At the beginning of practice, you can start with tracing calligraphy. Sima's basic calligraphy calligraphy calligraphy calligraphy is more suitable for regular script calligraphy. Start with dots, horizontal strokes, strokes, and strokes, and gradually increase the difficulty of the fonts. When your hands are familiar with it, you can copy it by comparing it with the calligraphy book and using calligraphy practice paper. Remember, it is best for primary school students to use fountain pens when practicing calligraphy. The effect of rollerball pens, ballpoint pens, etc. is not obvious. In addition, there are some precautions:


1. Writing environment

1. It is best for children to have a dedicated learning space. When learning to write for the first time, they need to be highly concentrated. Try not to let sounds such as TV, CDs or loud talking affect the child's writing.

2. Pay attention when choosing tables and chairs for writing. Tables and chairs must be stable and not swaying. Pay attention to the height of the table and chairs being suitable for the child's body height.

3. Before writing, you should pay attention to tidying up the desk and try to clear away things that have nothing to do with writing. In particular, toys should not be placed on the desk or appear in the sight of the study area. This will not only provide a comfortable writing space but also avoid distracting the child's attention. .

4. In order to protect children's eyesight, pay attention to the lighting in writing and learning places. If conditions permit, try to use natural light during the day. If a light source is needed, try to use ordinary incandescent bulbs. Ordinary incandescent bulbs have no stroboscopic effect and are the greenest eye protection currently available. Lighting source. The so-called "eye protection lamps" sold in the market actually do not protect the eyes at all. The light source is best installed on the left side of the child's writing seat, and the light should not be too strong or too weak. Don’t write for too long at a time. It’s best to go outside and look into the distance or do eye exercises during the writing session.

2. Preparation work


1. Pencil preparation. Sharpen the pencil before writing. The pencil should not be sharpened too thin, not too thick, not too long, not too short. The pencil you choose should not be too hard (too hard, although it is durable, but too light, and cannot write sharply) nor too soft (too soft, although it is thick, cannot be written with, and the strokes are thick), it is generally recommended to choose HB ( Teacher Wang's suggestion), I suggest that if your gestures are heavy, you can choose the HB pencil, and if your gestures are light, you can consider choosing the B pencil. In addition, when practicing writing or doing homework, try not to let children use mechanical pencils. Children can easily use them as toys.


2. Preparation of writing book. There are three main types of writing books for lower grades of primary school, which should be selected according to the situation:

(1) If you want to copy Pinyin while writing, use a Tianzi grid notebook with Pinyin grid.

(2) When practicing writing specifically, use the Tianzi grid notebook.

(3) Once you have a certain foundation in writing, you should use a grid book when doing Chinese exercises. Special reminder: Do not let children practice writing on white paper (Teacher Wang’s special instructions at the parent-teacher meeting). When choosing a writing book, you should pay attention to the appropriate size of the grid. When you first start practicing writing, the square grid should be larger, generally 14 square millimeters is good, and then it can be reduced to 13 square millimeters. The square grid is generally 12 square millimeters.


3. In order to ensure neat writing, naughty children or children with poor hygiene habits are advised to wash their hands before writing (in order to ensure that the drawings are clean, the author used to wash his hands frequently when he was learning mechanical drawing).

3. Writing posture (excerpted from hard-pen calligraphy practice)


1. The head should be straight, the head should be placed straight, not tilted.


2. Keep your shoulders flat without relaxing them, bend both elbows at the same time, and place them flat on the table.


3. Feet flat, feet slightly apart, knees bent, soles of feet parallel to the ground.


4. Keep your chest and chest straight, lean forward slightly, and the distance between your body and the table is about a punch.


5. The distance between your eyes and the tip of the pen should be about one foot.


6. Pressing the paper with your left hand and writing with your right hand means that the writing paper is placed flat and your left hand is pressed gently to prevent the paper from moving left and right, so that you can write with your right hand.


