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3. Three days of fishing and two days of drying nets

Imitation and repetition are essential in the process of practicing calligraphy. To imitate, you need to learn the strokes one by one; constant and sufficient repetition will gradually form a memory in your hands, so you have to write a word at least dozens of times. However, children tend to lose interest and become slack during the boring process of practicing calligraphy. However, the "three days of fishing, two days of drying the net" situation is not effective in practicing calligraphy on the one hand, and it is not conducive to cultivating children's perseverance and patience on the other hand.

4. Change fonts at will

Before practicing calligraphy, you must let your children know the purpose and what kind of font they want to practice. Do not change fonts frequently. Different fonts require different attention. It is easy to give up halfway if you blindly follow the trend of registering for classes or copying popular copybooks. People who often change fonts will only make their fonts different and will not have good effects. At the same time, when practicing calligraphy, it is not recommended to only do red tracing, because too much tracing of red can easily lead to dependence and is not conducive to the understanding and memory of glyphs.


To write beautiful and standard words, start with these!

Many preschool children hold the pen very casually when they are drawing or "drawing" Chinese characters and numbers. Some parents don't take it seriously and adopt a "let nature take its course" attitude, thinking that teachers will correct them when they get to elementary school. In fact, during the child's sensitive period for writing, parents should guide their children to use correct postures to write. It is particularly important to develop good writing habits in time.

01. Suitable writing tools

A good pen is very helpful to children. The words written by a person using different pens will look quite different. For the correct selection of calligraphy tools, people at different learning stages have certain standards for the selection of pens and copybooks.

Elementary and junior high schools are suitable for practicing regular script. When you are older, you can practice running script or running script to speed up your writing speed. You also need to know the knowledge about choosing pens for practicing calligraphy. It does not have to be expensive or good-looking, but it must be the one that suits you best. Just make it smooth and the water will come out smoothly.

02. Standardize writing habits

Strictly regulate children's writing habits, from the child's pen-holding posture to the sitting posture. When the child's writing improves, parents can appropriately use praise or rewards to encourage the child to continue to work hard; similarly, when they find that When children write irregularly, some punishment methods should also be adopted to let children know the importance of writing.

03. Guiding interest in writing

Children in lower grades often have limited concentration and patience. Parents need to pay attention to cultivating their children's interests when practicing calligraphy. Just spend 15-20 minutes every day, focus on nothing, read and write the posts carefully, analyze the structure of the words, and practice calmly, so that you can be effective.

It is every parent’s wish that their children write beautiful handwriting. Good writing habits are developed slowly over time. Start practicing calligraphy during the summer vacation. The earlier you start, the easier it will be and the better the effect will be.

Calligraphy practice questions are published by 15 Calligraphy Practice Network. Please indicate when reprinting:https://www.seowhy15.com/a/440.html