How to post correctly? Let’s analyze it


1. What is Lin Tie about?

Lin Tie is an indispensable lesson for every calligraphy learner. First of all, you must understand what Lin Tie is about. He said that when we started to learn from the ancients, we put the rules of the ancients on the table. When we read the post, we learned the rules and nothing else. In your post, you have to figure out the weight, reality, shade, and rightness. These are microscopic changes and emotional things, and macroscopic things cannot be left out. This is the key, otherwise you will not deal with it rationally and let it go. At first glance, people are out of line. Therefore, the appearance of things follows the principle, that is to say, the shape, structure, and position of the strokes of the characters follow the principle. From the word principle, that is, the character principle of Chinese characters, it reflects the rules and regulations; while the pen comes from the book, which reflects the It's interesting and interesting. These are two principles. The external form is clear at a glance, and you can tell at a glance whether it conforms to the rules; the pen used is the essence of calligraphy. Thickness, length, speed, and the thickness of the ink are all requirements of calligraphy itself and determine the flavor of the calligraphy. The pen used is different. Determining different tastes, the glyph structure is a rational requirement and a requirement for the physical beauty of Chinese characters. It must be rigorous. Regardless of running script or official script, this is the basis of calligraphy. These are two different principles. Lintie is learning this theory and principle. .

2. What are you doing for the current training?

After you know what you are going to do in the post, the next step is how to do it. Training is to solve the problem of how to deal with it. Because everyone has different preferences, they will choose different posts. However, no matter what kind of posts you choose, you should form a scientific basis for what you choose during training. The training model must be purposeful and use research and analysis methods to repeatedly experiment, inherit and consolidate. When commenting on the students' official script, he said that the strokes should not be single, simplistic, thin or dry, but should be three-dimensional, round and vivid. This requires you to find countless different ways of writing the same stroke, compare, imitate, integrate and refine, and find commonalities in the comparison. and personality, find out the different forms and expression techniques of the same stroke. When creating, take the glyphs on the stele and use different techniques to express them, that is, use the glyphs of the ancients, but not necessarily his techniques. The technique determines the style in creation. If the technique changes, the style will change, and the technique is There are many. What we are demonstrating now are just general ones. Different steles have different techniques. Zhang Qian and Xian Yuhuang are one type, ritual vessels are one type, and Cao Quan is another type. If you can combine these Master the techniques of stele and use them in the same work when creating, then you will be a big name. That means writing with your brain instead of your hands.

On the other hand, we also need to analyze our own crux and treat headaches. But if the headache is caused by athlete's foot, we should first cure the athlete's foot and prescribe the right medicine. For example, if you learn cursive script, you should first learn running script and pass the running script Practice techniques such as turning, lifting and pressing, retracting and releasing, echoes between strokes, the connection between upper and lower characters, etc. After practicing well, cursive writing will just be a matter of cursive technique.

3. To pass the single word test, you can’t just copy the text.

The technique of running calligraphy is that the previous stroke controls the next stroke, and the next stroke follows the previous stroke. Your writing method is to do this regardless of that, and that regardless of this. The previous stroke of running script is the beginning of the next stroke, and the next stroke is the ending of the previous stroke. The strokes of running script have destroyed the concept of regular script stroke by stroke. It may be three or five strokes. Each stroke of a stroke is internally connected and controls each other. Therefore, writing does not depend on the number but on the rightness. It does not depend on the method but on the principle. If you write in a wrong way, there will be a problem in the method.

Another phenomenon is that people who copy posts tend to pursue quantity. If they get the right post, they will copy it over and over again without using their brains to think about it, resulting in plagiarism. This makes it difficult to make progress. Every word must be written proficiently. First write it into the elephant, then write it proficiently, and then back it. You must learn to pass the single-character barrier and cannot just copy the text. Now you have to change the way. Just write a word five or six times. Write it twice. Be sure to write it into the picture, and then find the feeling, such as writing it from behind, see if you can remember it, and then use the pen. Movement training, refining writing from aspects such as speed, reality, proportion, etc., training in a targeted and purposeful manner, and writing every word thoroughly, that is, from raw to familiar to memorized to various transformations, constantly Refining it, and finally letting it go, you can write it in an advanced way.

