First of all, when girls write, they must have a certain degree of confidence in their handwriting. Don't always feel that their handwriting is not good-looking. If you want to write good-looking, you can buy a relevant copybook that you like for training. During the practice, You can appropriately imitate your favorite fonts without being too deliberate. Observe the characteristics of copybooks or the chevrons around you that have good-looking writing, and then slowly move closer to them after remembering them.

A copybook suitable for girls to practice. If necessary, you can add Xiaomo WeChat below to learn more about Hairpin Flower Xiaokai.



Of course, the key to practicing calligraphy is persistence. If you want to persist, you must have great determination, then develop a habit, and experience the fun that practicing calligraphy brings you. In the process of persistence, you can get affirmation from others and yourself.

Therefore, when girls practice calligraphy, they might as well make a plan and set an achievable goal. The early goals cannot pursue qualitative changes, but require quantitative accumulation. For example, if I want to write a piano poem, I have to practice 10 words seriously every week. I can go through it on the first day, and I can go through it again on the thirtieth day. A comparison can be made. If you practice seriously, within a month, the results will still motivate you.

If you really like practicing calligraphy, if you can persist for a few months, you will be able to persist in the future.

So how to choose a copybook? Are there any copybooks suitable for girls?

If your foundation is poor, or your pursuit is not that high, you can practice from modern calligraphy books, which will make it easier to get started.

If you really want to pursue calligraphy or have a certain foundation, then you should copy more ancient calligraphy.

When copying ancient calligraphy in writing, you can start with the relatively easy-to-use "Ling Fei Jing" or Wen Zhengming's "Qin Fu" and "Ten Records of the Cottage".

If the foundation is relatively poor, you can combine copying, that is, combining red tracing and copying.

Copybooks are suitable for both men and women. They are suitable for both boys and girls.

(After mastering it, you can also use it to make facial tissue cheat sheets)