one girl

Women, the first stroke of the stroke baffles many people. The position and angle of the stroke are crucial. When starting the strokes, you should pause the pen and put it into the pen. The angle of inclination should be about 70 degrees. When you draw the strokes, there should be a slight slope and a slight arc. When you turn to stippling, turn directly to the right. Longer points should also have a slope and a slight arc. radian. The second stroke is a stroke. The first half of the stroke should be parallel to the stroke of the first stroke, with the same arc. The second half should be curved and stretched out as much as possible. The third horizontal stroke should be longer and slightly shouldered. Pass through two skimmings. The female bottom is roughly flat.

Two, ten thousand

Wan, although there are few strokes, pay attention to the order of the strokes. The second stroke is a horizontal fold hook, and the third stroke is a stroke. The main difficulty of the word ten thousand lies in the horizontal fold hook. The horizontal section should be short and can be written slightly flat or slightly slanted to the lower right. The vertical hook section should be tucked inward.

Three, every

The word "every", the characters related to "every" include "mother, sea, Yu, Min" and so on. The main difficulty is to grasp the relationship between the angle and length of the vertical fold and horizontal fold hook. The vertical section of the vertical fold runs slightly downward to the left, while the horizontal section not only does not carry the shoulders, but also runs slightly downward to the right. The character as a whole is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, and the vertical hook sections of the horizontal fold hooks should be drawn inward. Pay attention to the stroke order: the last three strokes are upper dot, long horizontal, and lower dot.

Four, update

 The difficulty of the word "Geng" lies in the vertical stroke and the long stroke at the end. The vertical stroke must first be straightened up, slightly slanted in the frame, and after it exceeds "曰", it should be bent to the left. The bend of the stroke should not be too gentle. It would be better if Chang Na could write about the state of "twists and turns".

Five: Horse

"Horse" should be written well, and should not be too affected by horizontal and vertical directions. In terms of the overall structure, two "double" relationships must be grasped: two horizontally folded horizontal sections, the lower horizontal is "twice" the upper horizontal. There are two vertical sections, the lower vertical section is "twice" the upper vertical section. (Of course, "twice" is not absolute, it is about twice)

6. For

Stroke order: upper point, long stroke, horizontal fold hook, lower point.

To write "for" well, you must master three points: First, the horizontal and vertical segments of the horizontal fold hook are roughly the same length. Second, the folding hook should be turned inward, and the vertical paragraph should not be written vertically. Third, the long skirt passes through the middle of the horizontal section. 

Seven, tile

There are four strokes in total, dot is the last stroke. When writing "tile", pay attention to three points:

First, the second stroke should be raised vertically. The vertical paragraph should not be written too vertically, but should be slightly slanted to the left. At the same time, the head should be exposed on the left side of the lower end of the vertical section.

Second, the first horizontal stroke and the horizontal section of the horizontal bent hook are in a parallel relationship.

Third, the hook section of the horizontally bent hook should be extended to the right, with the hook tip upward.