In our impression, running script requires writing regular script quickly, which means that if you write regular script well, you will naturally be able to write running script.

Having said that, it is not entirely the case. In the daily writing process of running script and regular script, there are still differences in the structure of running strokes, pauses, and frames.


We must first clarify the following questions:

What should you learn first when learning calligraphy?

Start by learning the basic strokes of regular script, namely dot, horizontal, vertical, left, hold, lift, hook, and fold.

A character is like a machine. Practicing the basic strokes is like processing the "parts"; practicing the radicals is like starting the "assembly"; practicing the entire glyph is like entering the "final assembly". That is to say, learn "decomposition" first, and then learn "coherence". Therefore, regular script is the foundation, and basic strokes are the foundation of the foundation.

When practicing basic strokes, practice them in categories. For example, when practicing writing "丶", you should practice 丶,丿,丶,丨, etc. separately, and then write "continuous" and combine them.

The general rule for practicing regular script is to practice basic strokes first; then practice the order of strokes; thirdly, practice radicals; fourthly, practice glyph structure; fifthly, practice branch layout.

The "dots" of Chinese characters should be emphasized when writing, like a stone falling to the ground. What kind of points are needed for what kind of parts, it is necessary to "concentrate on the writing first". For example, the writing method of Zhong Shaojing and Ouyang Xun above "倀" is more powerful when written in short vertical strokes.

Tips for writing example words:

Writing of the character "Hua"

1. Write dot next to the word first, and then write horizontal zheti. The dot and vertical are on the same vertical line, and the distance from dot to zhe and from zhe to ti is basically the same;

2. Tongue, the horizontal stroke should be short and flat, and the horizontal stroke should be long. The short and vertical stroke should be aligned up and down with the middle of the "mouth";

3. The mouth should be small and the bottom width should not be too long.


Writing of the word "Shuo"

1. The key points around words are the same as above, and writing should be smooth and crisp;

2. The short oblique vertical stroke can be written in conjunction with the left vertical stroke of "口";

3. The horizontal fold and bottom horizontal fold of "口" are written continuously.


The same words as above. The mouth is slightly flatter and shorter, the vertical hook is stretched, and the hook is pointed upward.

1. The dot can be connected with the left vertical part of "口", and the horizontal fold can be connected with the short dot;

2. Can't make a sharp move, echoing the vertical hook;

3. Vertical hook is sometimes written as vertical hook.

Writing of the character "Liu": running script and regular script

1. The short horizontal line next to the word wood is long on the left and short on the right;

2. Pay attention to the first stroke of "Mao" being flat and not too slanted;

3. The vertical stroke should be short;

4. The horizontal folding hook should not be too large;

5. The last stroke is made with the needle hanging vertically, the stroke is closed and the stroke is forward, and it is longer.


1. Next to the wooden characters in running script, the dots of abbreviation and dots become abbreviation and ti, and echo the right part.

2. The three strokes of flat strokes, vertical strokes and vertical strokes become folds and folds, and the return points echo the points;

3. The hanging needle remains vertical.

1. The width should be slightly shorter, and the length should not be too curved;

2. The horizontal stroke has a larger curvature and should not be lower than the long stroke;

3. The painting should be tilted, not flat.


Writing of the word "Friend"

1. After writing the short horizontal counter-front, turn the pen upward to the left and down to the right to write a long counter-stroke. If the long stroke does not produce a forward stroke, turn the pen to the upper right to write a horizontal stroke. After the stroke is forward, follow the stroke and write a counter-stroke at the beginning of the horizontal stroke.

1. The three horizontal lines should be arranged evenly, and the third horizontal line should not be too long, and let the pins extend outward;

2. Do not write the long apostrophe as a vertical apostrophe. The intersection with the three horizontal apostrophes is not in the middle, but to the left;

3. The entry point of the stroke is not at the intersection of the left stroke and the third horizontal stroke, nor in the middle of the horizontal stroke, but rather to the right.

4. The day should be close to the top and directly below the long pen, not to the left or right.


The writing of the word "spring":

1. The first horizontal direction becomes a short horizontal direction that slopes downward to the right and is connected with the two lower horizontal directions. The second horizontal direction is slightly flat, and the third horizontal direction tilts upward to the right. The inclination is greater than that of regular script.

2. After writing the third horizontal stroke, move the pen upward to the left, above the horizontal stroke and downward to the right to write a long stroke, and close the stroke a little lower than in regular script;

3. Na can be written as oblique Na or reverse Na, slightly flat;

How to write the word "Friend":

1. It consists of two characters, small on the left and big on the right;

2. When writing the month, the vertical stroke should not be too long. The horizontal fold hook should be longer than the vertical stroke;

3. The short horizontal and vertical parts inside are stuck to each other and are not connected to the horizontal folding hook;

4. The distance between the horizontal folding hook and the two short horizontal lines inside should be even and upward.



1. The vertical stroke does not need to be forward;

2. After the horizontal folding hook is drawn upward, draw the horizontal folding hook downwards to the right, echoing the part on the right;

3. Two "months", small on the left and large on the right;

4. The short horizontal line in the "month" on the right is like writing "2", and finally close the pen to the left.