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1. The rule of equal spacing

2. Stroke order rules

3. Main writing rules

4. Shorten the rule

5. Center line law

6. Dislocation rules

7. Rules of forming words in surrounding structures

8. Arrangement of rules and regulations

Stroke order formula

1. General rules:

1. Leave first and then suppress: people eight enter
2. First horizontally and then vertically: ten kings and stems
3. From top to bottom: three jing sounds
4. From left to right: Li Li Li Ming Lake
5. First outside and then inside: ask the same person
6. First outside and then inside before sealing: Guo Yuan Yuan Circle
7. First the middle and then both sides: small water

2. Supplementary rules

1. Dot in the upper part or upper left, first write dot: Yi Li is
2. Click on the upper right corner or inside the word, then write dot: send tile me
3. The words surrounding the structure on the upper right and upper left, first outside and then inside: Hall, Block, House
4. The characters surrounding the structure on the lower left, first inside and then outside: Yuan Jian Ting
5. Words that surround the structure on the lower left and right, first inside and then outside: fierce painting
6. Words that surround the structure on the upper left and right, first outside and then inside: the same as wind

7. Words with an upper, left, and lower structure should be placed first in the top and then in the lower left area of ​​the "medical master" area.

Tips for writing stroke order:

Mainly from top to bottom, secondary from left to right.
Both top, bottom, left and right, grouped according to levels;
Cross horizontally and vertically before crossing horizontally, and crossing over horizontally and vertically first cross;
The center protrusion is hit first ①, and the upper right point is added later ②;
When wrapping up and lowering, first go out ③; when lowering the bag, go inside first ④;
The first and last folds of the three frames are ⑤, and the last fold of the large page is ⑥;
Consistently follow the "Standards" ⑦ and be smooth and beautiful.


① Characters that stand out in the middle, such as "山", "小", "管", "水", "成", etc.
② Words with dots on them, such as "dog", "you", "ge", "dragon", "cheng", etc.
③ The words above and below, such as "Gang", "Tong", "Net", "Zhou", etc.
④ Remove the words on the package, such as "fierce", "painting", "letter", "secret", etc.
⑤ "Three frames" are also called "jiangzi frames", such as "district", "pi", "ju", "yi", etc.
⑥ "大囗" means a large-mouthed frame, such as "四", "回", "园", "国", etc.