4. The core things will never change

The core things will never change. No matter how you write the characters, you must control the key parts. You don’t have to worry about the exaggeration outside the key parts. The middle part determines the Chinese square characters. This is true for any one. All exaggerated strokes are not controlled, irregular and unrestricted. Where did the changes in the ancient herringbone come from? In fact, the exaggerated strokes are allowed to be exaggerated. The different degrees of exaggeration lead to different styles, also in the square. , different steles and different posts all have a common rule, which is formal beauty. The basic structure of the common part is dead, and there are only subtle changes. This is a principle. The style is those places that can be slightly changed and exaggeratedly different. This is a basic rule. The reason why some characters cannot be written well is because the inner strokes are not written well. The inner parts can be different in thickness and size, but they must be arranged evenly. You can exaggerate or reduce the proportion, but it must be written evenly, which requires interest. and change, you must first have this principle and master this principle before making changes. For example, for the word "Zhang", we draw a square. The parts inside the square are the core parts and are unchanged. Combine "bow" and "长" If you change some of the strokes inside the square to add some interest, wouldn't it become Zhang Qian or Xian Yuhuang? If you exaggerate the second horizontal stroke of "Gow" and the third hook of "Gow" to the left, , and then exaggerate and stretch the horizontal strokes and restraints of "long" to the right, wouldn't this become a ritual vessel or Cao Quan, and so on, and the same is true for other characters. Therefore, the post writing method needs to change, the observation method needs to change, the thinking needs to change, and the training model also needs to change.

5. Learning and applying flexibly is indispensable.

When commenting on a student's couplet, teacher Liu Wenhua said that when writing a couplet, the characters should be written in such large sizes and the strokes should be made bold. The thickness of the strokes on the original post is like this, but you have exaggerated the characters five or ten times and only made the strokes It won't work if you exaggerate it by twice or even stay the same. When creating, you need to learn and use it flexibly. You need to make some adjustments when creating. For example, the word "paint" is light at the top and bold in the middle. Then the style of the ritual monument should be highlighted at the bottom, like this Just fine. There is a lack of a process of coming to your mind in your post. You should write in the image as you write, and you should write in the familiarity when you memorize it. Then, you should write in the unlikeness as you wrote. Even though it doesn’t look like it, it still looks like it no matter how you look at it. , and then no matter how you look at it, it still doesn’t look like it, somewhere between similarity and dissimilarity. Therefore, you must understand the principles. It is useless to copy the ancients directly. Copying the ancients is brainless. You just have the hands of the ancients. You must have the brains of the ancients. Now when we talk about the scientific outlook on development, development is necessary. Whether you can develop depends on whether you can be scientific. Only by science can you develop. If you are not scientific, what will you develop? This is the truth. You must stand on the basis of the ancients and learn from the principles of the ancients. After learning the principles, methods, standards, laws, basic techniques, etc., you need to be a processing plant yourself. You must think, research, and test. Scientific testing, reasonable testing, etc. Only experiments can be effective experiments, so they can be used in creation.

6. Don’t be stereotyped and pay attention to the natural state of the words.

The ancients were not creating when they were writing. If they were creating for fun and were swaying this way and that, they would probably lose their heads. If you were carving for an official, you were carving for Master Confucius or for the emperor, if you were carving crookedly, your head would be gone, right? . What is feudalism? It is a kind of rule by aristocrats. The traditional culture is based on Confucianism. Confucianism advocates etiquette. You must speak and do things with propriety, walk with posture, and be polite and talk about the law in everything you do. That is called Feudal rule has too many restrictions determined by the rulers, and the development of Chinese calligraphy has never left the consciousness of the rulers. Therefore, there were many rulers in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and there were many kinds of steles in the Wei Dynasty. The emperor respected Wang Xizhi. For more than 1,700 years, people Everyone knows that Wang Xizhi’s calligraphy is good, and this is all based on the consciousness of the ruler. So, what kind of beauty is it pursuing? It is not pursuing weird beauty, but dignified and harmonious beauty. Dignified beauty is standing. There are standing statues and seated statues. They are solemn and solemn. The beauty of harmony is that all changes in calligraphy such as virtuality, reality, and weight are in the theory of yin and yang. Harmony comes from the coordination of yin and yang. Therefore, the harmony of yin and yang is the flavor of calligraphy, while dignity and rigor are the upright atmosphere and the core of calligraphy. The reason why many people cannot start a family while practicing calligraphy is that they think that doing calligraphy is their own business, "I just write like this, and I can write whatever I feel comfortable with".

In addition, official script has a strong decorative aesthetic. There is no need to enhance this formal aesthetic, otherwise the calligraphy will be craftsmanized and stereotyped. The advanced level of official script should weaken the beauty of form, rather than strengthen it. It should completely become a natural writing state, increase the gentleness of the pen on the paper, and increase the flexibility while being gentle.

When talking about the official script of the Qing Dynasty, teacher Liu Wenhua also said that the greatest contribution of the Qing Dynasty people was to turn the inscriptions on the stele into ink, and to turn the carved characters into written characters. The writing quality itself is a kind of restoration. Path, this is the only thing that the Qing Dynasty has, and then there are interesting things such as Zheng Gukou's clever energy, Chen Hongshuo's unrestrained energy, Deng Shiru's peaceful energy, Zhao Zhiqian's solid energy, Yu Quyuan's gentle energy, etc. But the real rules still have to be learned from Chinese, and the calligraphy still has to come from Han steles. That is to say, the final grasp of the principles still has to be learned from ancient times.

