There are tens of thousands of Chinese characters in China, and there are thousands of commonly used ones. The education department requires students in nine-year compulsory education to master 3,500 common words. When we learn to write hard-tipped calligraphy, we cannot learn to write one by one. Instead, we should understand and master its rules, learn to write flexibly, and be able to draw inferences from one example.

We know that Chinese characters are composed of dozens of basic strokes. Therefore, if you want to write hard-pen calligraphy well, starting from the basic strokes and becoming familiar with their essentials is a shortcut to learning to write hard-pen calligraphy. Basic strokes are divided into horizontal, vertical, left, back, dot, lift, fold, hook and various compound forms, which will be described here.



long horizontal

Phoenix Hook

right click

Vertical point

Lift vertically

lying hook


Hanging needle vertical

vertical hook

Fold horizontally and vertically

Horizontal folding hook

horizontal hook

Slant hook



vertical fold

Left pointed horizontal
