How do I practice calligraphy by myself? What are the methods of practicing calligraphy? Is there any method of practicing calligraphy that can be effective by myself? This is the current confusion of many people who want to write good calligraphy by practicing calligraphy on their own. Because they have not mastered the calligraphy practice method, many of us are not satisfied with the handwriting we write. The handwriting we write is too ugly, which affects our image and work. , I hope to take some time to practice calligraphy well, so how can I practice calligraphy at home? So next, 15 Calligraphy Practice Network will summarize the top 10 methods for practicing calligraphy by yourself!


First, where should I start learning to practice calligraphy by myself?

Many people will ask what font is best for calligraphy practice? My foundation is very poor. Should I learn regular script fonts? In fact, the choice of font should be determined according to the actual situation. For example, primary school students should choose regular script for practice. Junior high school students and above, including adults, can directly choose Xingkai or even running script for practice.

Because in middle school, writing speed is a very important issue. Since the amount of homework and notes is more than in elementary school, if you still write in regular script, it will inevitably be too late. At this time, it is most likely to cause blind writing - the handwriting is very difficult. Scribbling (continuous writing in regular script) is also the reason why many children can write well when they are in elementary school, but not well after they enter junior high school. Obviously, the writing speed of running script is much faster than that of regular script, so it is more suitable for middle school students and above.


Second, you must master the writing posture and writing method.



(1) Sit upright, with shoulders flat and back straight. Your body and head should not be tilted, let alone lowered; your eyes should be about one foot from the table, and your chest should be about three inches from the edge of the table.


(2) Hold the pen upright, and the pen tip should be straight forward. Do not tilt it inward (as long as your palm is flat, the pen tip will naturally move forward); the tip of the index finger should be about an inch away from the pen tip. If you hold the pen incorrectly or the tip of the pen is tilted inwards, you will not be able to write smoothly, you will not be able to write horizontally, you will not be able to write well, and you will not be able to write smoothly. You may even have to move your right hand every time you write a stroke. At the same time, the written lines have no spine and no rhythm, and the glyphs cannot be said to be relaxed and generous.

(3) The inclination of the pen barrel. To write large characters, hold the pen upwards and the inclination of the pen barrel should be slightly larger. To write small characters, hold the pen downwards and the inclination of the pen barrel slightly smaller. The general slope should be at the index finger joint. If it exceeds this position, the strokes written will be either rigid or dull. If the inclination of the pen barrel is inappropriate, the pen speed will be limited, and it will be impossible to write elegant and charming glyphs, so the "tiger's mouth" should not be tilted.


(4) The pen should be relaxed so that the pen can be used freely; if the pen is held too tightly, the words written will not be broad and generous. According to what I saw during lectures in middle schools, in a class of fifty students, forty-five people held their pens incorrectly or their pen tip was tilted inward. This is also the case in universities. It is for this reason that the characters written by these students are not hooked properly. It looks like a hook, but the 捺 does not look like a 捺. The strokes are all flat and piled up.


As mentioned before, the quality of writing is absolutely related to posture and writing. Just like a carpenter sawing wood, if your posture and holding the saw are not correct, no matter how straight the "line" is, you will saw it crookedly. This is the same as writing good calligraphy.

Third, you must have a normal mentality when practicing calligraphy.


(1) Don’t rush for success: practicing calligraphy is not achieved overnight, it requires a certain amount of accumulation, and the purpose cannot be too strong. It cannot be said that you practice calligraphy just for the score of the composition in the exam. In addition, You also need to have some long-term plans, and don’t limit your vision to one point, otherwise the effect will not be particularly good.


(2) Don’t find it troublesome and don’t complain: Whether it’s calligraphy practice or daily work and life, don’t complain, shirk, or escape when things happen. "This is impossible" and "I have tried my best" are often on your lips. Don't always say: I know this, let's talk about it when I have time. In this case, you will never have time, and practicing calligraphy will never be put on the agenda.


