In the future of Chinese society, competition will become increasingly fierce, and almost all opportunities will be funneled onto the main roads. The era of relying solely on test scores has passed. Children have been in an environment that requires continuous learning, progress and growth since they were young. Parents must know what kind of abilities are necessary, what kind of expertise is practical, and what kind of training is long-term.

Results are important, but there are actually many things that are more important than results, such as mood, emotional intelligence, literacy, etc. Another example is writing. Jack Ma said that if children do not learn calligraphy, painting, music, etc., it will be difficult to find a job in the next 30 years. This statement may seem exaggerated, but it is not groundless.


Today's children have been exposed to big screens since childhood, and many have given up practicing calligraphy, and do not take it seriously when faced with confused calligraphy. The broad and profound Chinese characters represent the essence of Chinese culture and have been passed down for thousands of years. Each character pays attention to balance and the unity of opposites, and has profound meaning. Writing can allow children to appreciate the broad and profound Chinese character culture in a subtle way.

What a noble spiritual culture is Chinese calligraphy?

Some parents worry: "Will practicing calligraphy affect learning?" On the contrary, practicing calligraphy promotes learning. Calligraphy practice is an exercise that combines thinking activities and senses. It requires the use of eyes, brain, and hands. It is a good way to improve children's brainpower and concentration.

A large number of facts prove that children who practice calligraphy diligently will be smarter.

At the beginning of human life, people are inherently kind and their brains are not stupid. As long as parents don't let them go, their children's grades will not be too bad. However, it is common for children with good grades but poor temperament, good family backgrounds and poor temperament to have good looks and poor temperament. Especially in recent years, school violence has become common. Personality defects have become a major criticism in China’s education sector. In the final analysis, there is a lack of cultivation of mentality. Children should all calm down, practice calligraphy, cultivate their moral character, experience giving and taking over, complementation and layout, and importance and stability.

The ancients said that the writing is like the painting in the heart, and the words are like the person. This is generally the case.

When practicing calligraphy, practice with hard pens and brushes. No matter what tool you practice with, you must copy the copybook. Copying and copying are the key points for children to practice calligraphy. We usually start with copying, and there are two types of copying: tracing and shadow copying. The so-called red tracing is to describe and fill in the gray or outline copybook directly; while shadow copying is to describe by pressing the copybook with thin paper. Relatively speaking, we recommend tracing red, as the tool is simple, the text is stable, and the results are quick. After you become proficient in tracing red, you can try facing it. The process of practicing calligraphy is very important. The improvement of handwriting is subtle and subtle. It is not advisable to be anxious or seek quick results.

Children's good handwriting can win people's favor, calm their minds, stay away from the radiation and noise of electronic screens, and even better understand their parents' intentions. Furthermore, you never have to attend a meeting to practice calligraphy. From meeting to mastering, lifting and pressing, etc., you must go through repeated and persistent writing training, which can restrain children's common ADHD and cultivate patience.

If you can start practicing calligraphy from an early age, it will benefit you throughout your life.

In ancient Chinese society, those who wrote well never worried about their future. From ancient times to the present, no one who has passed the college entrance examination has poor handwriting. Most of the top candidates in the contemporary college entrance examination have good calligraphy. It is difficult to imagine that a person with poor handwriting can achieve high scores.

My child, after you graduate from college, you will pay close attention to those classmates who were good at writing. Who can have a bad life? Even live a more vivid, nourishing and elegant life.

My child, even if your grades are not the best, your writing must not be the worst. Whatever you lose, don’t lose in writing.