"忄" is written first dot and dot, and finally vertical.

"Dagger" is written first, then vertical hook.

"Wan" is written horizontally first, then horizontally with a folding hook, and then written with a stroke.

The last three strokes of the character "mother" are dot, horizontal and dot.

"和" is written first, then written horizontally and folded, and finally written as 捺.

"Nai" is written horizontally, folded, folded and left first, and then written as left. This character has a similar shape to the character "和", but the stroke order is completely different.

"Fire" first writes the two strokes above, namely dot and stroke, and then writes the herringbone.

In the upper right corner of "Deng", first write two strokes, and then write "捺".

"Minus" is written first with the dot and mention on the left, and then with the word "Xian" on the right.

"Shuang" is written horizontally first, then four "×"s are written from left to right, and finally "人" is written.

The stroke order of the right half of "Xun" is: horizontal oblique hook (not horizontal bent hook), horizontal and vertical (not oblique).

The first stroke of "convex" is to write the vertical on the left first, then write the short horizontal and vertical, then write the horizontal and fold, and finally write the long and horizontal side.

The first stroke of "concave" is to write the vertical part on the left, then the horizontal and vertical folds, then the vertical and horizontal folds, and finally the long and horizontal parts of the side.

"Out" first writes the vertical fold, then the short vertical, then the long vertical in the middle from top to bottom, and finally the vertical fold and short vertical.

Above "Guan", write the vertical fold first, then the horizontal fold, the third stroke writes the vertical part inside, and finally the long horizontal part.

After "Chong" is written horizontally and apostrophe above, it is followed by day, then vertically, and finally the two lower horizontal strokes (top is short and bottom is long).

The stroke order on the character "ridge" is to first write the dot and mention on the left, then write the apostrophe and dot on the right, and finally write the person in the middle.

For "righteousness", write dot first, then write left and right. Those dotted on the top or upper left should be written first, such as "men, dou", etc.; those dotted on the right or inside the characters should be written last, such as "jade, tile", etc.

For "匚"-shaped characters, first write the horizontal line above "匚", then write the part inside "匚", and finally write the last fold of "匚", such as "PI, district, minister, craftsman, box, hide", etc.

On the left side of "杝", first write the dot and dot in the upper part, then the vertical and horizontal fold hooks in the lower left corner, then write the long vertical part in the middle, and finally write the dot and dot in the middle. These words also include "bad, lame, suppressed, turtle" and so on.

After writing the word "OG" horizontally and vertically, then write the two "mouths" on the left and right at the top, then the horizontal one in the middle and the two "mouths" below the horizontal line, and finally write a long horizontal line. This writing complies with the rules of writing from top to bottom, first the middle and then both sides, which is different from the stroke order of the word "王".


Attached: Collection of stroke order and easy typos

1. Horizontal

1 The last stroke is two. Ran (Zai, Ran) - Stroke order: vertical, horizontal fold hook, middle vertical, last stroke is written as two. Li (Li, Tong) - stroke order: write A first, then write 2. Chong (heel, Dong) - Stroke order: left, horizontal, write "yue", middle vertical, write "two" again. Chui (beat, hammer, hammer) - stroke order: write Qian first, then 艹, and then two. [Note] Three or four horizontal strokes side by side do not follow this rule: 采jjǐn (jin, hibiscus) - the last two strokes are vertical and horizontal.鹹zhuī (who, difficult) - the last two strokes are vertical and horizontal.

2 Tu and scholars are separated. Earth - Temple (servant, poetry, hemorrhoids, etc.) Zhou, Yuan, Xing. Shi - Ji (clean, orange, knot, straw) ambition, shell, sound, joy, good, one, pot, strong.

3 days later, they separated. Tian - swallow, silkworm, 忝tiǎn (Tim, lick), play (together). Yao--Qiao (Qiao, Qiao, Jiao, Jiao) Ao, Ao, Yao.

4 Wang and Ren separated. Wang - Cheng (Cheng, Cheng). Ren - to let (allow) the court, to be promiscuous.

5. The first stroke is horizontal, not left: Feng (蚌, yan, qi), 雷llěi (plough, plough, rake). The fourth stroke of Bang (bang, bang, tie) is skimming. The third stroke of the journal is vertical.

6. The middle part of the horizontal "mountain" goes left to right but not to the left. The middle horizontal direction does not show the right side - Xun, Broom, Cu (Zou) Dang, Xue, Sweep, Fu, Invade. When the horizontal "mountain" has a vertical cross, the middle horizontal right should come out - Yu yù (Jian) ​​Bing, Jie, Tang, Kang, Zheng, Jian. The strokes in the middle, horizontal and left sides all come out - malaria, abuse (joke). The order of the last strokes: horizontal, vertical fold, middle horizontal.

