regular script formula

Regular script is called Zhengkai, and there are many sharp edges when starting the pen.

To learn to write, you must go first and to write with the center

The shape of the strokes should be stable and the return should be natural.

Every word must be correct and the structure should be focused on the shape.

The structure is evenly matched. Duolin's ancient posts

Pay attention to the composition and use the pen to teach skills

The pen must be in place and regular script must be written well

Clear and clear must be neat and tidy. The most important thing is to use your wrists

Hard-pen calligraphy teaching: rules and formulas for pen calligraphy

The formula for short horizontal strokes: write short horizontal strokes, not flat, raise your shoulders slightly, and write upward.

1. The inclination of the short horizontal is about 5-8 degrees

Tips for long horizontal strokes: When writing long horizontal strokes, be sure to look for stability from zero to five degrees.

2. The inclination of the long and horizontal sides is about 0-5 degrees.

Tips on how to hold a pen: Hold the pencil easily, with a circle on the top, squeeze it tightly with three fingers, make a line with four fingers, and hold a hollow fist in your hand.

Detailed explanation: Pinch: use thumb and index finger.

Introduction to calligraphy

Calligraphy is an art, the blood of predecessors is condensed.

Studying books requires perseverance, and practicing books requires hard work.

If the heart is upright, the pen will be upright, and the pen will be written in the heart.

The writing stays true to the point, and the turns are precious and round.

If there is something hanging down, you want to take it back. Avoid being mediocre in your outline.

The left hanging needle should be exposed vertically, and the right straight needle should be hung sharply.

The force of the sword is like a golden sword, and the shape of the sword is like a rhinoceros horn.

The front is running horizontally and the work is restrained, and the structural energy wants to be clear.

There is no slack at all, and the layout is clever and careful.

Denseness and density must be alternated, and slowness and speed will lead to passage.

Support each other in both light and heavy matters, and look forward to the situation in the right direction.

It is easy for shades to contrast with each other, and the back must be moderate.

Both reality and reality must be taken into consideration, and the ups and downs are continuous.

Intersperse potential vertically and horizontally, and give in in a measured way.

If you guide it, the spring will flow; if you pause it, the mountain will be revered.

She has both spirit and form, elegant and unrestrained appearance.

He keeps writing day after day, and his unremitting efforts lead to success.

Lift: diagonal lift and horizontal fold lift

Inclined lift: Start the pen with a pause on the lower right side, hold the pen for a while, then turn to the upper right side and gradually lift up the front, and the slope of the stroke increases.


(Example: Jiang)

Horizontal folding: start writing short horizontal strokes, pause and write downwards, write short vertical strokes, pause again and turn to the upper right to write diagonal lifting.


(Example: words)

Hook: vertical hook and horizontal hook, etc.

Writing instructions: Hook drawings cannot become strokes alone, but must be attached to horizontal, vertical, and curved strokes. They can be divided into three types: left, right, and upward. When writing a hook, you must pause and turn back to pick out. The hook is as large as 13 different strokes.

Vertical hook: After starting the pen, pause slightly and write vertically. When you reach the hook point, pause the pen and turn to the left to lift it out.


(Example: inch)

Curved hook: Start the pen slightly lightly, move the pen upwards and downwards from light to heavy, stop the pen at a line perpendicular to the starting point, then turn to the left and pick up, then close the pen and bring out the tip.


(Example: son)

Inclined hook: Start the pen with a pause, move the pen downwards from left to right with even force and slightly bend it. When you reach the hook point, pause the pen and turn upward to pick it out, then close the pen and bring out the tip.


(Example: Ge)

Lying hook: Start the pen slightly lightly, first apply downward pressure gradually, then turn the pen in a circle to the right and parallel, pause the pen at the hook, then turn upward and left to pick out, close the pen and draw out the tip.


(Example: must)

Vertical curved hook: start the pen to write vertically, then turn round to the right to write short horizontally, and at the end of the stroke, turn the pen to point upward, then close the pen to point.


(Example: also)

Horizontal hook: Start writing horizontally, at the end of the stroke, turn to the lower left and hook out, then close the pen and draw out the tip.


(Example: army)

Horizontal folding hook: start the pen to write horizontally, pause the pen and then fold it down to write vertically. After reaching the end, pause the pen and pick it out to the left and upward, then close the pen and bring out the tip.


(Example: Xi)

Horizontal bending hook: start the pen to write horizontally, slightly obliquely, pause the pen and then fold it down to write vertical, then turn to the left and write horizontally, at the end of the pen, draw the pen upward, close the pen and bring out the tip.


(Example: several)

Vertical fold and fold hook: Start writing a short vertical stroke, pause and fold to the left to write a short horizontal stroke, pause again and fold downward to the left to write a vertical hook.


(Example: horse)

Horizontal curved hook: start with a short horizontal stroke, pause to write a short stroke, then follow the stroke tip from light to heavy to write a small curved hook, with the hook pointing upward to the left.


(Example: Yang)

Horizontal fold and fold hook: start the pen and write a short horizontal stroke, slightly obliquely. After the pen stroke, fold to the left and down to write a short stroke. Without the sharp fold, write a short horizontal stroke to the right. The horizontal right is slightly lower. After the pen stroke, write a curved hook to the left and bottom.


(Example: nai)