How to write the word "女" and "女" as a radical? (This really baffles a lot of people)

Well, this word is indeed difficult. You have to watch the video to learn it.

There is one word that I should write in detail. 

When writing the word "女" alone, you can follow this exercise for the word " POSITION "

To write the female character well, we must first write the strokes of BiZhe. The lengths of BiZhe are about the same. The strokes of BiZi start from the middle of the upper half of the meter grid. The angle between BiZi and Na is about 90 degrees.

Then we write the stroke again. The stroke starts from the middle of the first stroke and intersects on the center line, and the end of the stroke does not exceed the end of the fold.

Then we write the long horizontal stroke. Be careful not to write the horizontal stroke short, and don't leave it at the fold of the pen, and place it slightly above the fold of the pen.

as a radical


The first and second strokes are the same as above. The third stroke is changed from a long horizontal stroke to a horizontal stroke. When writing, pause first, and then write a horizontal stroke (horizontal stroke) to the upper right. The starting point should not exceed the second stroke. Come on, this way of writing looks good next to a woman. (You can practice more by referring to the video and watch this entertainment word )