Precautions for the Yiying Tablet:

1. First, we should analyze and classify the stroke characteristics of the characters, and gradually master the essentials through the comparison and comparison of several main writing methods of the same type of model character strokes. The square pen should be decisive, sharp and dignified. The round pen should follow the strength and subtlety, and pay attention to the organic combination between square and round, rigid and soft, straight and curved, and the strokes are either closed or extended, or fat or thin. , And experience the rule of pen use. .

2. Bo Na is the main stroke in the official script, and whether it is handled well or badly has a great influence on the whole character. The waves in "Yiying Stele" vary more, some are fat, some are thin, some are square, some are rounded, some silkworm heads are thin and thick with thick swallowtails, and some silkworms have large heads and small swallowtails. The composition varies according to the body, and the text cannot be the same. Therefore, in-depth understanding and flexible use in the process of temporary study.

3. As the structure of the Yiying stele is uneven, you should carefully observe its changes during practice, combine the model characters and master the glyphs of the upper and lower structure, left and right structure, oblique structure, and abnormal structure. Summarize and explore the basic rules. Live their characteristics and express them correctly.

Basic stippling strokes (1)

Point; There are many changes in the points in the official script. The beginning of the pen requires the Tibetan front to enter, and the out front varies according to the different forms of each point. It is a condensation of other strokes. There are punctual point, horizontal point, vertical point, side point, hold point, horizontal pick point, top to point, bottom point, two left points, two right points, and three points, four-point opening and closing, multi-point Jagged. To write vividly and full of changes, especially to be full and heavy.

(1) Go up against the front;

(2) Turn the pen back to the front and move down to the right;

(3) Pause the pen to the lower left.

Horizontal; horizontal painting is the most basic stroke in the official script, inherited from the seal script. Write solidly, decisively, and evenly. When the Tibetan front enters backwards, avoid stopping the head; the round pen uses the turning method to adjust the stroke, and the square pen uses the folding method to adjust the stroke;

(1) Move the pen counter-forward to the left;

(2) The front of the pen turns back to the right;

(3) Lift the pen along the center line and move to the right;

(4) After a slight pause, lift it to the left to recover.

Vertical; The writing method of vertical painting is roughly the same as horizontal painting, except that it is changed from horizontal writing to vertical writing. In addition to the horizontal writing requirements, you should pay attention not to write in regular script when you close the pen. Ask to put it away naturally, or close the front slightly.

(1) The front of the pen moves upward and retrograde;

(2) The front of the pen turns back down,

(3) The method of turning the round pen,

(4) The square pen is folded and cut;

(5) The center forward slightly lifts and presses down to run;

(6) After a brief pause, the stroke of the pen naturally closes upwards.

Basic stippling strokes (2)

There are two types of paintings: short-hand and long-hand. Short-handed writing is divided into forward writing and reverse writing; long-handed finishing pens have different shapes such as hook, round, pointed, and square. To hide the front and move backward, the center moves to the lower left and move the pen slightly. The closing stroke is based on the requirements of the end of the stroke. It pauses slightly or moves upwards, or returns to the front to close the stroke, or naturally lifts it up, depending on the different composition and strokes of each character. .

(1) Counter-forward upward;

(2) After a short pause, turn to the lower left;

(3) The center forward moves slightly to the left to move the pen slightly;

(5) Lift up lightly after stopping for a while,

(7) Huifeng closed the pen.

Na; Na, also known as (磔), or Yanwei, is the main stroke that shows the characteristics of the official script. The painting is divided into two types: flat and oblique. When the pen is drawn and the front is reversed, the center goes down diagonally to the right, and the pen is spread out and the front is slowly raised to the right. How the striker is based depends on the structure. The edge requires stability and strength, and gradually reaches the end.

(1) Counter-forward to the upper left;

(2) Slightly pause and turn the pen to move down to the right;

(3) The center forward gradually presses;

(4) Press again and slowly lift it out to the right

(5) Send to the front with the power of the whole body,

(6) The air penetrates the tail end.

Hook; Hook painting is also one of the strokes showing the characteristics of the official script. There are two types of left hook and right hook. There are oblique hooks, folding hooks, horizontal hooks, vertical hooks, etc. The hooks in official script are more special, unlike those in Kai and Xing script, but they are written longer and flat, instead of not picking. The right hook is replaced by Na. There are many changes in the hooks, which are applied according to the changes in the structure of each word.

(1) Counter-front writing;

(2) Turn the pen down when it stops slightly;

(3) The center forward lifts and presses the pen;

(4) Press and turn the pen to the left while walking,

(5) Quickly move forward while moving forward,

(6) Or Huifeng closes the pen.

Basic stippling strokes (3)

Bo; Bo painting is the main feature in the official script. The stroke is heavier in order to achieve a full and powerful effect. After closing the brush, press and lift the pen to the right to form a heavy silkworm head and goose tail, with twists and turns. , Gives people a special sense of beauty.

(1) The counter-forward struck down to the left;

(2) Stop and turn the pen to the right,

(3) The animal strength hides the front,

(4) It looks like a silkworm head;

(5) The center forward lifts to the right,

(6) Go to the middle,

(7) The strokes become thinner,

(8) When passing the middle,

(9) Press as you go,

(10) Make the strokes thicker;

(11) Pause briefly and then press the pen down,

(12) To show your strength,

(13) Capacity to the end.

Fold; fold painting is a combination of horizontal painting and vertical painting. The writing method at the corners, horizontally draw the pen to the turning point, change the front and move down the pen. There are many changes in the writing of zhe, which can be used flexibly according to the needs of the structure and shape of each character.

