In fact, practicing calligraphy is more like fitness. The main thing is muscle memory. If you practice calligraphy for three days and fish for two days, you will not be able to practice well. As the saying goes, the most important thing is persistence.


In the early days, you could buy calligraphy practice books for primary school students that were similar to "drawing red". Each model calligraphy was covered with a thin layer of white paper, so you could see it clearly and draw it slowly, one stroke at a time. You can also open it while writing to see how your writing is different from the model words and how you can improve them. Write one to three articles every day, no more required. But you must persist, and you must complete quantitative tasks every day. You cannot fish for three days and dry the net for two days.

If you feel that you are almost done with the red drawing (it’s hard to say, I must have red drawn more than 100 books at that time), then start to post. As for who you want to meet, it depends on your personal preferences. It also requires perseverance and perseverance. Pre-posting is to put the word stickers aside, stare at a certain word for a while, remember its characteristics and frame structure, and then write it down. Not to mention only practicing one word every day, but with muscle memory, when you write It will just go with the flow.

Regarding the frame structure of characters, the proportion, positional relationship, and tilt angle of each part of the characters are difficult to grasp. It feels like every time I write something different, how can I grasp this?

Just like after you learn how to swim, you will know how to swim as long as you get into the water. This is muscle memory, so keep practicing and practice unshakably every day.

I always write one word at a time every day. The speed is slow and the time is short. I can only write a few words a day. I am not satisfied with the writing. Can I continue like this?

If you still can't practice well in this way, don't think of other methods. Just practice this first. The methods are very simple. It just depends on whether you insist on writing.