Girls are generally more gentle. When writing, you don’t need to write in domineering fonts like boys. If you want your words to be small and gentle, you want your words to be as gentle and beautiful as the person you are. So what fonts do girls practice that look good, and what calligrapher’s fonts are suitable for girls to practice? Below, the editor recommends fonts suitable for girls to practice:

A copybook suitable for girls to practice. If necessary, you can add Xiaomo WeChat below to learn more about Hairpin Flower Xiaokai.



1. Girls who like to practice calligraphy basically know the fonts of Master Tian Yingzhang. Mr. Tian Yingzhang is a master of European regular script in modern my country. Tian Yingzhang, a calligrapher, has a very beautiful European regular script font. Girls who want to practice good-looking handwriting can buy one of his copybooks to practice.


Copybooks suitable for girls to practice calligraphy

2. It belongs to Ouyang Xun. Although Ouyang Xun's calligraphy is powerful, the font is small and exquisite, and it is very eye-catching. Of course, girls can also practice it. His best copybook is "Jiucheng Palace Liquan Ming".

3. Chu Suiliang's "The Preface to the Sacred Teachings of the Wild Goose Pagoda" is famous for its delicacy. In the "Preface to the Sacred Teachings of the Wild Goose Pagoda", he uses both square and circular strokes, starting and ending in reverse; There are ups and downs all the time, and there are certain rules for pressing the button, turning around, and returning to the front. "The Preface to the Sacred Teachings of the Wild Goose Pagoda" is especially suitable for girls to practice.

4. Lu Zhongnan’s copybook. Lu Zhongnan’s calligraphy is Liu Kai. It has a good character spirit and is very helpful for shaping the font. This is also very suitable for girls to practice.

5. There is also the calligraphy of Zhao Mengfu. The handwriting is graceful and soft as if there are no bones. It is best for girls to practice.

6. "Eight Poems of Autumn", "The Story of Ji An", "Tao Te Ching" and "Ling Fei Jing" in small regular script are all copybooks suitable for girls to practice.

If you have never practiced calligraphy, it is best to start with regular script, use a pen to trace and write, and when you feel comfortable writing, you can then practice calligraphy.

Tips for girls to practice calligraphy

1. Improve the aesthetics of pairs

The prerequisite for writing beautiful words is to know what kind of words are beautiful. This requires us to read more and know more. We can follow some people who can write well through platforms such as Weibo, Douyin, and WeChat official accounts, and then simulate their writing skills in our minds, and then take screenshots, print, appreciate and copy the good-looking words.

2. Understand the two most important aspects of calligraphy practice

1. Strokes

The strokes I refer to here refer to the length and weight of the strokes. If they should be long, they should be short. If the strokes are heavy, the strokes will be thick, and if the strokes are light, they will be thin. For example, under normal circumstances, the stroke of a stroke is heavy first and then light. Of course, there are also long strokes and short strokes; under normal circumstances, the stroke of a stroke is first light, then heavy, and finally lighter, creating a sharp stroke. When practicing strokes, you must first control the length, and then pursue changes in the weight and thickness of the strokes.

2. Structure

Structure refers to the size of the radicals and radicals that make up a character, which should be larger, which should be smaller, and their position. These things require everyone to pay attention to details and observe more when copying the copybook. For example, for a radical with many strokes, the strokes should be thin; for a radical with few strokes, the strokes should be as thick as possible, so that when combined, the structure will look harmonious.

Girls learning to practice calligraphy is a long-term process, and they must persist in hard work. The highest state of practicing calligraphy is to master the strength with ease. Only when you have a pen in your mind and a tangible form in your pen can you mature.