(3) When practicing calligraphy, you should be calm and calm, start well and end well, and do not be impatient and perfunctory. When writing, you must be meticulous and every stroke must be written realistically. When some people practice calligraphy, they like to doodle before finishing. This kind of doodle is a taboo in calligraphy practice. It not only damages the life of the pen tip, but also makes the progress just made after practicing for a long time disappear.

Fourth, the selection of calligraphy tools.


(1) Calligraphy practice copybook: The principle of calligraphy practice with copybook is: carefully observe and analyze the model characters in the copybook, and copy them accurately repeatedly to form an image memory of good calligraphy in the copybook. Therefore, the choice of copybook is very important. If you choose a good copybook, you will get started quickly. Otherwise, you will get half the result with twice the effort, or even go astray. And once the post is finalized, it cannot be changed day and night or changed when new ideas arise. Students should "set a firm foundation" and concentrate on "sinking" into writing in order to "get into the post." If Yan is now Liu, Kai is now Xing, Jin is Tang, all directions will be attacked, and the result will be that the writing will be indistinguishable. As the saying goes, "drawing a tiger will not turn out to be a dog."


(2) Calligraphy practice pen: If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tool. If you want to practice calligraphy effectively, the choice of pen is very important, and whether it is a fountain pen, ballpoint pen or carbon pen, you must choose a pen that can write smoothly. A good pen with even line thickness. The ink is too light and difficult to identify; the ink is too dark and gives people a sense of depression. This often affects the mood of the marking teacher during the exam, causing unnecessary loss of points, so blue and black are the best ink colors for handwriting.


A few days ago, I heard that there is a kind of elbow pen called a "calligraphy pen", which has the characteristics of large changes in the thickness of the writing strokes. When in use, lower the pen holder, and the strokes will be thicker, and you can write slightly larger characters; if you raise the pen holder, the strokes will be thinner, and you can write smaller characters.


This kind of pen has stronger expressive power than ordinary fountain pens and is often used to write larger fonts such as envelopes. However, it is difficult to write with this kind of pen, and beginners should not use it to practice calligraphy.

Fifth, when practicing calligraphy, you must learn to observe and reflect.


Writing is a visual art from a perceptual perspective. Most calligraphers of ancient and modern times advocate training your eyesight first when practicing calligraphy. It is also recognized today that the first step in practicing calligraphy is to train your eyesight or read stickers. In fact, you should pay attention to observation during the whole process of writing:

(1) Observe before writing. That is, learn to observe the characteristics of the stipple form and structural layout of characters. Learn to "see". This "seeing" is the preparation before writing. The more carefully you observe before writing, the more profound the impression of Fan characters will be in your mind, and the writing will naturally be accurate and standardized.

(2) Observe while writing. When writing, you should clearly see the position of the character "Fan" in the Tian character grid, and use both hands and eyes. Don't write one stroke, read one stroke. Paying attention to careful observation during writing exercises will help students gradually develop a rigorous style of study and keen eyesight.

(3) Observe after writing. That is, compare your own words with the model words, find out the shortcomings, and make corrections immediately. In such comparisons, observation, aesthetics and writing skills can be continuously improved. After a period of time, you need to reflect and summarize, so that you can progress faster.


In short, in the process of practicing calligraphy, you must not only "bury your head" in writing, but also "look up" in reading posts. In this way, the more familiar your eyes are with "reading", the more firmly your mind will remember, and the smoother your handwriting will be.

Sixth, don’t change fonts easily when practicing calligraphy.


 Practicing calligraphy requires perseverance and perseverance, and you must practice solid basic skills. You cannot be exposed to the cold for three days, fishing for three days, and drying the net for two days. After mastering the font structure, you can choose the font you like and practice it persistently, and do not change fonts easily. Because once you change the font, you have to start from scratch again, and the previous efforts will be in vain. However, it is okay if you change the font step by step to achieve your goals. For example, practice regular script font first, and then change to regular script font after you have achieved certain results in practicing calligraphy.


Seventh, only quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.