7. The stroke order on the right side of Xun is different from that of Chou. The right side of Xun (Xun, Xun, Xun) - stroke order: horizontal bend, hook, horizontal, vertical. (The last two strokes are ten). Chou (twist, button, button) - stroke order: horizontal fold, vertical, horizontal, horizontal (the last two strokes are two).

8 Wu, consistent stroke order. Wu (wú) stroke order: vertical fold, horizontal fold hook, [first] left, [after] horizontal (both sides come out). The upper part of the thread - stroke order: vertical fold, horizontal fold, [first] vertical, [last] horizontal (both sides come out).

9 bad stroke order. Middle parts: vertical, horizontal folds, [middle] long horizontal (protruding from both sides), short horizontal (blocking).

10 Pi's first three stroke orders: horizontal hook, left stroke, and vertical stroke.

2. Vertical

1. It can be divided into vertical and horizontal. Lin, Jian, Jian, vertical, tight: the second stroke is vertical, not left. Old: The first stroke is vertical. Return: The second stroke is to write off.

2 The first stroke of "zhou" is different from "tong". Tong, Gang, Wang, Wang: The first stroke is vertical. Zhou and Yong: The first stroke is skimming.

There is a change in the first stroke of 3 "months". Yu, Ken, Wei, You, Shoulder: the moon is below, and the first stroke is vertical. Belly, Muscle, Intestine, Qi, Lang: The moon is on the left and right, and the first stroke is left.

4. Write vertically after emphasis. False, Xia, Xia (Xia) - the order of the first three strokes of the middle part: horizontal fold, horizontal, vertical. Bao, Fu - the order of the first two strokes on the right side: horizontal fold hook, vertical stroke.

5. To stand out and not to stand out: To stand out--Yu (Huang Yin), 黾 (渑, rope, fly) and 忄 (俺, flood, cover). Don't stand out - turtle (lottery). Get ahead - different, engage in, abandon, 弁, chess, calculation, cheat. Not to stand out - bì (bi, grate, nose). Get ahead - holy (weird, strong). Not showing up - Jing, Jing, Jing, Jin, stem, neck.

No. 6, Kao, Dirty - the last stroke is upward but not forward. The last two strokes are in order: horizontal and vertical folds and hooks. The lower part of the word "Kao" cannot be like the Arabic numeral "5".

7 The left side of closing, the left side of yelling and correcting - vertical lifting and vertical do not cross. It cannot be written as the Arabic numeral "4".

8. When doing the left radical, turn your head to the right without turning your head: body (shooting, bowing, hiding) - the sixth horizontal stroke and the seventh stroke, both turn to the right without turning your head. Zhou (ship, general, navigation) - the fifth stroke is horizontal, pointing to the right without looking forward. ▲Note: Er (take, position, couplet) - when doing the left radical, change the last stroke to mention, so that it can come forward.

9 The stroke order and strokes of Fei: Fei (sin, leek) stroke order: [left] vertical (not apostrophe), three small horizontal strokes (the last small horizontal stroke is not mentioned), [right] vertical, three small horizontal strokes.

Three, skim

1 should be summed up: avoid (rabbit, wuan, mian), Huan (call, change, Huan), Xiang (image), ghost (puppet, shame), humble (servant, stele) - the sixth stroke is all the same Skip it down.

2 It’s not all written down in one stroke – Mai Qihua, Meijiu Hua, Ao (Ao, Ao, Ao) Ten Hua, Xiang Twelve Hua.

3 Don’t add too many words - Wei (feed, lean, simmer), Zhan (roll, grind), Dai, Wu, Er.

4. First and second - first: nine, and. Back-writing: Dao, Li, Nai, Wan (stroke order: horizontal, horizontal folding hook, writing), Fang (stroke order: dot, horizontal, horizontal folding hook, writing).

5. Turning to the left to make an appearance or not: making an appearance - Hua (hua, hua, 讹). The order of the strokes on the right side: [first], [first], [after] a vertical hook, and the two strokes intersect. Don't stand out - dagger bǐ (bi, north, this, death, purpose, nun, old), lun (lun, lun, lun, wheel) stroke order: [first] left, [then] vertical hook, the two strokes are not mutually exclusive cross. The stroke order is better than that on the left side: horizontal and vertical strokes. The stroke order of the north left side is: vertical, horizontal, and lifting. The stroke order on the left side is: [center] vertical, horizontal, [left], ti.

