As a parent, after a tiring day, I come home and help my children in elementary school with their homework. After passing the barrier of silent writing of ancient poems, there are still English words and texts waiting for me. I can only exhaust all the knowledge in my student career, but... there is still mathematics waiting for me! ! When I let my children be good at singing and dancing, able to dance, write, calligraphy, and calligraphy, and be proficient in astronomy and geography, it was unimaginable...


I saw a bright red string of unanswered equations on the child's test paper: 100-5 and collapsed. What does this mean? After I read all the answers in the child's test paper, I discovered that the teacher wrote this line at the end of the child's test paper, "Pay attention to writing." It was only then that I noticed that the child's paper was really messy...

As a mother who thinks she has raised her child to be an all-rounder, I am completely clueless about his handwriting, because my own handwriting is not that handsome. Although I don’t want to admit it, I really can’t bear to look at what I should How to raise children? That day, I couldn't sleep all night... I thought a lot about things that restrict children's development, but the only thing I didn't pay attention to was how children can write well. From that time on, I started to pay attention to this issue! First, I need to figure out why children need good handwriting.

It is said that words are like people, and practicing good calligraphy can help my children win the first favor of others before they show themselves to others. This is particularly important for children's development and grasping future opportunities.

The country's current examination-oriented education not only examines children's learning ability, but also examines a person's handwriting proficiency. Being able to practice calligraphy well can make my child's test paper shine in the vast sea of ​​papers!

Put aside whether you can get high scores or not. At the very least, the teacher will have a good impression of my child, so that he will use this good impression to give a relatively good score when judging the paper!

Then what is the most effective way for this primary school student to practice calligraphy? I believe all parents would also like to know the method

First: slow down


Many primary school students only pursue speed when doing homework, and then they can play games after finishing their homework, which results in sloppy fonts. Therefore, as a parent, you should check your child's homework in time. If you find that the font is not neat, let your child do it again. You must correct your child's attitude.

Second: basic strokes

Teach children basic strokes such as horizontal and vertical strokes, strokes, and strokes, and first write these basic strokes beautifully.

Third: Copying


Tracing and copying are very important means for primary school students to practice calligraphy. Some primary school students simply don't know how to write neatly with the frame structure of fonts. Find a calligraphy copybook for your child that is suitable for the student's age, buy copy paper, and let your child copy.

Fourth: fixed time


Set a fixed time for the child every day based on his age and attention characteristics, such as 7:00 to 7:15 every night. Fixed time is conducive to the development of children's habits, forming conditioned reflexes, and cultivating students' interest in calligraphy practice.


Fifth: Don’t take too long


Especially at the beginning, the time should not be too long. If it is too long, it will easily make primary school students feel disgusted, and the children's muscles will also be prone to soreness.

Sixth: Pay attention to your child’s sitting posture

The three principles are "one inch, one foot, one fist", "head upright, body upright, feet secure". I should always be reminded of the posture of holding the pen.

Seventh: Appropriate rewards


When children successfully complete tasks every day, give appropriate rewards and praise!

Now I want to start urging my children to practice how to write well. Parents who are reading these words, when are you going to start taking action?