Today, the editor would like to introduce to you a primary school student who has "fairy handwriting". He is 8 years old this year. Because of his good calligraphy, he became famous on the Internet, with more than 1 million fans on Douyin.

When you first look at his calligraphy works, you can't imagine that such "textbook" handwriting was actually written by an 8-year-old primary school student. "Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth." This sentence has come true for him. Let's take a look. Take a look at his works:

The above works, whether they are daily practice or formal creation, all demonstrate this child's excellent calligraphy skills. To be able to reach such a level at the age of 8 is not only his interest, but also his hard work. Because of his good handwriting, he also won the national gold medal in the children's category of the 4th "Bi and Ink Pioneer Cup" hard-pen calligraphy competition, and the special prize in the children's category of the "Pinhantang Cup" National Hard-Bi Calligraphy Competition!

For children to develop good calligraphy, it not only requires personal interest and effort, but also the supervision and attention of parents. It is thanks to the sister who runs a calligraphy studio that the children can have such an honor at such a young age. Under her guidance, the children's Calligraphy has been greatly improved, as witnessed by those heavy awards.

Not only that, his good calligraphy earned him praise from his teachers and the envy of his classmates at school. Now, he takes the initiative to practice calligraphy for more than half an hour after finishing his homework every day after school. His changes also make his mother very happy. His mother said, "He used to be very introverted, but he gained recognition from his parents and teachers through practicing calligraphy. Now his personality is becoming more and more cheerful and he is very confident in doing things."

As the saying goes: "The harder you work, the luckier you are." He was so "lucky" because he started practicing calligraphy early. Calligraphy gave him not only good handwriting, but also spiritual encouragement and habitual improvement. promote.

We can also see such examples from the top scorers in previous college entrance examinations. For example, Li Qinghong, the top scorer in liberal arts in the Guangdong Provincial College Entrance Examination in 2016, learned calligraphy when he was four years old, and then worked "overtime" to practice calligraphy every day when he came home from school. Calligraphy is a way for her to relax after studying. Good calligraphy can also help her pass the college entrance examination and receive a higher "paper score". It seems that any success is hard-won.

For another example, Wang Han, who scored the highest score in liberal arts in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in 2019, is also the number one scholar who has practiced calligraphy since childhood. Wang Han said that in the senior year of high school, he didn’t have much time, but he could read copybooks, such as Wang Xizhi’s “Lanting Preface” and review ancient Chinese prose at the same time.

She came into contact with calligraphy in the third grade of elementary school. She said that she found a balance of mentality through calligraphy during her studies.

Indeed, luck favors those who practice calligraphy early. Some people say that primary school is the golden period for learning calligraphy. If you don't practice calligraphy in primary school, it may take more arduous efforts to practice again in the future. So, what can calligraphy bring to children from primary school? Someone summarized the following points:

1. Learning calligraphy teaches children how to behave

Write Chinese characters well and be a good Chinese person. This is not only a national strategy, but also a fact recognized by everyone. As the quintessence of China, it contains the principles of ancient sages in behaving and doing things. A righteous heart leads to a righteous pen, so that children can learn to be an excellent Chinese while writing.

2. Learning calligraphy makes children patient and determined.

Learning calligraphy cannot be done quickly, it requires years of accumulation. Learning calligraphy helps children calm down. In the process of writing, a certain amount of concentration and patience are required. The process of learning calligraphy is also a process of cultivating children's patience and concentration.

3. Calligraphy is a “good game” that does not harm your eyesight.

A child's childhood cannot be without games, and now electronic games are available. Seriously damaging the child's vision, the child learns calligraphy and feels the charm of Chinese characters in the fragrance of calligraphy and ink. This is not only learning but also the most charming game in the world.

4. Learning calligraphy improves children’s aesthetic quality

Calligraphy is a unique oriental aesthetic. In the classic inscriptions, each stroke is copied with heart and hand. It is conducive to cultivating children's aesthetic ability and allowing children to truly experience the charm of calligraphy. Become an aesthetic person.

5. Learning calligraphy is beneficial to children’s physical and mental health

In learning calligraphy, it is mainly hands-on. Carry out regular training in all fixed writing techniques. It is beneficial to the growth and development of the brain and can effectively regulate the meridians when writing. At the same time, it can also eliminate children's impetuous emotions and make their hearts gentle and firm.

6. Calligraphy cultivates children’s excellent study habits

Learning calligraphy requires seeing with the eyes and using the mind. Learning stroke by stroke also requires children's persistent efforts. The above are all good habits that are indispensable for children in the future. We say that excellence is a habit, and learning calligraphy makes children better.

We are glad to see that more and more children choose to practice calligraphy early. Good handwriting can not only add points in the exam, but also benefit the children and improve their self-confidence! Luck favors children who practice calligraphy early.