What are the basic methods for practicing calligraphy? The basic methods of practicing calligraphy are "reading, copying, copying, memorizing, meaning, and using." The six words are the only way to learn calligraphy!


1. Read the calligraphy: read the glyphs, structures, strokes, analyze and figure out the stroke characteristics of the characters and the relationship between the strokes.

2. Tracing: "Tracing" refers to tracing red, that is, beginners use a blue pen to trace along the handwriting on the printed red copybook. "Copy" refers to copying, that is, covering the model characters with transparent paper, and writing stroke by stroke along the shadow of the characters on the paper, which is also called copying.

3. Posting: Putting the copybook aside and watching the copybook write word by word on the homework paper. This method is helpful for mastering the writing style and meaning of the calligraphy.

4. Memorizing the copybook: refers to the method of removing the copybook on the basis of the original copybook, recalling the glyphs on the copybook according to your own memory, and writing it on the homework paper.

5. Creation: After mastering the writing method of the words on the copybook, learn by analogy to understand the writing method of the words that are not on the copybook.


1. It is the choice of writing tools. : Whether it is a fountain pen or a ballpoint pen, choose a good pen that writes smoothly and has even line thickness.

2. When practicing calligraphy, you should pay attention to the writing posture and the way to hold the pen: Generally, the right hand holds the pen, and the position of the pen should be slightly to the right. The eyes are about 30 cm from the paper, and the chest is about 10 cm from the edge of the table. Extend your arms naturally, with your forearms flat on the table.

3. Combining learning with application and combining practice with writing: When you use the practiced calligraphy in daily life, you should write it as well as you practiced it. Use one after practice, learn by using it, and use it while learning. Only by combining learning with application can you practice calligraphy well.

A strategic plan for practicing calligraphy. This plan has been tried by many people and it works!

1. Goal management: What kind of font do you want to master in how long (according to your actual situation, don’t be too ambitious), but you should also set it a little higher, otherwise you will have no motivation.

2. Strategic management: For example, if you want to practice calligraphy for the college entrance examination in three months, then you have to determine the state you want to achieve in one month, the state you want to achieve in two months, etc. based on the state you want to achieve during the college entrance examination.

3. Time management: Make some plans, that is, practice Chinese calligraphy at what time and for how long every day. If this time period is temporarily occupied by other things, set a recovery time and be sure to stick to it.