left point

1. Left point: The tip of the head is rounded, the tail is rounded, the pen is lightly inserted, the pen is drawn downwards to the left with force, and the tail is rounded. The back is slightly concave and the abdomen is slightly protruding. Generally, the angle of the left point is straighter, while the angle of the right point is flatter and slightly thinner than the right point, as shown in the figure:

2. Description of text and pictures:

3. Click on the left-hand example word "小" to practice:

Key points for writing the word "less":

  1. The short vertical part in the middle is used for hanging, which needs to be upright, straight and centered;

  2. The tail of the left point is closed and the vertical tail is the same;

  3. The angle of the right point is wider than that of the left point, and the starting point is higher than that of the left point;

  4. The starting point of the stroke is inside the lower left corner of the right point, and the closing stroke of the stroke should exceed the width of the left point.

  Click on the example character "京" on the left to practice:

Key points for writing the word "京":

  1. The first stroke of stippling is centered and corresponds to the vertical tick below;

  2. The distance between the long horizontal line and the two horizontal lines of the word "口" below is equal;

  3. The upper left, lower left and lower right triangles of the word "口" are slightly protruding to make the characters more flexible;

  4. The angle of the left point is straighter, the angle of the right point is flatter, and the pen is drawn flat below the two points.

Click on the example character "edge" on the left to practice:

Key points for writing the word "blade":

1. The fold of the horizontal fold hook should have the direction and arc of the lower left stroke, and the starting point of the hook should correspond to the middle of the horizontal stroke;

2. The angle of the hook corresponds to the starting point of the horizontal drawing;

3. The starting stroke of the stroke is in the middle of the horizontal painting. The stroke is longer and more stretched, exceeding the width of the horizontal painting and the bottom of the hook;

right click

1. Right click: What does right click look like? The top is pointed and the bottom is rounded, the abdomen is flat and the back is bulging, like a hunchbacked old man, a garlic clove, or a small raindrop:

In soft-pen calligraphy, the right point is known as a triangle with a belly. In view of the expressive power of a hard pen, it is difficult to show the effect of a soft pen. Therefore, the water chestnuts written on the right point of a hard pen should be clearer and the belly should be flatter.

The specific writing method is: enter the pen in the air (the pen tip slides from the air to the paper, or enters the pen lightly), and the lower right corner is about 45° and gradually becomes heavier. After a pause, the pen is closed. It cannot be re-drawn, and it is formed in one go. The key is to have a pen movement process and not to put the pen away as soon as the pen tip touches the paper.

Beginners can roughly divide their practice into two parts:

  1. Lightly enter the lower right corner of the pen at an angle of 45° and write the small triangle in the first half of the right point, as shown in the picture:

2. At the tail of the small triangle, pause the pen slightly, then close the pen on the lower right side and pull it out lightly to complete the stroke. Note that there must be three different intensity transitions: light entry, accelerating and closing, and light closing. It is not possible to close the pen when the pen is started, and it is also not possible to write in the following two shapes when the pen and stroke range are too large:

  1. The range of strokes is too large and the strokes are written in a small curve, resulting in weak and unrefined strokes:

2. After lightly entering the pen and pausing for a while, the pen is not gently closed, causing the strokes to have a beginning and no end, like a semi-finished product:

2. Right-click the example word "Spoon" for analysis and practice:

Key points for writing the word "Shao":

The starting position of the horizontal folding hook is in the middle and lower position of the hook, not too high;

2. The vertical hook of the horizontal fold should have the curvature and direction of the lower left, and the hook should be in the middle of the entire word.

3. The direction of the hook is towards the tail of the hook, and the angle of the hook should cover the position of the point;

4. Divide the white space in the middle evenly.