(13): Speedy


For example, "wind", "phoenix", etc., the speed on both sides should be rounded. When using the pen, the left side should be fast. When backing the pen, the intention is like lightning.

【Original meaning】

Some strokes in Chinese characters need to be written quickly so that their unique strokes can be expressed. For words such as "wind" and "phoenix", the first few words should be written quickly to express the round and powerful feeling. Especially the left cursing should be written quickly, while the right slanting hook should be written with lightning speed and in one go.

【New Theory】

Speed ​​means speed, it must be fast and it must be done in one go. Some strokes in Chinese characters need to be written quickly. It is better to write quickly rather than too late. It should be as fast as lightning and as sharp as a sharp knife cutting tofu. If the speed is slow, it will be stagnant. Only in this way can the unique momentum be written.

Many strokes need to be done quickly, starting from the beginning and putting down the paper, adjust the peak, and focus on the end of the writing, and brush it over in one stroke. Only in this way can the strokes have power and momentum, and there will be speed everywhere in strokes horizontally and vertically.

(14): Be full rather than empty


Such as "Garden", "Pu", "Tu", "Guo", "Hui", "Bao", "South", "Separation", "Mu", "Si", "Gou" and so on.

【Original meaning】

There are many Chinese characters with inner and outer characters. When writing, be careful not to make the middle appear empty, such as "Garden", "Pu", "Tu", "Guo", "Hui", "Bao", "South" , "partition", "eye", "four", "hook". Of course, don't be too solid, making the middle look too full, crowded, or airtight, which will lead to the opposite.

【New Theory】

For words that surround a structure, the enclosed part should be substantial and not crowded. This is usually achieved through stroke thickness, traditional and simplified characters, and positional proportions. There are fully enclosed structures and some that are not fully enclosed.

(15): Yilian


The characters are broken in form but connected in meaning, such as "Zhi", "Yi", "Xin", "Bi", "Xiao", "Chuan", "zhou", "Shui", "Qiu" and so on.

【Original meaning】

In Chinese characters, there are many words and dots that are separated from each other and not connected. However, when writing, the strokes must be broken and the meaning connected, so that the charm can be coherent and form a whole.

Such as "zhi", "yi", "xin", "bi", "xiao", "chuan", "zhou", "water", "qiu", etc.

【New Theory】

Although the strokes of some characters are separated, the strokes of the strokes are smooth and smooth, as if the lotus root is broken and connected by silk. It is worth noting that meaning connection refers to the relationship between continuous strokes, not the echo between discontinuous strokes. A clearer concept will help improve the performance when writing.