The head is upright, the body is straight, the arms are open, the feet are secure, and the head is upright, this is the trinity of calligraphy practice.

Chinese characters change a lot. Don’t be afraid to grasp the characteristics. At the beginning, you need to practice strokes and replace them with straight lines. Practice strokes. Don’t be afraid. Rhythm training will control them. The eight strokes are Guan Jian's straight line without restraint. The eight strokes are not uniform, so add strokes to move the points horizontally, vertically, crosswise, fold, hook, and lift:


Left point, right point, up point, down point, left point, up point, inward point, diagonal point, diagonal point, same point

When writing dots, you need to practice more. The upper part should be pointed and the lower part should be round. Draw straight lines from light to heavy, and always stand diagonally when doing stipples.


Horizontal and vertical are not horizontal, but stable. When learning to write horizontally, it should be slightly flat. The left and right are low and the right is high. The pen is stopped. The long and horizontal are different. The long and high are flat and the short is slightly raised. The force is basically the same.


The dew is hanging vertically, the needle is vertical, write vertical strokes, divide carefully, there is dew, there is a hanging needle, use force to stretch it vertically downward, the dew is round, the tip of the hanging needle is drawn, vertical drawings are straight lines.


Long strokes, short strokes, vertical strokes (common characteristics: all are sharp strokes, from heavy to light, from slow to fast, with a slight arc)

Writing and strokes are all the same, long, short, curved, and oblique. They must be appropriate. When closing the pen, you must point out the tip. Only by careful observation can it be beautiful.


Ask for twists and turns

When learning to write Nana, don’t be afraid. It tilts, sinks, and slides down. There are diagonal Nakata and flat Nana, and the angle of use varies.


Writing folds and strokes is very simple. At the turning point, follow a straight line to make the edges and corners appear. For each stroke, follow a straight line. The key is to follow a straight line and turn.


When writing hooks and strokes, please note that the key lies in explosive power.

Vertical hook: 

First write the vertical drawing and turn it to the right. The horizontal drawing at the bottom should not be short.


Stop for a moment before hooking, and push the hook tip upwards. 

Vertical fold hook: Two folds in the middle horizontally and vertically, and both horizontal and vertical drawings are slightly angled. Each stroke should be in a straight line, and the key point is the straight line transition. 

Horizontally bent hook: slightly inclined horizontally and vertically with a flat bottom, and the hook draws a straight line upwards.

Special treatment is given to special methods, with the exception of three ticks. (Slant hook, curved hook, lying hook, martial, hand, heart)


When writing strokes, focus on technique, pick up the right side, and slowly use less force.


Lift straight, tip and straight, and grasp the length, length, and inclination.

Sketching point: The sketching point should be slightly longer and the tip should be connected. 

Offset: When writing, write down and to the left, then change the direction of the folded pen and write horizontally. The slope of the horizontal stroke is relatively flat.

Sitting posture: eyes one foot away from the book, body one punch away from the table, hand one inch away from the pen tip)

The head should be straight, the body should be straight, the arms should be spread apart, three in one, the feet and shoulders should be even, and move forward while writing.

Holding the pen: The method of holding the pen is not difficult. The key is to hold the finger firmly and the palm empty. The thumb, index and middle fingers are stuck in the penholder, and the penholder is leaning between the tiger's mouth. (At the base of the index finger) strokes: horizontal, vertical, left, back, point, fold, hook, lift. Just start, practice the gestures, and use straight lines to replace them.

Don’t be afraid to practice strokes, rhythm training will control it.

The eight strokes are the key, leaving aside the strokes and walking in a straight line.

The eight strokes are not uniform, so add more strokes to migrate.

The horizontal, diagonal and vertical hooks should be strong, and the straight lines form a Chinese character shape.

Dots and dashes always stand diagonally and press down from light to heavy.

When learning to write horizontally, it should be slightly flat, with the left side low and the right side high. Short and horizontal, long and horizontal, think carefully about 5 to 8 degrees.

Stroke order: Learn to write, learn about stroke order, and master the method to make your words meaningful. 

Write horizontally first, then vertically, remember from top to bottom. 

Focus on the middle first, then both sides, and grasp the center line without deviation.


Write first, then write last. Don't be afraid to remember the order.


Remember it clearly from the outside to the inside, close the door and then seal it when you enter the house. 

Na Hua: Learn to write Na, don’t be afraid, tilt and sink to the right


There are oblique strokes and flat strokes, and the application angles vary. 

