Complete collection of Chinese radicals (examples)
shapenameExample wordsshapenameExample words
Two points of waterSecond, cold, accurateendBeside the word "stop"Wu
Tu Baogaimilitary, write, crownhouseholdBeside the household namefan
tenCrossmagnificentnext to the indicationAncestor
next to wordstheory, planning, knowledgekingNext to the word "王"Lang
Beside the standing knifemake, separate, swordWoodBeside the wooden charactersVillage, Du, Ji
eightBeside the horoscopeValley, Fen, GongcarNext to the word "car"vehicle, lose, light
peopleherringboneWarehouse, full, combineddayNext to the word "日"leisure, light, dark
factoryNext to the word factoryOriginal, pressure, calendarsayfalse prefixcold, heat, severe
forcenext to the word forceNufatherfather prefixDad, axe, cauldron
againnext to the word againdifficultNext to the word oxpull, special, thing
Next to a single personinvadeXunNext to the textsensitive, so,
that isSingle ear knifebutcattyprefix jinnew
Double-eared knifelandclaw prefixlike
Beside the word JianextendmoonNext to the word moonbelly, ribs, chest
Bao prefixDianholecave treasure coverWear, empty, hole
SiPrivate wordsginsengstandBeside the word "standing"vertical
three framesmedicalHeadnext to the word "eyes"blind, pupil, stare
Same word boxnetfieldBeside the word Tianman, stomach, tired
Three o'clock waterLustoneBeside the stone charactersgrind, sand, lei
Three-leggedTongarrowBeside the arrowshort
Beside the vertical heartquietnext to the word diseasepain
Bao Gaiershouldnext to the word "clothes"lining
wideNext to the word Guangendnext to gold letterswrong
eveningnext to the word "xi"DreamprefixShu
walk asideinvitedishThe bottom of the word "Van"Meng, Gai,
inchnext to the word "inch"seal upmilletBeside the Hemuautumn, show, seconds
Beside the handledragwhitenext to white charactersspring
earthbeside titulandbirdNext to the word birdduck
grassgrass prefixmedicinericeNext to the word ricegrains, cakes, ingredients
bigBig prefixsetWestWestern prefixLi, want
Smallsmall prefixresemblePageBeside the word page,
mouthbeside the wordSingtongueBeside the tonguechaos
square boxcountrypotteryBeside the word Foucylinder, missing,
Doordoor framereadEarBeside the word earDelay, job,
towelnext to scarfdivisioninsectNext to the word "worm"pupa
MountainBeside the word "山"gorgestripe of a tigerTiger prefixworry, emptiness, tiger
next to doubleXubambooBamboo prefixtube, basket,
reverse dog sidepigBoatnext to the word "zhou"Boat
Next to the word foodfullWalkBeside the word goZhao
corpsecorpse prefixrepeatedlyfootBeside the word "zu"distance, squat, jump
bowNext to the word "bow"openhornnext to the word "angle"touch, resolve,
larvaenext to the word 子childbodyBeside the word bodyhide
femaleNext to the word femalemomfishNext to the word fishFresh, crocodile, swim bladder
Beside the skeinvelvetquailNext to the character 鹹bird
horseNext to the character horseLiurainrain prefixdew, frost, zero
Four o'clock bottomhottoothnext to the word toothage
squareNext to the word squaretripleathernext to the word leatherboots, whip, stranglehold
handnext to handbyeboneBeside the character boneskeleton
owenext to the word "owed"wantsoundnext to the phonetic characterShao, Yun,
fireNext to the word firedestroyHeartnext to the word heartmeaning