Once you have mastered running script, you have to switch from running script to regular script. As mentioned above, whether it is running script or regular script, the frame layout of the characters is the same, the only difference is the writing method. The writing style of regular script is rigorous and does not allow for any relaxation. It requires thinking and weighing each stroke, so it can test a person the most and temper a person the most.

Therefore, if you only practice running script but not regular script, although you can cope with daily writing, it will lack the spirit after all. In other words, it is just "writing" and cannot be called "calligraphy". Therefore, boldface characters are only used for printing. If you use them as your own "calligraphy works", you will be laughed at.


Once you have mastered running script and mastered the layout of characters, it will not be difficult to practice regular script. As long as you slow down your writing speed a little, eliminate the sticking points of the strokes in running script, and gradually integrate the brushwork of regular script into it, soon, good regular script will flow from your pen.

The traditional way to learn calligraphy is to start with Tang Kai script, go against the times, and further practice Nanxing, Beibei, Han Li, and Qin Zhuan on the basis of writing regular script well. Another idea is that starting from the immature development of hand muscles in teenagers, one can start with Qin Zhuan, which has fewer changes, and proceed with the times, from running cursive to regular script. There is truth to both concepts. But I think the hard-pen calligraphy we learn is different from the brush calligraphy mentioned above.

Because of their essential differences, we cannot follow their practice methods, let alone be fooled by the traditional concept of learning brushes first and then learning hard brushes. We now widely use hard pens. If you can't write calligraphy with calligraphy, you can still write hard pen calligraphy well. There is no need to make detours.

Which font should I start with when practicing hard-pen calligraphy? I think: hand muscle development from teenagers

 Starting from the characteristics and characteristics of hard-pen calligraphy strokes with uniform thickness and less variation, you should start practicing with fonts that do not require changes in stroke speed or weight. It is best to use boldface characters in print. The beauty of this font is mainly reflected in its structure. We can grasp the structure of the characters by analyzing the boldface characters. On this basis, we can choose our favorite font and practice hard according to our own personality and hobbies.