7. The yin of the stele and the yang of the stele - the complementarity of taste and law

Han steles are divided into yang and yin. The background knowledge is very helpful for us in reading and writing the posts. Teacher Liu Wenhua said in the commentary that you must be able to read the things on the posts. The yang is the main text and is for others to see. The yin side of the stele shows that ancient people always carved the front side of the stele in a standardized and rigorous manner, while the back side was casual and less restrictive. The yang side of the stele was regular and not particular about the yin side. The text on the Yang side of the stele is very particular, and the carvers are also very particular about the carving. When it comes to the Yin area of ​​the stele, the writing is not particular, and the carving is not particular either. The writing is casual and the carving is casual. This particularity and casualness also reflect a kind of knife technique. Therefore, the east and west of Bei Yang should be regarded as norms and laws, and the curiosity of Bei Yin should be regarded as a method of change. When studying and studying Bei Yang, it is to learn the rules and learn the rules. The writing method is rigorous, fastidious, and delicate. Standards such as the collection of pens are the ultimate in stele, and the taste of learning is generally imitated from stele yin. The former is strict in rules but has poor taste and is rigid, while the latter is strict in rules but tastes wonderful. The two complement each other exactly. Although the rules and regulations of Bei Yang are rigid, they also tell you a sense of change. Although this consciousness is not as lively and light as Bei Yin, you can use the state of Bei Yin's pen to change the state of Bei Yang. Wouldn't it be enough to use the later ideas to eliminate the rigidity of the previous methods? However, blind exaggeration and blind bolding are actually not changes, but just make people see a kind of confusion and ambiguity in our thinking. When you understand these, you will learn Beiyang's rigorous rules and standardized techniques when writing posts, and you will also learn Beiyin's straightforward personality and artistic taste. The combination of the two will make the work solemn but not rigid, and light but not frivolous. .

8. Don’t have any problems with the post.

Writing a post is inheritance. If you can digest it, write it with purpose and thoughtfulness, then it will be the second creation of the ancients. Artists in Chinese history, not to mention art masters, as long as they can be left in history, they must meet three conditions: first, they must always be in an upward state of creation from the beginning of their debut until their death; Second, all his creations, including the expression of personality and the formation of his own appearance, are a sublimation based on tradition, rather than destroying the traditional model; third, all artists are thoughtful, not playful. It’s about fonts, but about playing with ideas and concepts. If you want to become a master, you still need to be insightful and distinguished. You must be the most active in the calligraphy and art circles, and have a major influence on the development of art in the country and the world. That is a quasi-master. Moreover, he has always been at the forefront of artistic development from the time he debuted to his old age. He is a man of the hour, leading creation for a lifetime. Coupled with his social status and unique theories, his thoughts and ideas are always ahead of others. Like Zhang Daqian, Qi Baishi, Li Keran, Lu Yanshao, Huang Binhong, which master is not like this?

9. Acquire a principle through learning

We need to write the words alive, to write a state of life, a living thing, a breathing thing. So, as long as this kind of writing is written, no matter how you write it, it will be Mi Fu. Why, it is the use of the pen and habits, the technique of using the pen, the control of the curve, and this kind of writing, the whole thing is consistent with Mi.

What we really pay attention to when learning is not the technique, but its concepts, principles and principles. When we write a post, we don't just pick up the pen and copy it, or even hum a little tune. Can you write well? How does the gap in writing among all of us arise? That is, people who write particularly well are definitely experts in studying it. They are constantly researching, analyzing, testing, summarizing, testing again, and summarizing again. This is through the glyph structure. , including the study of strokes, calligraphy, etc. to obtain a principle. This is the true sense of copywriting, unlike some people who say that copywriting is just a copy of the content, and other elements have nothing to do with the calligraphy. Therefore, what you are writing is wrong. Sometimes the teacher may not necessarily say it is good when students feel that it is similar, and the teacher may not necessarily say that it is not good when it is not similar. This is because the key to good or bad is not that it is similar or not. It doesn’t matter, it depends on whether it is reasonable or not.

10. Grasp the life state of words from the dynamic potential

Linting is not about how you look, but about its external posture and inner character. What the technique tells you is not only a state of movement, but also a state of life. For calligraphy, discerning people pay special attention to the posture, that is, the grasp of the state of movement. Folk writing generally focuses on the shape and structure of the characters, but professionally speaking, it does not pay attention to the structure of the characters but mainly focuses on the posture and strokes. Shi mainly refers to a kind of strength or posture, which must be a state of movement. A person has a certain strength or posture, which reflects a certain mentality of the person. A character having a certain strength or posture reflects the spirit of the character. The appearance reflects a state of movement, but it tells you an inner thing. At the same time, it also gives a certain character to a certain stroke or a certain word. Mi Fu is good at creating a dangerous situation. Every stroke is moving and energetic, which is particularly interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the gestures and gestures of the characters to grasp the movement and life state of the characters and show their unique charm.