How to write "hook" with a hard pen?

For example, "Yong", "Yue*", "Horse"... etc., and the last hook of the vertical hook, such as "Ba"?

Judging from what you said, you probably want to know more than just one hook!

According to my experience, hooks are divided into:

1. The writing method of vertical hook is: start the pen according to the vertical writing method. After reaching the position, turn the pen slightly to the lower right, and then quickly move to the upper left. The hook should not be too long.

In other words, the starting stroke is based on the vertical writing method. If the vertical writing is not good, the vertical hook will be useless.

Reference: (The water under the green words is the vertical hook. You can follow the video to learn

2. The writing method of arc hook is: put down the pen and press down, draw the pen downward to the right, with a natural slope, and finally make an upward hook.

This requires more practice. The difference between a curved hook and a vertical hook is that there must be a curvature in the middle part, and the size of the curvature varies from character to character. Hook bending is like starting to bend over, it should be natural

Reference: (The word "子" is a typical curved hook )

3. The writing method of oblique hook is: put down the pen, stroke downward to the right, with a natural slope, and finally make an upward hook.

This is a kind of stroke that is more difficult to master. Firstly, the strokes are long and the hand must be steady. Secondly, the curvature is appropriate and the starting and closing positions of the strokes are preset. Thirdly, the writing must be vigorous and elegant. Gou Gou is like a person whose upper body is tilted backward and his feet are stretched forward. It is difficult to stand firmly. It is recommended that you use this kind of strokes when writing every day.

Reference: (This folk character is the representative of slant hook


4. Lying Hook (Heart Hook) The writing method is: use light force to open the pen, first move downward to the right, then slightly flatten, then slightly bend upward to the right, and finally use force to hook upward to the left.

The heart hook is like a person landing on the ground with only his back, forming an upward bending posture, and then lifting a hook

Reference: The heart under the word "forbearance" is the hook

5. What is horizontal hook? The representative word of horizontal hook is "学"

The writing method of horizontal hook is: drop the pen to the right, stroke horizontally, pause at the end, and then hook out with force.


Note that the hook should not be too long, the angle should not be too large or too small, about 45 degrees, and the turning point should not be too sharp or too blunt.

6. The writing method of vertical hook is: put the pen in the lower right direction, press it slightly, turn the pen to draw downward, then turn to the right and draw horizontally, and finally hook upward with force.


Reference: (This word is also the representative of slant hook and the word Ba you mentioned