Another year passed by, and calligraphy practice persisted and became a hobby. How can I practice calligraphy effectively? So is there any way for adults to practice calligraphy? Today I will talk about my experience in practicing calligraphy. I will not talk about advancement, just to exchange experiences. Many people struggle with choosing copybooks for the first time when practicing calligraphy. In fact, this is secondary, and skills are only an aid. The key is practice. To borrow Yang Jiang’s words: The problem is practicing too little and thinking too much. The process of practicing calligraphy is actually changing original habits, learning new habits, and forming your own habits.


I have been practicing calligraphy for more than two years. I practice regular calligraphy with pen and hard pen. I can't compare with experts. I have made a lot of progress compared with myself. My purpose is relatively strong: to be able to write well in daily life. Talk about experience: Focus on a copybook and the goal is to write like a copybook. When practicing calligraphy, there are two main areas of memory: radicals. The writing methods of "strokes dots horizontally and vertically" and the radical "口月心马" are similar in every character. Structure. The position and size of the middle part of each character (more strokes). Buy a copybook that you like, Practice according to this book until you have mastered it. Different calligraphers have different writing methods and compositions of radicals. Changing them during calligraphy practice will cause memory confusion.

The type "Commonly Used Chinese Characters 3500" is recommended. Don't buy ancient poems, idioms, etc. Some common words are not included in these copybooks, and some simple words appear repeatedly. Practicing calligraphy is not about reciting poems and correcting them. Your energy is limited, so don’t expect to get more than you want. The purpose is to write good calligraphy, but the process is mainly imitation, with little creativity and no mention of self-cultivation. Less copying, more practice. When I first started practicing calligraphy, I copied the calligraphy for half a year, but I felt that there was not much progress. When I changed to practice calligraphy, I improved quickly.

"Copying" is to cover the copybook with transparent paper and trace it stroke by stroke; "Lingti" is to compare the copybook and imitate writing. The progress of copying is slow. I found that there are two reasons: it is easy to get distracted when copying. Practice calligraphy Just like memorizing words, you need to remember what the words on the copybook look like to ensure that you can write them out in the future. Copying is easier than writing, you just need to fill in the words. It is easy to get distracted while writing and cannot remember it. Effect. Being distracted when practicing calligraphy is a big taboo. No matter how much you write, it will be difficult to improve. It is difficult to find your own shortcomings. I remember a teacher said that understanding a question and being able to do it yourself are two different things. Copying is just following the strokes of the copybook. Go ahead, your problems are likely to be covered up. When you are writing, first take a look at how the words are written on the copybook, then write it again yourself. After you finish writing, compare it with the copybook. If you find out where you are lacking, correct it in a timely manner. .

In addition, when copying, it is often written once and then it is over. When writing, a word usually needs to be written several times before it reaches or comes close to the word on the copybook. Continuous repetition also deepens memory. Long time ago, I heard someone say that writing in small letters is not a good idea. The size of the characters on the copybook should be at least as large as the characters on the copybook. If the characters are written small (especially for some complex characters), many details will be glossed over, making it difficult to accurately grasp the writing method of a character. For example, if the word "bag" is small, draw a circle around the "口" in the middle. The characters are written large, the structure can be seen at a glance, and the details can be seen clearly. It is easy to discover the deficiencies in your own writing and make timely corrections. Practice commonly used Chinese characters first. The purpose of practice is to apply them. I was able to write many words at that time, but I didn't use them for a long time. When I wrote them, I forgot them again, and the practice had no effect. I saw an article before that said that when you make a commitment and fulfill it, you will become more and more satisfied with yourself, and your ability to fulfill your commitment will also increase. Applying the calligraphy you have practiced to your daily life is such a feedback process. In addition, some characters that have not been practiced (such as "thinking") will be improved in daily writing through association (such as "forgetting"). "Commonly used characters" refer to "commonly used" words: Professional-related words. For example, in chemistry, "hydrogen, helium, boron, aluminum", etc.; in management accounting, "borrow, loan, item, payment", etc. Some rare words in relatives, friends, provinces, cities and hometowns. As long as they are used in daily life If you use it frequently, use it for practice. The "3500 commonly used words" are also divided into priorities. For example, "乜" (mie) has only two characters, but it is basically not used. Find a frequency table of Chinese characters on the Internet and choose according to your situation. Some are marked on the copybook and practice is given priority. I often change pens and paper to practice calligraphy to adapt to various situations.

Focus on a copybook, but change your writing utensils every once in a while. In daily life, you may write (such as signing) anytime and anywhere. The paper and pen used when writing are different from those used when practicing calligraphy, which will affect the writing effect. The fixation of writing utensils will create dependence. Different pens have different tip thicknesses and smoothness, and different papers have different roughness and bleeding levels. Adapt to various writing environments by changing writing utensils. It’s a cliché to write at the end, but practicing calligraphy won’t happen overnight. No matter how many techniques there are, they are only an auxiliary. The key is to practice them and practice them for a long time.

Turn the practiced calligraphy into a habit and write without thinking. When copying in daily life, when you encounter a character that you have practiced, you must try to use it. You may not use it at first, but then it will be easier to use the character again. This is very similar to correcting typos. After a few corrections, you will become good at it. A word of advice for you: The purpose of practicing Chinese calligraphy is not a process. The frequency of use of Chinese characters can be marked in the copybook as a priority for practice.

True diligence is not forced mechanical repetitive work, nor is it self-motivated destruction of health, nor is it the last-minute burst of efficiency caused by procrastination. It comes from the depths of a person's heart, and he can still maintain the same enthusiasm and focus for ten years for those things that cannot obtain immediate returns. "Let's encourage you together!