Zhou Peina is excerpted from Liu Ji's "Words from the Mandarin Seller"

Explanation and writing examples of typical characters

The above points are left, low, right and high.

The three horizontal lines are in the same direction

equal distance

The dots and strokes in the middle are also lower on the left and higher on the right

Stretch horizontally

The word "口" is slightly flat

The first two characters of "Cao" stand up and the left is low and the right is high.

Wide at the top and narrow at the bottom

The left part of the character "Zang" is slightly contracted

Write short strokes

The distance between the horizontal strokes of the character "Chen" is equal

The oblique hook is the main feature

to stretch

The word "porridge" in the upper part is shortened

The distance between the horizontal strokes in the lower part is well distributed

Be careful not to write parts with many strokes too large.

Tighten up and loosen down

Several horizontal strokes have the same direction

equal distance

The lower stroke is a short vertical stroke

The last one is slightly elongated

The character "gu" is written flat in the upper part

The upward and left-right strokes can be slightly lengthened.

 The horizontal strokes of the lower part of the word "目" are in the same direction.

equal distance

Write two vertically

The four horizontal lines have length and length

 Equally spaced

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The upper horizontal strokes are equally spaced

Write vertically in the middle

The bottom of the word "心" should support the upper part of the word "禺"

The character "女" stretches outwards with two strokes to the left and upward.

The middle twisted part is gathered up

The vertical hook of the character "小" is written in the middle.