Based on our many years of teaching experience, many students begin to wonder what is the correct and effective way to practice calligraphy? It can be said that they do not understand it very well. The vast majority of students think of calligraphy training methods as follows: regular script drawing one stroke at a time, tracing in red, and copying copybooks are the methods of calligraphy training. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this answer, because all of us have been reading and literacy since we were young. We basically started by drawing strokes in regular script calligraphy, tracing red, and copying. However, why do many people write well when they draw red strokes one by one and copy the copybook, but once they leave the copybook, especially when they write quickly, their writing becomes messy and bad? Why is this?


I think this shows that regular script, which is drawn one stroke at a time, as well as tracing red and copying copybooks, are not the real methods of practicing calligraphy. Otherwise, if you have practiced regular script stroke by stroke and done a lot of practicing tracing red and copying, how could you not be able to practice calligraphy? What about good words?

In fact, practicing regular script one stroke at a time, as well as tracing red and copying copybooks are only practicing the "writing" aspect, neglecting a more important aspect of "writing" practice. Just imagine, the regular script copybooks that can be used to trace red and copy are There are thousands of books, which one should we choose? You can't use every copybook to trace red and copy, so often a large number of copybooks are just copying, knowing what is happening but not knowing why, and the root cause lies in the wrong method.

So, why can't we find the basic methods common to all copybooks? If you find it, you don't need a lot of red tracing and copying copybooks, and you don't need to consider whether it is a regular script copybook or a running script copybook.

Therefore, I say that the method of practicing calligraphy should include not only the basic strokes of the "characters" in all copybooks, but also the basic "writing" action methods in the traditional culture (including calligraphy) inherited by all copybooks. To put it simply, it is How to connect the strokes, how to match the structure, and how to arrange the whole text are the basic book "writing" action methods. Only these basic book "writing" action methods can be said to be the real calligraphy training methods.

Regarding what is mentioned above, do you have a correct understanding of what is the correct and effective method of practicing calligraphy? The method of practicing calligraphy is no longer what people often think of practicing regular script one stroke at a time, tracing red lines, and copying copybooks, but the basic "writing" action method of mastering how the strokes are coherent, how the structure is matched, and how the whole article is arranged!