(1) Counter-forward to the left;

(2) After a short pause, turn the pen to the right;

(3) Lift the pen along the center line and move to the right;

(4) Pick up the pen at the turning point, change the front and move the pen down;

(5) The center forward presses down

(6) Raise the pen lightly and return to the front.

Sixteen kinds of point changes

1. Be punctual; start the pen against the front, pause for a while and move the pen to the lower right, then turn to move the pen to the lower left, gradually raise it, close the pen and start the front.

2. Horizontal point; start the pen against the front, turn the pen to the right and move it naturally and return to the front to close the pen. It looks like a horizontal painting, but pay attention to the writing is too thick and too long.

3. Vertical point; hide the front in the reverse direction, stop and then turn to the front, do not write slender or stubby.

4. Side point; the counter front moves upward to the right, and pauses slightly to the right during the pause. Then move to the lower left and take advantage of the trend to close the pen.

5. Skip a little bit; start the pen against the front, turn the pen to the lower left and gradually increase, or return to the front or close the front.

6. Stop the point; cut in with the counter front, turn the front to the right or move the pen downwards, from light to heavier, to the point where you press the foot, and then from heavier to lighter. The strokes should be stubby and short.

7. Pick a point horizontally; or cut in with the front or the hidden front, turn the pen to the right or upward and gradually raise it, and close the pen with the front. It is not suitable to write thick and long.

8. The upper right point; the left and right points should be basically opposite, and then follow the trend to the left and right or lower left and lower right.

9. The upper point; although there are strokes in the middle, the left and right still need to be basically aligned, forming a trend of echoing each other and looking forward to each other.

10. The next right point; these two points are the combination of the left-handed point and the right-handed point. When writing, you should pay attention to the scattered and lively changes.

11. Bottom points; these two points should be roughly opposite when writing, and then move forward to the lower left and lower right, which should be thicker and shorter.

12. Two points on the left; the starting point at two points should be different, or square or round pen, should be tighter up and down, and the momentum must be coherent.

13. The next three points; when writing, it should be noted that the strokes of the three points are not the same, but they should also respond to each other, which is vivid and lively.

14. The three points on the left; the up and down arrangement should be varied, and pay attention to the coherence of the momentum, remember that the size is the same, and sometimes for the needs of writing, the upper, middle, and second points can be linked together.

15. Siping points; when writing, it is necessary to write out the correspondence between the points, and pay attention to making their shapes different.

16. Multiple points; if there are many points in a word, make the writing of each point different and pay attention to the coherence between them.

Horizontal changes (four types)

1. Long horizontal; counter-forward to start the pen, stop turning the front to the right, the center moves the pen, when the pen is closed, or the pen is turned to the left, or when the pen is stopped, the pen is picked up and empty.

2. The thickness is horizontal; start the pen against the front, turn the pen to the right, and lift it as you go, until the end of the pen, gently lift back to the front, which is thick and thin.

3. Arc horizontal; when writing this stroke, it should be noted that after starting the pen, move it to the upper right, and then move the pen to the lower right in the middle, which is slightly curved.

4. Thin and horizontal; some changes in the structure of the characters, the horizontal painting should not be thick and long, should be thinner.

Vertical changes (four types)

1. Long upright; pick up the pen to hide the front, turn the front to the center, and return to the front to close the pen. It should be thick, strong, strong and straight.

2. Thin, thick and vertical; when the pen moves downwards, press while moving, the closing circle turns back to the front, the upper is thin and the lower is thick.

3. The arc is vertical; similar to the arc horizontal, after starting the pen, move the pen to the right and down first, and then move the pen down to the left when it is in the middle, which is a little arc.

4. Oblique and vertical; this stroke should run to the lower left when moving the pen down after starting the pen, avoid being vertical.

Twelve Variations of Skimming

1. Scroll vertically; after starting the pen, move the pen down to the center, about two-thirds of the turning front to the left, round turns at the turning point, and back to the front to close the pen.

2. Skew; start the pen against the front, after a short pause, turn the front and move the pen down to the left. The oblique trend is larger. When the pen is closed, it may turn back to the front, or stop and close at a short time.

3. Cornering; after the counter-forward starts the pen, the front is turned down, and the circle is turned to the left in the middle. The size and position of the arc are determined according to the needs of the body.

4. Flat-handed; after starting the pen, it is left-handed, the upper line is basically flat, and the lower line is slightly curved, or the front of the pen is closed, or the front is between the left.

5. Short-handed; or start the pen with the front or the hidden front, and run to the left and down, and then close the pen back to the front, and be short and powerful when writing.

6. Pointed tip; due to the need of structural changes, the stroke should be sharp at the beginning of the pen, and the tip should be pointed.

7. Pointed tail skimming: When writing this stroke close to the tail, you should move it sideways while lifting it, gradually lighter, and come out faster, with the force reaching a sharp point, and the tail is pointed.

8. Round tail skimming; stroke the pen to the tail, the tip of the front is rounded up or down and back to the front, the tail is slightly rounded, avoid excessive swelling.

9. Strike out the front; write to the tail, turn the pen to the upper right circle and back to the front, and go up or upper right to an appropriate place to strike the front.

10. With a hook; the pen is close to the tail, do not lift the pen, still move the pen upward and right, and then move the pen forward. The hook needs to be natural and lively.

11. With twisting; after the stroke is started, the turning front moves to the right or down, it turns or turns to the lower left to move the pen, and the corners should be thick and heavy.

12. With horizontal strokes; turn the pen against the front circle and move it to the right, and when you reach the appropriate point, the front (or circle or turn) will move the pen to the lower left. The corners should be flexible and natural.

——Excerpt from "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting News"