7. Strive to be natural, calm and calm, with natural postures, generous and informal.


4. How to hold a pen (excerpted from hard-pen calligraphy practice)


1. When holding a hard pen, the "three-finger tiger's mouth" holding method is generally used. The thumb is pressed on the top of the pen holder, the index finger is pressed on the right front of the pen holder, the middle finger is on the inside, the ring finger is next to the middle finger, against the middle finger, and the little finger is next to the ring finger. It is necessary to make sure that the fingers are real and the palms are empty.


2. The appropriate angle for holding the pen is generally about 45 degrees, and do not hold the pen too low.


5. Basic methods of writing


1. Write the basic strokes well. If you want to write Chinese characters well, you must first practice the strokes. Remember the stroke name and see what it looks like. Describe Bibi carefully and patiently.


2. Write unique characters well. Write Chinese characters regularly and practice single-body and combined characters well. Remember the appearance of the characters clearly and pay attention to the position of the grid. Write, compare, and don’t forget to “look in the mirror.”


3. Write good Chinese characters. When we write combined characters, we pay most attention to the radicals. Master the structural proportions well and don’t forget them when writing.


4. The word should be written in the middle of the field grid, not to the left or right, not to the top or bottom. The words should not be too small or too big, and there should be a little white space around them.

5. If there is pinyin when writing, it is best to read the word silently, observe the overall structure of the word, and be aware of it. If you are specifically practicing writing, if time permits, you can talk about its radicals and count its strokes. Carefully observe the placement of the example characters in the field grid, be optimistic about its stroke order, and then start writing.


6. When you first start practicing writing, you should first seek good results, and then seek fast speed.


7. Pay attention to developing writing standards for children's daily homework. Some children can write well when they practice writing specifically, but the quality of their writing drops significantly when they are doing homework.

6. Tips


1. If the pencil you just sharpened is too sharp, lightly scratch it on the paper a few times. If the pencil is too sharp, you can turn the pencil and write in another direction.


2. If you want to write well, you must sharpen your pencil well. The pencil should not be sharpened too sharp or too thick.


7. Develop good habits of neatness


1. When sharpening pencils, be careful not to drop pencil shavings on the notebook. If your hands are stained with black lead, wash your hands.


2. When writing, keep the notebook flat and straight, and be careful not to wrinkle the corners of the notebook.


3. If you make a mistake in writing, you should erase the mistake and then write again. Don't just erase it carelessly and it will be all black. At the same time, be careful not to erase the words on the edges that should not be erased. In addition, you must not have the bad habit of dipping your fingers in saliva and then wiping the words. This is very unhygienic and can easily make the notebook very dark.


4. The effect of using 4B eraser is better. The eraser will become black after being used for a long time. If you use a black eraser to erase the book, it will become black easily. If this happens, just put the eraser on the waste paper and wipe off the black lead. .


5. After you finish your homework, put the books and notebooks neatly into your schoolbag. Do not stuff them into your schoolbag randomly.

Contents and requirements for writing teaching in each grade of primary school


1. First-grade students learn to write with pencils and write correctly, neatly and cleanly. They should stimulate interest in writing and develop correct writing postures and writing methods.


2. In the second grade, continue to practice writing with pencil, and you must write correctly, neatly and neatly. In the next semester, I will start practicing tracing red with a brush and learn the correct writing posture and methods of holding and handling the pen. Learn to use and keep writing tools.


3. The third grader can write pencil calligraphy more skillfully. Start practicing writing with a pen, and be required to write correctly, neatly and neatly. Start using a brush to imitate, make sure your writing posture is correct, and continue to learn the correct way to hold and operate the pen. Develop the habit of using and caring for writing utensils.


4. In the fourth grade, continue to practice writing with a pen, and write correctly, neatly and neatly. Start applying with a brush. Develop good writing habits.


5. The fifth grade students continue to practice writing with pens, writing correctly, correctly, neatly, and with neat lines. Continue to use the brush to apply. Develop good writing habits.


6. The sixth grade students continue to practice writing with pens. They write correctly, neatly and neatly, with neat lines and a certain speed. Continue to use the brush to post the stickers, and start writing in small regular script with the brush. Develop good writing habits.