(25): Hug back


Those who hug back to the left are like "混", "萷", "伊", "匊", etc.; those to the right are like "Gen", "Ghost", "Bao", "Xu", "It" and so on. also.

【Original meaning】

There are many characters in Chinese characters whose stipples are in the shape of hugging back, some are hugging back to the left, and some are hugging back to the right. When writing, you should pay attention to write the hug back fully and fully. For example, "曷", "萷", "伊", and "匊" hug back to the right, while "Gen", "鬼", "包", "Xu", and "It" hug back to the left. When writing these words, you should write them fully and fully.

【New Theory】

"Hug back" means to hug, like a mother holding a baby. The hook pen should be stretched and stretched, making a hug gesture, and pay attention to the shape; some parts of the hugged part should be close to the body, and the shape should not be too large. Only by having an appropriate width and narrowness can it create the hug gesture. Some parts should be large, far away, and have a feeling of escape. He doesn't break away from the embrace, just as if he is leaving.



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It means that it is surrounded by "yuan" and "pu" in a circle; "xiang", "shang", the upper part wraps the lower part, "you", "ji", the lower part wraps the upper part; "kui", "kuang", The left wraps the right; "Xun", "Xun", the right wraps the left and so on.

【Original meaning】

Many characters in Chinese characters are written in the shape of a package, such as "园" and "褑" are wrapped around; "xiang" and "shang" are wrapped up and down; "you" and "fierce" are wrapped down and wrapped up; "Gui" and "kuang" are left and right; "Xun" and "Xun" are right and left.

【New Theory】

"Wrapping" includes the surrounding frame and the surrounded core. The shape and relationship of both are important. The outer frame may be thick or thin, straight or slanted, and the same is true for the inner core. Generally speaking, the inner core is what is wrapped, so it should be small, but there are also larger ones. The outside and inside are generally thick and thin, slanted, and relative in size. One is yin and the other is yang. There are contrasts and contrasts, and there are also similarities. The inner posture is very important. A person with a dignified appearance has a heart full of connotations, which is so beautiful. There are many ways to express the posture of the inner core, such as slanting, stroke thickness, even position distribution (not uniform, but both balanced and symmetrical), shape and size arrangement, etc. It is a good idea to make the package zigzag small, clearly draw the contents of the package, and provide ventilation and light.

(27): But good



It is said that the package fight will not lead to loss of power, and the ending will be appropriate, both of which are appropriate.

【Original meaning】

"Quehao" is what is often said today as "just right", which means that the written words are compact, do not lose momentum, are balanced and smooth, stop evenly, and have appropriate stipples and strokes.

【New Theory】

"Quehao" also means "just right", which means just right. There is a saying that "if you increase it by one point, it will be too long; if you decrease it by one point, it will be too short; if you apply powder, it will be too white; if you apply Zhu, it will be too red" ("Deng Tu Zi Hao Lu Fu") 》 (Pre-Qin·Song Yu)). The starting and stopping of the strokes and the structural arrangement are all very appropriate. If there is any deviation, it will be missed.