There are many "calligraphy crash courses" in the society, and there are many "pen calligraphy tutorial" videos, but few people aim to become calligraphers, and few people can persist in practicing calligraphy for more than a week. Most friends just need Just make your handwriting less ugly.

The following are all wild ways.

You don't need to know what "holding a pen correctly" is, nor do you need to "be calm to practice calligraphy." You can use gel pens, pens, and pencils as long as you like them.

Following the following 4 steps will never make you a calligrapher, but it will make your handwriting not look ugly.






Generally speaking, we follow the principles of "big first, then small" and "first slow, then fast":

First, you need to find a copybook with translucent paper to trace red. At this speed, trace one character every 10 seconds. After tracing for about ten minutes, most people will have the illusion that "I am about to become a calligrapher." This is Mild delusional disorder but does not require treatment;

The second step is to compare the words on the field or meter grid with the copybook you just traced, and copy the words you just wrote... The strong contrast and the naked reality will cause many friends to lose all hope and give up on themselves at this time;

If you persist, your large block letters should not be ugly anymore. But remember, writing well in big characters does not necessarily mean writing well in handwriting.

The third step is to use a smaller grid to write the big characters that you have practiced before. This is a process of restoring your true self. No matter how ugly the previous characters are, at this time they will be clearly thrown in front of your eyes and slapped in the face. superior;


Finally, return to your usual lined notebook.

If you have gone through the above three processes completely and gained some insights, you will find that your handwriting is still ugly! But it seems there have been some small changes...

The pictures above are words written by the same person at the same time under different circumstances. You can feel what the "funnel effect" is: To achieve the state of "small words are not ugly", large words must be beautiful enough.

Seeing this, we can already start practicing calligraphy without buying anything.

Remember the eight words "from big to small, from slow to fast", and remember to learn to walk before learning to run. Starting from regular script is the right way, otherwise it is easy to go crazy and develop your own good "walking cursive" ".

Practicing calligraphy is a good excuse to spend money, I understand you. We have a lot of stationery at home, but we have seen too many friends whose handwriting is uglier than real people...

For those who really practice calligraphy, the first thing they should buy is a copybook, not a pen! Those who really want to practice calligraphy can use any pen, but they must choose a good copybook! This matter is the same as studying. The most important thing is to treat the teacher.

We found a bunch of copybooks and conducted a rough study. The hard-pen calligraphy teachers you often see are:


Tian Yingzhang, Pang Zhonghua, Zhang Kejiang and Zou Mubai. Any of the four are masters in the hard-pen calligraphy world, but we can still see some differences between the four masters: Zou Mubai's calligraphy is elegant and elegant, suitable for girls, Zhang Kejiang's calligraphy has a sense of vicissitudes, and Pang Zhonghua's regular script Often elements of "calligraphy" are incorporated, and the structure of many characters is not traditional; Tian Yingzhang's regular script is the closest to the "regular script" on the computer, upright and neat.

For the purpose of "making the writing less ugly", we recommend Tian Yingzhang's regular script copybook.