1. Text header

The dots are in a side posture. Generally speaking, the dots in running script can be slightly to the right, and the dots and horizontal dots should be aligned with each other.

Such as: six, Yi, Fang, Jiao, Ting, Gao.


2. Baozi cover

The writing method is basically the same as regular script. The upper point can be straight or off, so it needs to be applied flexibly. The horizontal hook should not be paused, but should echo the lower point.

Such as: Bao, Song, Yu, Shi, Han, Ji.



The stroke should be stretched, the end of the stroke should be disconnected from the main stroke, and the stroke should cover the lower part.

Such as: Ling, Quan, He, Shi, Hui, She.


4.Cao prefix

There are many ways to write the prefix "Cao", and the length of the horizontal stroke also varies depending on the character, but the two points must be consistent and consistent.

Such as: fragrant, grass, zhi, bitter, mo, flower.


5. Bamboo prefix

If you are left-handed, you should return to the front and write a few points along the way. After stopping the pen, draw the thread to write the left hand, then fold the pen and bring it to the lower left to complete the lower part.

Such as: answer, pen, chapter, etc., build, policy.


6. The prefix rain

There are two main writing methods, but the last stroke must echo the lower part, and the lower part should be directly in the middle of the upper part.

Such as: need, snow, thunder, zero, frost, fog, and sky.


7. Next to the word Guang

The dots and horizontal reflections are tied with threads, which are short and slanted to the right. Use a back hook to draw a picture, breaking the connection with the next stroke.

Such as: Tang, Zhuang, Du, Pang, Kang, Miao.


8. Next to the word disease

The writing method is the same as the word "Guang", except that there is a little more mention, and the dots are connected in succession, and the end of the mention echoes the next stroke.

Such as: disease, mark, insanity, disease, pain, pain.


9. Beside the word "讠"

The dots are connected to the horizontal strokes, and the last stroke of the horizontal fold is connected to the next stroke.

Such as: recognition, criticism, poetry, lyrics, design, design.


10.Next to a single person

The left stroke breaks the connection with the vertical stroke, and the last stroke of the vertical stroke is raised to the upper right, echoing the right part. Generally, the vertical stroke of a single person is slightly shorter.

Such as: you, we, Xiu, him, Dan, Shi.


11.Next to two persons

The two strokes should be written consecutively, and the second stroke should be written vertically. The vertical stroke can be hooked upward to the right to echo the next stroke.

Such as: go, go, there, get, wander.


12.Three points of water

One point can be written as a single point, or three points can be written in succession. When lifting a painting, it can be disconnected from the pen on the right side.

Such as: river, river, lake, sea, law, clear.


13.Next to the handle

The horizontal position is inclined, and the horizontal and vertical lines should be drawn to echo each other. The entire hook should be written in one stroke, and the vertical hook should be to the right.

Such as: lifting, technique, hitting, holding, pressing, picking.


14. Beside the word soil

Tu is written at the left end of the painting, and the vertical lifting is written in one stroke. The lifting painting can be directly brought down with the pen. The soil is drawn horizontally on the upper side with a slight slope, and the lower part is centered.

Such as: address, place, ridge, person, old, filial piety.


15. next to the word "王"

First write the horizontal stroke, fold the pen to write the vertical stroke, then use the circle stroke to fold down to write the mention, and move forward from the upper right.

Such as: ring, bead, pearl, class, glass, glass.


16. Stand next to your heart

For two points, you can use a vertically folded pen and then write vertically. You can also write two points first and then write vertically. The end of the vertical can point upward and to the right to echo the right part.

Such as: nature, emotion, Wei, worry, enthusiasm, and perseverance.


17.Beside the gold letter

First, write horizontally with a fold and return to the front, then write vertically with a folded pen. After making the circle, pick it out to the upper right. The circle should not be round.

Such as: silver, iron, bell, lead, needle, sodium.


18.Next to scarf

Write the short vertical stroke first, then follow the trend to write the horizontal folding hook. The round pen of the hook should be written upward and to the left while writing the vertical stroke. The scarf should be vertical on the left and forward to the right. It should be centered vertically at the bottom.

Such as: post, sail, piece, city, hope, curtain.


19. Next to the word female

There are many ways to write, but you should write something first. Move the pen slightly to the right to write the left stroke, then move the pen to the lower left and then to the right to write the upper stroke. You can write continuously with the lower stroke.

Such as: good, sister, sister, slave, wonderful, such.


20. Beside the wooden character

Wood is written horizontally and vertically on the left side, and written along the way. When making a base out of wood, it is advisable to write two points.

Such as: Yang, Liu, Xiang, Lan, Ji, Yue.
