If you want to practice calligraphy and look good quickly, you must master the following questions. It will be difficult to practice calligraphy whether it looks good or not.


1. About the pen holding posture


Compare, is your pen holding posture correct?

If it is incorrect, should it be changed? We recommend corrections. But if you feel that your current pen-holding posture is very comfortable and won't have a bad impact on your fingers, then it's okay if you don't want to change it. (For young children whose skeletons are still developing, the issues of pen-holding posture and sitting posture need to be paid attention to.)

There is no need to pay too much attention to the sitting posture. Everyone should try to sit upright, and the waist and the chair should be at 90 degrees, which is fine.

2. How to practice pen sharpening?

It may be relatively easier to write with a soft pen. It feels much more difficult to use a hard pen. But there are many people who can write with the sharp edge of a hard pen. Writing with a hard pen requires strong pen control and feeling. The writing method of each stroke is also easy to grasp. So if you want to practice your writing skills, you should start from the strokes and write each stroke until it is beautiful enough. Even when writing each word, the strokes must be beautiful. This is not something that happens overnight.

3. Is the correct stroke order important?

The correct stroke order is conducive to better grasping the structure and can also help improve the speed of writing. Moreover, when transitioning from block script to running script, the correct stroke order is conducive to forming natural connections.

It won't look stiff or directly change the shape of the characters.

4. Can I practice running script instead of regular script?

Strictly speaking, regular script and running script are not in complete order. But writing regular script well and then practicing running script will be of great help to practicing running script. For students who have no basic knowledge, it is recommended to practice regular script first. If you really want to practice running script, it is not impossible. Wherever you study, there is the possibility of getting better.

5. Why do my hands shake when writing?

As children, when we first learned to walk, we would sway from side to side. As we practice more, we will be able to walk more smoothly. The same goes for writing. Shaking hands means you haven't practiced enough. When you get along with a pen every day, the pen will also touch your spirituality. If your hand shakes when many people are watching you write, it is because you are nervous.

6. Will practicing calligraphy with calligraphy help me practice hard pen calligraphy?

It will definitely help. Practicing calligraphy with calligraphy is also practicing calligraphy. The writing style, structure and organization of calligraphy can all be used in the practice of hard pen calligraphy.

7. Can you write single words but feel bad after writing a lot of words?

This is a matter of rules and regulations. That is the arrangement of your words. The spacing between words, the spacing between lines, and whether the words can be written straight are all critical factors.

In the process of copying, you can also learn more about the compositions of famous masters, but you still need to copy more.

How can I write words in a straight line? One way is: the character you are writing now should be aligned with the previous character, that is, each character should be horizontally adjusted according to the previous character, so that when a line of characters is finished, it will naturally not tilt anywhere.

8. What’s the matter with the fact that I can write just fine when I’m writing a post, but I can’t write normally?

First, the number of words in a copybook is limited. You just wrote a copybook, but you didn't write all the words.

Second, there are comparisons in the temporary posts. You can imitate them, but writing it yourself is another matter.

Third, just because you have posted a post does not mean that you have mastered every word in the font. When writing a post, you need to see it with your eyes, your heart, and your hands. Not only do you have to remember what they look like, you have to recite them.

Fourth, it is a slow process to transform the level of temporary writing into daily writing, especially at the beginning.

Therefore, you can’t rush when practicing calligraphy. If you stick to it for a year or two, your level will definitely improve a lot.

Therefore, if you want to practice calligraphy and calligraphy quickly and beautifully, you can only practice it seriously, improve step by step, and keep improving. Don't say it is a quick fix. If you have been adhering to this method of improvement, you will be impressed by it after seeing each other for three days. It’s on you, so it’s not a surprise that after 30 hours of training you can write a few decent official script accents with hard pen, soft pen or “silkworm head and wild goose tail”. Remember that calligraphy is to nourish the hands, only to nourish the small body; to nourish the mind is to nourish the general body. In the end, calligraphy is not about showing off skills. Only when you cultivate a pure heart, keep it without losing it, and accumulate it again and again can you write good calligraphy and calligraphy.