Dot painting: When writing dot painting, you need to practice more. The upper part should be pointed and the lower part should be round. 

Draw straight lines from light to heavy, and always stand diagonally when doing stipples. 

Lifting: To write a lifting, lift up to the right, and slowly use less force.


Lift straight, tip and straight, and grasp the length, length, and inclination.

Sketching point: The sketching point should be slightly longer and the tip should be connected. 

Offset: When writing, write down and to the left, then change the direction of the folded pen and write horizontally. The slope of the horizontal stroke is relatively flat. 


The structure of Chinese characters changes greatly, so don’t be afraid to grasp the characteristics.

Stand on both sides of the left and right structures so that they can be retracted and unfolded freely to look good.


The upper and lower structures must be segmented, with the upper side tight and the lower side loose, so that the golden section is successful.

It is not difficult to enclose the structure, it only looks good if it is encased.

The single-body structure is the difficulty, and balance and uniformity are the key.

Sometimes it is closed, sometimes it is released, and the independent molding must be stable. 


Left radical:

At two o'clock and three o'clock, it is said to carry the handle, and the word "I" is used to lift Turi Mountain Pass.

The King of Bows and Horses stands beside the heart, and the shell stone eyes stand above the left ear. 

These radicals stand on the left side and only look good when written in small form. 

(up and down)

Prefix: When writing the prefix, don’t worry, the center line should be defined as the axis.


Stand on both sides of each stroke and tighten it up and loosen it down to look good. 

Character base: The upper and lower structure has a character base, which is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.


Word frame: Don’t panic, the writing frame is short vertically on the left, long vertically on the right, and the inner part is slightly upward. 

Single body structure: The single body structure is the difficulty, and balance and uniformity are the key.

Sometimes it's closed, sometimes it's put away, independent molding should be stable 


Write a chapter, describe a chapter, and don’t panic if you get the font right. 

Word to word, line to line, the spacing should be even and appropriate.

When writing a chapter, you should pay attention to leaving space above and earth below, and the surroundings of the chapter should be breathable. 

The notebook is neat, the handwriting is clear, the reading is accurate, the writing is correct, the writing is prompt and neat, and it must be clean. 


The eight-stroke stroke is the key, leaving aside the strokes and walking in a straight line.

The horizontal, oblique and vertical hooks should be strong, and the straight lines form a Chinese character shape.

The structure of the characters: tight at the top, loose at the bottom, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.

Focus on the middle first, then both sides, and grasp the center line without deviation.

Master the left and right radicals well, write small when you should write small.

If you think carefully about the surrounding structure, the left vertical part is short and the right vertical part is long.

Root migration method: Xi, Yun, Yun, Tian, ​​Jia, Shen

For single characters, you should remember to pay attention to the three equal spacing (two and three kings are correct). (parallel, bisected, flush)

Single-character characters must be written well and balanced and evenly controlled.

Stand on both sides of the left and right structures so that they can be retracted and unfolded freely to look good.

The left and right sides are quite similar, the left side is slightly smaller and the right side is larger. (wood, bamboo)

The left side is bigger and the right side is smaller, and the right side should be placed in the left center. (such as, Jiang, carry) 

The left side is small and the right side is big, and the left side is placed on the middle side. (Oh, peak)

Chinese characters staggered left and right, with high on the left and low on the right, (que, du) 

Standing on the left side of some radicals, they only look good if they are written in short form.

Two and three o'clock are the handle, Gongshankou bow, horse, king's heart, Bei Shimu, and left ear. These should be remembered when writing a summary.

The upper and lower structures should be segmented, so that the top is short and the bottom is long to look good.

Tight at the top and loose at the bottom, the golden section is successful. (Thunder, think)

Don’t worry about writing the head, just set the center line as the axis. (National People’s Congress Jiuxueyu) 

Other strokes look good if they stand on both sides so that the left and right are balanced.

When writing at the bottom, pay attention to the narrow top and wide bottom. (dust) 


The structure is not difficult, it only looks good if it is wrapped.

The left vertical one is short, the right vertical one is long. The inner part is slightly upward. (net)

The right side surrounds the left space, and the content inside is equal to the mouth. (Diao Xun Ju District)

Surround it all, remember it clearly, and the content inside should be centered. (country)

Write a chapter, think carefully, and write two-thirds of it into lines. Leave gaps between words and have the right amount of tightness to be beautiful.