Today's children generally have incorrect sitting postures, so more and more children are developing health problems such as myopia and scoliosis. Parents should know the importance of correct sitting posture and must correct their children's bad sitting posture in time.


When does a child's sitting posture develop? 

At about a few months, your child will learn to sit up on his own. At the same time, children also learn to roll, raise their heads, etc. Most babies can remain seated for several minutes, and by 6 months, they no longer need additional support when sitting. Even if the child learns to sit and stand, the child will sometimes fall over. Parents should not think that the child has lost the ability to sit and stand again. In fact, this is because the child has temporarily lost interest in sitting and therefore relaxed himself.

Major factors that lead to incorrect sitting posture for children

First, the reasons for teachers

The leading role of teachers has not been fully exerted. In daily teaching, not enough attention is paid to children's sitting and writing postures, and they do not pay attention to the guidance of sitting and writing postures or only make general requirements for children's sitting and writing postures, and cannot provide detailed and individual guidance to each child. . What's more, some preschool teachers themselves lack theoretical support and cannot provide effective guidance at all. In addition, when kindergarten teachers first teach children to sit and write, they have less requirements for pen-holding postures, because children's hands are still small and have little strength, and they cannot hold the pen exactly as the teacher requires. Also, after children enter the first grade of elementary school, their learning tasks become more intense. In order to complete a certain amount of homework, teachers have no time to correct the children's postures.

The second reason is the parents’ reasons.

Many parents are eager to see their children succeed, so they force their children to write before they are old enough to write. Due to the child's lack of wrist strength, the writing posture will inevitably become deformed. Coupled with the lack of professional guidance, this leads to the formation of bad writing habits. In addition, when teaching their children to write numbers and Chinese characters, some parents only pay attention to the content of the children's writing, and do not pay attention to the children's sitting posture, pen holding posture and writing posture. Over time, some incorrect postures have gradually formed and changed. There is some difficulty in getting up. In addition, after children enter the first grade of elementary school, their learning tasks become more intense. In order to complete a certain amount of homework, many parents only supervise their children's learning and neglect to correct their children's sitting and writing postures.

The third is the reason for children

Kindergarten children mainly come into contact with pens for drawing, and the tools used are colored pens or oil pastels. The posture of holding the colored pens or oil pastels when drawing, especially when painting a large area, is different from the posture of holding the pen for writing. . From small classes to middle classes, children's teaching content is mainly about painting and drawing. Children are already accustomed to using colored pens and oil pastels. This habit naturally affects the formation of children's correct pen-holding posture. In addition, children who have just learned to draw and write like to hold pens very much. They often write wherever they play, and their sitting and writing postures are also varied. The uncertainty of sitting and writing postures also affects children's sitting postures and postures of holding pens and writing.

Incorrect sitting posture of children affects spinal health

Incorrect sitting posture is one of the main causes of children's visual defects and spinal dysplasia. It is very harmful to the healthy development of children. When children's bodies are still in the development stage, if they often hunch over, the spine will bend and gradually turn into a hunchback. If you want to adjust again, it may be too late. When young children first learn to write, their hands have no strength. When many children hold a pen, it is easy for their hand to hold the pen tip for a long time and poke the pen tip straight into the paper. In this way, the written numbers are not only unsightly, but also make the children unable to see the written numbers clearly when writing, which can easily affect the children. vision.

Some children like to lie on the table when writing, with their bodies crooked and their faces almost touching the book. Some children sit with their legs curled up, their waists hunched over, and their heads tilted. Some children like to sit on soft surfaces. On the sofa, leaning against soft cushions, the body is lying casually on the sofa as if it has no bones. These postures are very comfortable, but they greatly harm the healthy development of the child's body.

Having said all that, what should the correct sitting posture look like?

The official statement is:

Head upright, body upright, feet flat

Eyes a foot away from the paper

Hand one inch away from pen tip

Punch your chest away from the edge of the table

I think the summary is very complete. I have nothing to add, so I will explain it in detail:

1: The head is upright, the body is straight, and the feet are flat: the head is upright, not tilted or tilted, the body should be upright, and the body should not be lying on the side or lying down, the feet should be flat, the feet should be flat on the ground, and do not cross the legs to support the feet.

2: The eyes should be one foot away from the paper: The eyes should be one foot away from the paper. They should not be too close or too far away. Nowadays, many people are short-sighted and are used to being very close to the paper. This habit is not good. good.

3: The hand is one inch away from the pen tip: The distance between the hand and the pen tip is one inch. This is the technique for grasping the pen. The gripper is usually about the first third of the entire pen.

4: Punch your chest away from the edge of the table. The chest should not be leaning on the table, nor should it be too far away from the table. A punch's distance is appropriate.

In fact, keep your head straight, shoulders flat, body straight, leaning slightly forward, legs side by side and feet flat. enough. If the sitting posture is often incorrect, we can also use some vision protection equipment to protect our sitting posture.