6 The last stroke is for a person: Fire stroke order: dot, [upper right] small stroke, [middle] stroke, and nip. The order of the strokes: [upper left] small left, vertical, short horizontal, [right] horizontal fold, short horizontal, [underlying] horizontal, and finally write the person. The cool stroke order: horizontal, [left] left, dot, left, dot, [right] left, dot, left, dot, and finally write the person. The stroke order of the upper part of the spine: [Left] dot, lift, [right] small left, dot, [middle] write people. ▲Pay attention to the order of Zhao strokes: left, dot, lift, vertical hook, left, dot, which is different from the stroke order of the upper part of the ridge.

Four o'clock

1 A little bit without a point: A little bit - Shishì (persimmon, cerium, nao). Wudian - on the right side of Pei (Pei, Lung, Fu), with its head sticking out vertically in the middle. Pei Qihua. Yao (poured, scratched, wrapped around, burned), there is no point on the upper right. Step (wading), there is no point on the lower left. Dyeing the upper right is not a pill. There is no point under the piano. No dots under the paper (low dots).

2. Dot first and dot last: dot first - meaning, wei (stroke order: dot, left, horizontal fold hook, [inside] dot). The last stroke is dot - fork, hair, pull, and become (the last stroke of anyone who follows Ge is dot).

3 point order. "Mother" stroke order: vertical fold, horizontal fold hook (the two strokes cross at the end), dot, horizontal, dot. (Don’t finish writing and then click two dots). This is true for those who follow the mother: Thumb, Mu, Du, Mei, Tue, Regret, and Mold. Zhou (ship, sail), the last three strokes are in order: dot, horizontal, dot. Dan (Tong)'s last two strokes are in order: dot first, then horizontal. The stroke order of Zhou: dot, left, dot, vertical, dot, vertical. The stroke order of 鬯chng: oblique, oblique dot, [upper] dot, [left] dot, [right] dot, [lower] dot, vertical fold, vertical, oblique, and vertical hook.

5. Folding (lifting, hooking)

1. Horizontal and vertical folding: piece - the last stroke is horizontal folding, a total of four paintings. Teeth - The second stroke is a vertical fold, a total of four strokes. Le - the second stroke is a vertical fold, a total of five paintings.舛chuǎn (Jie, Shun, Wu), Jiang, the last three strokes are: horizontal, vertical fold, vertical (the last stroke points upward). That is - on the right side are horizontal, vertical folds, tilts (upward without protruding), and vertical curved hooks.

2. The last stroke of the person from the district is a vertical fold: district, Pi, Chen, Kuang, craftsman, doctor, bandit. The order of the strokes: [first] horizontally, [then write] the enclosed parts inside, and [finally] vertical fold to finish writing in one stroke.

3. The last stroke of the left radical is changed horizontally to mention: Tu (peichang), Wang (playing ball), Zhi (Qiwu), Xue (provoking nosebleed), Er (take, couplet), Zi (grandson, child), Ma (chip) , driving), bird (ostrich).

4. Changes in the strokes and stroke order of "Che" characters: When "Che" is a single-body character, the stroke order is - horizontal, vertical fold, horizontal, vertical. When doing the left radical (light, heavier, turn) of the car, the stroke order is - horizontal, vertical fold, [first] vertical, [last] lift.

5 Pay attention to the vertical lift: the left side of the cut (steal, build, brew) is not soil. Tile (ou, porcelain, bottle) stroke order: horizontal, vertical lifting, horizontal bending, hook, dot.

6 The right sides of hair and plucking are different: the first stroke of hair (splashing, plucking) is a vertical fold. The first stroke on the right side of pulling (祓,绂) is horizontal.

7 With hook or without hook: With hook - Qi, Er, Ji (redundant, Kang, Ji, Bald, Tiger) Without hook - Duo, Shu (Mei, Tou, Yan, Lead) With hook - Dong, kill , Tiao, Za, Qin, Yu (the last strokes are all dots, not 捺). No hook - Bu, Mu, Wei, Mo, He, Lei, Lai, Shen.

8. Changes in the hook and 捺 of the wooden character: When the wooden character is used as a single character, there is no vertical hook and the last stroke is 捺. When the character wood forms a combined character: when used as the left radical: no hook, na is changed to dot, ruku, pole, tree. When used as the right radical: no hook, no change, like body, mu, or forest. When in the upper or lower part: no hook, no change, such as apricot, plum, and jie; table, case, rong, and cai. However, when encountering parallel Ning, in order to avoid it, the Ning will be changed to: lacquer, tea, and tea. 9. Changes in the hook of the character "小": no hook in the upper part of the character - chen, jian, shao (chao, yarn, province, inferior, bird). In the lower part of the character, there are hooks - Er (you), Shu (菽, Shu), Jing (Liang, Jiu), Yi, Shi (Zong, Piao, Nai, Na). ▲Note that there are exceptions to the word "er" - Xi and you also have a hook in the upper part of the word.

