy, beginners are like primary school students learning to write. It is best to choose regular script to get started. Regular script is most suitable for students to practice facial expressions. Children and teenagers have a blank sheet of paper and do not have the rudimentary concept of characters in their minds, so they must start according to Practice calligraphy according to the standard in the practice copybook, which will lay a good foundation for further study of calligraphy in the future.

When starting from regular script, you should calm down and carry out specialized training in basic pointillism for a long time to understand their common brush usage rules and their respective appearance characteristics. First, make a good resemblance in shape. Pointillism is like the parts of a machine. The structure is to assemble the parts. Only when the parts are accurate will the assembly be tight and compact, and all of them will be qualified. It is not enough to master the brush for dot painting. It is also necessary to further master the structure of characters. Strokes such as one dot, one horizontal and one vertical are the basis of writing. To write well, Furthermore, its position must be arranged in the whole character so that the character looks beautiful, which shows the importance of the structure of the character shape. This requires us to spend a long time practicing and understanding it. Only in this way can we write with the intention first, make it square if it is square, round if it is round, and use it freely and with ease.

Third: Basic skill requirements for calligraphy practice

The first is writing. Su Dongpo said: "There is no definite way to hold the pen, it must be empty and wide." Here is the commonly used "five-finger pen holding method": that is, pinch the pen holder (appropriate height) with the pads of the thumb and index finger to ensure that the pen holder does not fall off; The bottom of the index finger rests on the outside of the pen, which not only strengthens the power of the index finger to pinch the pen, but also plays the role of hooking the pen in; the nail flesh of the ring finger is against the inside of the pen barrel, playing the role of pushing the pen outward; the little finger is attached to the ring finger Use the lower part of your fingertips to assist your ring finger in pushing the pen outward. When holding the pen, you should do as the ancients said: "Make the palm as empty as holding an egg", which makes it easier to move the pen. When learning to write, you should often practice holding the pen, hooking it back, pushing out and rotating the pen barrel (plus the function of the wrist) to practice drawing straight lines and arcs. The height of the writing and whether it should be held over the wrist or elbow is determined by the size of the characters being written. Small characters should be held low, resting on the wrist; large characters should be held high, hanging over the wrist; larger characters need to be held over the elbow.

Calligraphy is the art of line modeling. The so-called brushwork mainly refers to the method of using the brush to create ideal lines (stippling).

raise deposit

When the pen is pressed down to write, the strokes will be thicker, and when the pen is lifted up, the strokes will be thinner. Just like the two feet of a person walking, one is down and the other is lifted, constantly alternating, the pen is constantly lifting and pressing during the writing process. Only in this way can lines of completely different thicknesses be produced.


Every time you write a stroke, there are three processes: starting the stroke, extending the stroke, and finishing the stroke. There is the "exposed edge" method of entering the brush strokes, which makes the beginning of the strokes pointed or square; there is the "hidden edge method" of entering the brush strokes against the front edge. When drawing horizontally, you want to draw right first, and when drawing vertically, you want to go down first, so that the edge of the brush is Hidden within the strokes, the beginnings of the strokes are basically circular. When writing, you must learn to "use the pen in the center" so that the tip of the pen always runs between dots and dashes. In order to make the strokes powerful, you must also learn to use the brush with a tight stroke, stay in the middle of the line, stay in the middle of the line, and avoid being flashy. There are "Lu Feng" (the pen tip is gradually lifted out of the paper, and the painting is pointed, such as a hanging needle, a pin, a stroke, a hook), and "Zang Feng" (the pen tip is withdrawn into the painting, such as hanging vertically, and the strokes are tailed). rounded end).

The word "Jie" is also called "Jie" or "Jie" structure.

When writing calligraphy, you must first grasp the frame structure, and secondly, practice the characteristics of the strokes. The frame structure is more important than the stipple characteristics. If the characters are well spaced, the characteristics of the strokes are not outstanding and they are pleasing to the eye; but the opposite is not true. Therefore, it is very important to carefully study and grasp the structure rules of characters. The so-called "beginner's distribution, but seek to be fair".

Lin Tie is a necessary means to practice calligraphy well. If you don't post a post and just write it based on your own ideas, you won't get anywhere. Learning to write calligraphy requires perseverance and perseverance, and guarding against arrogance and impetuosity. It is often said: "As long as you work hard enough, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle." As long as you follow the rules of learning and persist in learning, you will definitely succeed in learning.


Fourth: Things to note when practicing calligraphy.


Generally, you should choose to copy copybooks. It is best not to change them. Instead, stick to copying one copybook from the same family. It is best to keep practicing for several months to several years. At the same time, don’t be greedy for too much every time you practice calligraphy. Just practice a few words each time. It doesn’t necessarily need to take a long time each time. It is required that the copying should be as consistent as the original post. You don’t have to innovate and change here, and play freely. You should carefully consider the characteristics of each word and engrave each word in your mind before writing.