Strokes, structure, and composition are the three elements of hard-tipped calligraphy. Today, I have sorted out the four rules for learning the hard pen well: straightness, evenness, compactness in the center, and regular expansion and contraction.


Writing correctly is the most basic requirement.

Horizontal, "flat", is not horizontal, but "flat" with a certain slope.

Vertical writing is more difficult than horizontal writing, because it is easy to have some deviations when writing vertically, or the first half is straight and the second half is crooked.

Horizontally and vertically, you just need to practice more, there are no shortcuts.

Generally speaking, the vertical stroke in the middle of a character must be written straight, because this stroke affects the straightness of the character.

Such as: Zhong, Feng.

If the vertical paintings are on both sides of the characters, the vertical paintings can be slightly slanted, "the vertical sides are slightly slanted and regular, and the left and right slants like the legs of a stool."

Such as: mouth, field.

In addition, characters with skew structure can be divided into two situations.

① Seek the right in the middle. Such as: Ye, light

For the character Ye, the first stroke should be written to the left, while the third stroke should be written to the right, so that the character is still firmly in the middle.

② Find the right angle in the middle. Such as: many, flying

Only by using oblique characters can you write them correctly.

For characters with an upper and lower structure, the center of gravity of the upper and lower parts should be on a vertical line to ensure that the upper and lower parts are aligned so that the characters are straight.

All in all, if you want to write correctly, you must make it horizontally and vertically, right in the center, right in the middle, and aligned up and down.


The strokes are written evenly and the characters are beautiful.

For words with many horizontal strokes, pay attention to write the horizontal strokes evenly, such as: yan, qi, zhong;

For words with many vertical strokes, pay attention to write the vertical strokes evenly, such as: Shan, Er, Side;

For words with a lot of strokes, pay attention to write the strokes evenly, such as: Xu, Cai, Wu.

From this point of view, it seems that it is easier to achieve uniformity, but this is not the case. Such as: day. There are only three horizontal lines. How many people notice the horizontal lines in their daily writing?

Sometimes I know I need to write evenly, but it's often difficult to do it, such as: Qing. There are six horizontal lines. When many people write, the upper horizontal lines are often written very sparsely, while the lower horizontal lines are written too densely, making it difficult to write evenly.

To write evenly, you must first have the awareness to write evenly, and secondly, work hard to practice it.

The middle palace is compact

The middle palace is also the center of gravity of a word.

Sometimes the middle palace is not in the center of the character, but sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes up, sometimes down.

Let’s take a look at a group of characters: Yang, Diligence, and Bo. Where is their middle palace?

The middle palace of "Nurture" is on the upper side, the middle palace of "Qin" is on the left, and the middle palace of "Bo" is on the upper right. When looking for the middle palace of a word, don't measure it, just rely on feeling.

Chinese characters combine strokes according to different structural forms. When writing, the strokes must be arranged around the center to make the center compact.

Let’s talk about the word “青”. Its middle palace is at the upper part. How does it reflect the compactness of the middle palace? The three horizontal lines above must be written in secret, and the moon part will appear narrow and long, so that the middle palace will be tight, and the shape of the characters will be like a model's figure, with a short upper body and long legs. Only such a figure will be beautiful; otherwise, the shape of the characters will be like Wu Dalang's figure, which is not in line with beauty. law. In the word "Bo", the middle palace is in the upper right part of the character. How to reflect the compactness of the middle palace? It is necessary to achieve vertical adduction.

For characters with a left-right structure, the middle part is interspersed and avoided in order to achieve a compact middle palace.

Does Zhonggong compact mean the words are written smaller? No, just write the strokes in the middle palace part more densely. If the middle palace part has vertical sides, it must be drawn inward.

Once you master the compactness of the middle palace, you can write solidly but not loosely.

Retractable and retractable

The four strokes produce contrasts of width, height, density, and density through expansion and contraction, thereby allowing people to enjoy the beauty.

For characters with many horizontal strokes, the horizontal strokes must be expanded and closed. There is only one longest horizontal stroke in a character.

For characters with many vertical drawings, the vertical drawings are also expanded and closed. There is only one longest vertical drawing in a character.

For characters with many strokes, the strokes are also closed and released. There is only one longest stroke in a word.

For example: "I" and "成", these two characters have a common characteristic, which is that they both close to the left and release to the right. And "Xiang and He" are all left and right. Although "Guan" and "An" both have treasure hijabs, the retracting and unfolding conditions are different. "Guan" means to put it up and down, while "Rong and An" means to put it up and down.

By extension, the main strokes should be placed and the secondary strokes should be closed; the strokes in the middle palace should be closed and the peripheral strokes should be released.

Once we master the rules of contraction and expansion, we can write words that are stretched and full.