6. Others

1 There are several orders: first in the middle, then both sides - Cheng, Cheng, Sui, Yan, Dou, Xie, Kui. From left to right - Bridle, Qu, Huan, Ying, Ying, Wei, Xie. ▲Note: Su’s stroke order: horizontal fold, horizontal (to the right), horizontal, [middle] vertical, then [left] left, [right] vertical, and finally [inside] small left, dot. The stroke order of 齑: write the text first, [left] left, [right] vertical, and finally [center] write leek.

2 To block or not to block. Ji jǐ - Ji, Ji, Qi, Ji, Qi (Kai, Armor), Gai, Fei. Already yǐ--巳ssì--bao, bao, dao, yi, xiang, si, 寯, 汜, Xun, xi. On the right side of the prisoner - Fan, Yuan, Wan (Wan), E (Jiao), Xie, Wei, Juan (Tired).

3. Distinguish several characters with Ge: 武wù, 戍wshù, 戌xū, 成, salt, qi - the stroke order is to write the factory first, then the internal parts, and finally: oblique hook, apostrophe, and dot. Rongróng, Jiejiè (commandment, weapon) - the same stroke order: long horizontal, short horizontal, add an apostrophe on the short horizontal ("jie" has one more vertical line), and finally, oblique hook, apostrophe, dot.

4 Lun and warehouse should be separated: Lun - Lun, Luan, Qiang, Lunlun. Cang--伧, Cang, grab, gun, Cang.

5 The prefixes of Gui and Ji should be separated: Gui - Kui, Sui. Deng (cheng, orange, stare, stool). Sacrifice - Cha, Cai.

6. The prefixes of study and party should be separated: study, horseshoe crab, and sleep. Dang, Tang, Chang, Tang, Chang. Xing, lift, reputation. Qian (inspection, inspection, signature). Light, Dang, Xiao.

The strokes at the end of the 7 characters are different: 呙 (vortex, cochlear, lettuce, nest) - the last two strokes: leave, dot. Li (Li, Chi, Li, Qin) - the last two strokes: fold, point. Yu (genus, Zhen), Yu, Yu, Yu, Yu - the last three strokes are vertical, ti, and dot.

8. The upper part of the character Mao is special: the third and fourth strokes of the upper part of Mao (cap, 灁, mian, xu) do not touch the left and right sides. Sometimes it can be written as Tu Bao Gai plus two. Do not write it as yuē or rì.

9. When starting the character Chen, write factory first: Chen (Zhen, Lip, Humiliation, Morning). Stroke order: horizontal, left, horizontal, horizontal, vertical lift, left, and hold.

10 The stroke order of the word "WEI": the stroke order of the left side of "WEI" (敝, 曰, 憯, 钴, 韖, cover): dot, left, [left] vertical, horizontal fold hook, [center] vertical (head up), [inside] Skip, point. My eleven paintings.

11 The strokes and stroke order of female character: The stroke order of single character female is: dot, left, horizontal (the horizontal and left strokes only touch, do not cross, and the right side is slightly longer horizontally.) When the character female is used as the left radical, the stroke order is the same as above, but the difference is that the horizontal stroke is horizontal After contacting the skimmer, just make it slightly longer to the right and form a certain angle. The horizontal position is not changed to the lifting position.

12 The middle part of the character Yan is not kou: Yan and Gun (gun, roll) stroke order: the six strokes are 厶, not kou.

13 The stroke order of three special glyphs: concave āo: vertical, horizontal fold, vertical, horizontal fold, horizontal, a total of five strokes. Convex tū: [upper] vertical, [middle] horizontal, [lower] vertical, horizontal fold, fold, horizontal, a total of five paintings. Ogè: horizontal, vertical, [left] mouth, [right] mouth, horizontal, [left] mouth, [right] mouth, horizontal, a total of sixteen paintings.

14 The strokes and stroke order of some characters are: horizontal hook, vertical hook, two strokes. They are: point, horizontal stroke, and pinch, three strokes.忿niàn (meaning twenty), the prefix of leather, the stroke order: first horizontal, vertical, vertical, horizontal, a total of four strokes. Thirty sà (meaning thirty), with the prefix, the stroke order: first horizontal, then left, vertical, vertical, a total of four strokes.

15. The strokes of some radicals, the stroke order: 艹 (the prefix grass): horizontal, vertical, vertical, three strokes.蠠 (next to the word): dot, horizontal fold and lift, two strokes.辶 (walking son): three strokes: point, horizontal fold, fold, and hold.阝 (double-eared knife): horizontally curved hook, vertically, two strokes.忄 (vertical next to the heart): [First] point, point, [then] vertical, three strokes.犭 (reverse dog side): [first] skimming, [then] hook, [final] skimming