Single characters

Single-style characters are difficult to write. If you want to write single-style characters well, you must arrange the structure cleverly according to the sparseness, density, largeness, smallness, length, shortness, deviation, and slant of the characters themselves. The sparse strokes should be full, and the dense strokes should be well-proportioned; the large strokes should be concise, and the small strokes should be plump; the length, short, deflection, and obliqueness should be appropriate according to the situation.

upper and lower structure

There are three main situations for words with upper and lower structures.

1. If the top and bottom are equal, they should be written with varying changes.

2. If the top is short and the bottom is high, such as "宀,倖", the top should cover the bottom.

3. If it is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, the bottom should support the top.

upper middle lower structure

For words with an upper, middle and lower structure, attention should be paid to the appropriate placement of parts, and not to be too large or too restrictive.

1. If the upper, middle and lower proportions are equal, the horizontal tolerance should be changed, and the main part should be appropriately stretched, such as the word "Xun".

2. The top or bottom is composed of two parts. The two parts should be written in a master-slave manner.

left and right structure

Words with a left-right structure should be divided according to the proportion of left and right:

1. Words of equal proportions should be written with changes in height and back to make them vivid.

2. Words with unequal proportions should follow the words, echo each other, and try to form a contrast between density and density.

Fully surrounded

For characters with a fully enclosed structure, it is important to pay attention to the changes in size. For example, characters such as "图,国" should be written in large sizes, and characters such as "四,口" should be written in small sizes.

1. The middle part of the characters with a fully enclosed structure is larger. The middle part should be written delicately and have a "transparent" feeling.

2. If the middle part is smaller, the middle part should be written thickly, and space should be left between the outer strokes.

Surrounded on three sides

The characters surrounded by the upper three sides are of different sizes, please note that they vary from character to character. For example, the bottom of the word "zhou" is open, but the shape of the word should be rigorous. There is a vertical opening below the word "同".

Surrounded on three sides from left

For words surrounded by three sides on the left, it is not appropriate (but not absolutely) appropriate (but not absolutely) to connect the vertical on the left with the horizontal on the top; the horizontal on the top should be short; the horizontal on the bottom should be long to stabilize the center of gravity of the whole word.

Surrounded on three sides

The characters surrounded by the lower three sides are generally wider laterally and appear very stable, but it should be noted that some parts should be written with uneven changes.

Surrounded by upper left

The center of gravity of the enclosed part of the character enclosed in the upper left is not in a vertical line with the center of gravity of the upper structure, but the center of gravity of the whole character must be stable, and the upper left and lower right form a relationship of overlapping and supporting. Note that the proportions of the upper left and lower right are different and vary from word to word.

Surrounded by lower left

Most of the characters enclosed in the lower left are those with "辶". Pay attention to the writing method of "辶", which means it should be stretched but not too long. The part above "辶" should be written tall and straight, preferably wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.

Surrounded by upper right

When writing words enclosed in the upper right, you should pay attention to the fact that the center of gravity of the enclosed part is not in the same vertical line as the center of gravity of the structure above. When writing the enclosed part below, you should pay attention to moving an appropriate distance to the right. The upper right and lower left should form an interdependent relationship.

Please also note that characters with more strokes should be written with slightly thinner strokes; characters with fewer strokes should be relatively thicker.