Parents want to know how to let their children continue to practice calligraphy and maintain and improve their writing skills at home? Let’s talk about this issue together:


1. Practice calligraphy at home in an appropriate amount of time. Check in every day and form a habit. Don’t do too much each time. Just a little bit every day. Over time, practice according to the method and you will get better and better. The key is the encouragement and persistence of parents, arranging good time for the children, making clear requirements, and insisting on them.

2. For children who have problems holding pens while sitting, parents who practice calligraphy at home can refer to the calligraphy practice methods on this site to maintain the good habit of holding pens in a sitting position, practice finger exercises for holding pens, and start writing only when the body is seated firmly and the pen is held correctly. Click here to learn how to hold a pen in a sitting position: Isn’t it okay to hold a pen in a sitting position? Here’s how to correct it  

3. Specific practice content: First of all, we must keep in mind the steps of our calligraphy practice, memorize and write through single characters and radicals, and then write according to the size and position of the frame structure, so the following steps are very important. important:


1. strokes

Each time you write a stroke proficiently, it usually takes about 1 minute to complete. If the strokes have no weight or pause, it means that the foundation for learning strokes is not strong, and the strokes must reach a very proficient level.

2. Single Chinese characters

Write 10 single-character characters silently each time. Pick out the incorrect ones and continue practicing. If the single-character characters cannot be written from dictation to dictation, it means that memory has not been realized yet. A good calligraphy is a process of writing out the image memory. Children should understand why the word is written like this, so that it will be easier to remember. We oppose blindly practicing calligraphy and pay attention to methods and step by step. After you become proficient in trapezoidal grid writing, you can move into field grid writing.

3. Radicals

Dictate the radical once accurately. This is an important part of combined characters, and the positions of radicals are skillfully written silently.

4. Combined characters

You can ask your children to think about the radicals and what single characters can be added to form new characters. Each radical is combined to form 3 new combined characters. After you become proficient in trapezoidal grid writing, you can move into field grid writing.

5. Tang poetry

Writing Tang poems from Chinese language books for primary school students is also a good way to experience the essence of Chinese culture and practice calligraphy at the same time. After you become proficient in trapezoidal grid writing, you can move to field grid or square grid writing.

6. Stroke speed

From learning strokes to being able to write Tang poems quantitatively, practice makes perfect. Therefore, only by persisting in practice can you become more proficient and draw faster and faster. Refer to the quick stroke writing exercises in the book to achieve the best balance between effect and speed in the process of using the pen.

7. Proficient memorization and application of writing essentials

You need to be very proficient in the writing essentials in the textbook, recite them proficiently before each practice, and tell your parents what they mean. Be able to quickly judge what should be paid attention to when writing a word beautifully, so that the beautiful words can already be formed in the mind before writing, that is, the intention comes first and the writing is not written casually.

The purpose of learning to write is to apply it. If it cannot be used in homework and daily writing, such learning will lose its meaning. What if your child still scribbles? Rewrite! This is a matter of attitude. Parents must be very clear on this issue, otherwise learning a good calligraphy will be in vain. The attitude must be correct, the writing speed can be improved, and the attitude of serious writing is more important.

During the practice at home, children are required to gradually break away from the trapezoidal grid and be able to write well on a square grid or even on white paper. I hope all the children can write well, thank you all!