The speech by the Minister of Education undoubtedly clarified the importance of aesthetic education and the direction of educational work in 2020. The subject of art education, which was not taken seriously in campus education in the past, has finally been affirmed at the national policy level, and the importance of aesthetic education has once again been highlighted and emphasized.

Several opinions of the Ministry of Education on promoting the development of art education in schools

In recent years, aesthetic education has become an important part of education. It is understood that relevant national departments have issued relevant documents many times. The importance of aesthetic education is self-evident. According to, the admissions reform policy for the 2020 college entrance examination students also clearly states that comprehensive quality evaluation will be included in the college entrance examination, focusing on calligraphy, art and other interests and specialties, focusing on artistic talents and achievements. The college entrance examination will be affected by the bonus points for art in the future. The latest notice from the Ministry of Education Students with artistic talents in the college entrance examination will enjoy the extra points policy. 53 colleges and universities across the country took the lead in responding to the policy of extra points for students with artistic talents. How to become an art student or a student with artistic talents? What's their difference? Please look at the policies issued by the state! New definition of students with artistic talents: In order to activate the campus life culture and better promote the quality education of the school, ordinary colleges and universities can admit some students who meet the performance requirements and have artistic talents every year after approval by the education department. In short, a music student who applies for the music major is an art candidate; and a music student who applies for the finance major is an art candidate.

The specific content of the bonus point policy for students with special talents

According to the new notice, students with artistic talents in 53 colleges and universities can still enroll students, but the term "students with artistic talents" is no longer called them, and it has become the high-level art troupes of 53 colleges and universities recruiting students with talents.

First, the enrollment number is controlled within 1% of the school’s total enrollment (the school enrolls 8,000 undergraduate students, and within 80 students with special talents).

Second, the number of qualified students with artistic talents must not exceed twice the number of students enrolled (80 students with special talents are recruited, and the number of qualified students should be within 160).

Policy for students with artistic talents to enjoy

Nowadays, students with general artistic talents can be admitted in an online school, and the school requires that the admission line is about 20 minutes below the admission line. For example, Tsinghua University’s admission score is 640 points, and the first-tier score in the province is 610 points. Then students with artistic talents can be admitted to Tsinghua University as long as they score 620 points.

As long as you have artistic expertise, you can register. Some provinces do not organize unified examinations. Candidates go directly to the schools that have admissions to register and take the examination. Art students are qualified as students with special talents, and will not receive extra points when applying for art majors, which is equivalent to ordinary art candidates. If you apply for the general major of this school, you can get extra points. 53 colleges and universities give extra points to students with artistic talents.

Writing has been included in the examination

In 2018, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education documents, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission stipulated that primary and secondary students in compulsory education must participate in writing level assessment.

In 2019, the "Examination Instructions" for the Beijing High School Entrance Examination was released. It was learned from the Beijing Education Examination Agency that this year's "Exam Instructions" for the Beijing High School Entrance Examination have been partially fine-tuned to highlight the examination of China's excellent traditional culture and the rule of law. Calligraphy has been included in the Chinese subject. In the high school entrance exam, you will be asked to test your knowledge of the five fonts: seal script, official script, cursive script, regular script, and regular script.

Electronic grading requires higher writing requirements

Nowadays, all large-scale examinations adopt "electronic grading", and electronic grading also has higher requirements for children's writing standards and answering habits.

The following is the handwriting of Wen Zhuoyue, the top scorer in the Shenzhen College Entrance Examination in 2019↓

In exams, illegible handwriting is the most typical and common cause of low scores and irregular answers in online marking↓

After such answers are scanned, it is a question whether the marking teacher can see them clearly, let alone give high marks. Therefore, good calligraphy skills need to be grasped from a young age, and only when you grow up can you get good results in the exam!

Whether it is high school or college entrance examination, or work, life, temperament in the workplace...excellent performance always favors those who practice calligraphy early.

Art is no longer a hobby subject but a compulsory course

Coincidentally, the People's Daily also recently published a comprehensive calligraphy practice guide for primary school students on its official WeChat account. As the saying goes, words are like their faces, and words are like the person they are. In the keyboard era, you also need to practice calligraphy. A well-organized and beautiful calligraphy is your best face and extraordinary charm.

Do you want to take advantage of the summer vacation to practice calligraphy and impress your friends?

How to write horizontally, vertically, skimming, and pressing in order to condense the atmosphere?