That is to say, copying must be carried out repeatedly and not give up halfway. From a psychological point of view, writing is a kind of habit cultivation. Writing habits are both behavioral actions and behavioral memories. The function of Lin Tie is to change the original bad writing habits through behavioral movements and being restricted by the pen and structure of Fan characters, to achieve the purpose of mastering a certain font structure and pen usage rules, and gradually developing new writing habits.


Only when quantitative accumulation reaches a certain level can a qualitative leap occur. However, when practice reaches a certain stage, the level of calligraphy practice may stagnate. This temporary pause is called the "plateau phenomenon." There are many reasons for the formation of "plateau phenomenon". The main reason is the decline in learning interest caused by failure to see results in the short term. At this time, parents, classmates and teachers should play an important role in motivating children to continue practicing calligraphy. Prize-winning calligraphy competitions are a good way to practice calligraphy.


Eighth, junior high school students and above should practice regular script instead.


The writing requirements of the national nine-year compulsory education Chinese teaching syllabus: start learning Xingkai from junior high school. Writing in regular script is fast, clear and standardized. Its characteristics are: ① Standard continuous strokes appear. ②The strokes and stroke order are slightly changed compared to regular script. ③Learn from some cursive writing methods, such as saving pens, ghostwriting, etc. ④The number of writing changes increases, and one word can be written in two or more ways.


Even though Xingkai has many advantages, you must pay attention to: Do ​​not use Xingkai when writing ancient poems in Chinese language test questions silently, but write them stroke by stroke, and try not to connect the strokes in the composition part to avoid unnecessary loss of points.


Ninth, you must persist in practicing calligraphy.


Calligraphy cannot be practiced in a day or two. Throughout the ages, many calligraphers have achieved success through diligent study and practice. Zhang Zhi went to the pond to study calligraphy, and the water in the pond ran out of ink; Zhong Yao went to the mountains to practice calligraphy for ten years, and the rocks and trees were all black; Zhiyong went to the tower to practice calligraphy for forty years, and his pen was turned into a tomb... The predecessors studied calligraphy hard like this, and today, most students When practicing calligraphy, I often suffer from the "cold and heat syndrome": I write for a while when I am happy, and put it aside for a few days when I am not happy; practice it when I have time, and put it aside when I am busy. This not only wastes time and energy, but also breeds more bad habits, which is very detrimental to future growth.


Of course, the amount of calligraphy practice depends on your time and interest, but if you insist on writing posts every day, even if it is ten or twenty minutes, you will be successful if you persevere.

To practice calligraphy, you need to master the structure


Tenth, practice calligraphy and be good at summarizing and applying what you have learned.


Many people often say: I am not doing calligraphy, just to make my usual handwriting better. However, the words written on the copybook that look okay can no longer be written in the homework. The paper used for the homework is different, and the size of the words allowed to be written is also different. Moreover, there are a lot of homework. If you write according to the font used for calligraphy practice, I can hardly finish writing, so I can only write faster, but if I speed up, I won’t have the effect of practicing calligraphy. what to do?


The purpose of linting is to apply, but students often lint to lint and write to write. The two are incompatible. If you write well when you practice calligraphy, but if you just mess around with it when doing homework, you will never be able to practice calligraphy well. Therefore, we ask that everyone should not smear randomly when writing. They should consciously and consciously express the pen usage and structural characteristics of the calligraphy they have learned in homework, notes, and letters. Practice using each one, learn by using it, and use it while learning. , learn and apply flexibly, draw inferences from one instance, and draw analogies to achieve the purpose of applying what you have learned.


The above 10 calligraphy training methods on how to practice calligraphy by yourself are shared here. We should not practice blindly when writing, we must apply what we have learned. When practicing calligraphy, we must master the calligraphy practice methods: such as the structure and structure of calligraphy. How to match the whole article, keep it firmly in mind, and engrav the shape of it deeply in your brain. Whenever you mention this word, you can immediately think of the shape of this word on the copybook, so that your brain can understand it. In this way, you can write beautiful handwriting quickly.