We usually refer to children between the ages of 6 and 11 as primary school students. At this stage, whether in terms of reading, literacy, writing, or physical growth, they are in a stage of development, or a period of laying a foundation; then, when children are How to master calligraphy practice methods at this stage is a topic of concern to parents. In fact, this is undoubtedly a question of laying the foundation for mastering calligraphy practice methods. So how to lay the foundation?

First: First of all, we must practice the basic skills of speed

Although writing in primary school does not require fast writing, in the future, when you go to middle school, college, or work, speed is the first priority. If you do not develop the habit of fast writing since childhood, you will have to pay more when you grow up. The time cost may not be correctable. Of course, writing quickly does not only mean writing cursive fonts (ligated characters). Elementary school students still write regular script fonts, but they cannot write stroke by stroke.

Second: In addition to fast basic skills, you must also practice flexible basic skills. Flexible finger size, speed changes. If you can't change flexibly, writing will be easy to be stereotyped. It is not a good thing to be stereotyped.

Third, in terms of applied practice, more emphasis is placed on skillful practice rather than hard practice.

Focus on daily learning of calligraphy for basic skills, and the application of basic methods. It is not about the number of calligraphy exercises, but about achieving results based on interest. If you blindly emphasize tracing red and copying copybooks, it is easy for students to lose interest. To Knowing that interest is a good teacher of learning.

Fourth, set an example

Role modeling is an important way to influence and educate children with the good thoughts and good behaviors of others. For example, the outstanding qualities of classmates, neighbors, teachers, heroic role models, positive figures in literary and artistic works, and revolutionary leaders are all objects for children to learn and imitate. Regardless of whether parents' words and deeds are wrong or correct, they have a profound impact on their children. Therefore, parents should check their words and deeds at all times and everywhere in their daily lives.

Fifth, environmental influence

Parents should consciously create a good living environment so that their children can be infected and influenced. The family is the main place where children live. Parents should organize life well, handle the relationship between members well, adhere to correct moral behavior as the norm, form a united and harmonious family atmosphere, establish an orderly life order, and cultivate the good sentiments of their children.

Writing is an extremely delicate skill. It requires intentional observation and analysis of text, decomposing the text into a variety of strokes, and then synthesizing and summarizing its stroke order and structure. The brain transmits information and instructions to the hand. Under the synergy of the hand, brain, and eyes, various Strokes combine into words. For children under 6 years old, it is difficult for them to complete this complex process correctly.

Therefore, parents should not let their children learn to write too early, but when their children enter elementary school, they must pay attention to letting them develop the habit of writing well and conscientiously from the beginning. Below is the standard way of writing Chinese characters 1-10 in Tianzige - it really takes some effort to write well!


Basic strokes of Chinese characters

1. Pay attention to the vertical center line

①Middle upright 示例图

②The first point is in the right position 示例图

③Cross alignment  示例图

2. Pay attention to the prefix

1) People prefix (people) 示例图

Start the stroke on the center line of the character

2) Text header 示例图

The upper point should be centered and should be written on the vertical center line

3) Bao Hijab (宀) 示例图

The upper point is centered and written on the vertical center line

4) "Learn the prefix" and "Constant prefix" 示例图

Pay attention to the writing methods of "Xue Zi Tou" and "Chang Zi Tou"

5) The prefix grass (艹) 示例图

The vertical center line is between the two vertical lines, and the lower joint is on the center line of the character.

6) Shan prefix (mountain) 示例图

The middle vertical line bisects the base horizontal line and passes through the middle line of the character.

7) "Spring" and "Juan"示例图


Start drawing from the vertical center line

8) The prefix bamboo (bamboo)示例图


The center seam should pass through the center line of the word

9) The prefix rain (rain) 示例图

The center vertical line must pass through the center line of the word

11) Left radical 示例图

Generally, the left side accounts for one-third of the left-right side, that is, the right part should extend to the left side of the vertical center line.

3. Pay attention to the bottom of the characters

1) The bottom of the word earth 示例图

Vertical drawings must pass through the vertical center line

2) Female character bottom 示例图

The intersection point between the cursor and the cursor should be written on the center line of the character.

3) Get the bottom of the characters 示例图

The vertical center line should be in the middle of the vertical line

4) Wooden bottom 示例图

Vertical should be written on the vertical center line

5) Four o'clock bottom (灁) 示例图

There are two points on the left and right sides of the vertical center line.

6) The word heart (心) 示例图

The midpoint should be written on the vertical center line

7) The bottom of the character "Van" (Van)示例图 

The vertical centerline must pass through the middle of the four vertical

4. Standard writing of punctuation marks in Tianzi grid

1),. ;: and other punctuation points are written in the lower left box

2) Quotation marks and parentheses should be written close to the quoted content.

3) Dashes and ellipses are written in the middle and lower part of the field.

4) Question marks and exclamation marks are written in the middle of the field

5) Appreciation of Tian Zi Ge Chinese characters


Chinese character stroke names
