Writing is a learning process. In this learning process, to practice calligraphy well, two conditions must be met, namely perseverance and method, both of which are indispensable. That is to say, a certain amount of time and practical learning methods must be guaranteed. The most important ways are "copying" and "copying". Beginners can copy first and then copy, and those with a certain foundation can directly copy. To copy, you must first solve the copying template, that is, the copybook, and then solve the copying method.


1. Selection of copybooks

Copybooks are the silent teachers of calligraphers. Beginners should pay special attention to the choice of copybook, because the quality of the copybook will have a great impact on the beginner's practice and future development. We believe that it is better to choose pen calligraphy to practice pen calligraphy. Especially for beginners, using calligraphy brush calligraphy to learn pen calligraphy is half the effort with half the effort.


There are two main principles for choosing fountain pen copybooks:

(1) Choose the template you like. If you like it, you will have the enthusiasm to practice it, which will bring smooth progress to beginners;

(2) Choose excellent models recognized by experts. There are indeed some copybooks of the lowest quality popular in society at present, which is an inevitable phenomenon in a commodity society. If beginners choose randomly, they will go astray, not only waste time and energy, but also may be infected with some bad habits. Therefore, you must be careful when choosing copybooks and seek advice from experts.

2. Choice of book style

For beginners, should they practice regular script first, running script first, or official script or cursive script first? Regarding this issue, in my opinion, primary school students should practice regular script first: junior high school students can practice running script; middle school seniors or college students, or teenagers with a certain foundation of regular script can practice running script; those with messy fonts should throw away all their For fonts, practice regular script first and then running script. Once you have a foundation in regular script, other fonts will become easier. Do not practice cursive script and seal script first.

3. Practice methods

After the problem of copybooks and calligraphy is solved, the problem we face is copying and copying.

Copy means tracing, which can be traced on the printed red molded characters, or covered with thin paper with good transparency and traced on the post. Some people also use smooth film or plastic film instead of paper to copy. In this way, ink stains will not penetrate through the paper and contaminate the copybook, and it can also be washed and used repeatedly. The process of copying is mainly to allow beginners to familiarize themselves with the structure, shape and stroke changes of characters through more accurate descriptions, so as to further transition to practical writing. A great way to copy something quickly.

Pro, it can be said that it is a process that everyone who learns to write must go through. Some successful old calligraphers, despite their profound attainments, still visit the pond every day. No one is born with good calligraphy skills without writing calligraphy. Linxi is the only way to practice calligraphy and engage in calligraphy creation, and no one can find another way. Once you master these and persist in believing that you can do it naturally, you will be able to write freely and freely.