100 knowledge points for beginners to learn hard-pen calligraphy. I hope it will be helpful for you to practice calligraphy.


1. Relevant common sense

1. Hard pens mainly include fountain pens, ballpoint pens, dip pens, pencils, plastic pens, bamboo pens, wooden pens, stylus pens, etc., and are tools used for writing with ink as the main carrier.

2. Hard pens such as gel pens, fountain pens, and ballpoint pens have replaced the traditional Chinese writing brush and become the main writing tools for the public in today's society.

3. Gel pen, also known as water pen, originated in Japan and is currently a popular writing tool in the world.

4. The horizontal writing of Chinese characters was first proposed by Qian Xuantong, one of the pioneers of the modern New Culture Movement.

5. "One Stroke of Running Script and Fountain Pen Thousand-Character Essay" published by Shanghai Commercial Press in 1935 is the earliest fountain pen copybook in my country.

6. In the late Qing Dynasty, foreign fountain pens began to appear in our country.

7. my country’s first fountain pen factory was born in Shanghai in 1926.

8. Hard-pen writing documents in Chinese characters and other languages ​​found in Dunhuang show that writing with bamboo and ink pens dipped in ink was quite popular in Dunhuang from the 8th to the 14th century, especially during the period when Turpan ruled Dunhuang (781-848 AD). widely.

9. At present, the fountain pens produced in my country mainly include large tip type, flat tip type, and cylindrical dark tip type (also called small tip type).

2. Calligraphy practice and selection of stickers

1. Learning hard pen is the same as learning calligraphy. You also need to choose a certain type of words as a template for practice. The template is a copybook.

2. What kind of copybook to choose and how to choose a copybook are the most practical and urgent questions for every calligraphy enthusiast.

3. Choose a copybook that suits you as a model for getting started. Pay special attention to observing and learning its pen and frame.

4. Beginners should choose copybooks that are standardized, practical and recognized by experts as excellent ones. It is not recommended to choose copybooks that are too personalized.

5. When choosing a copybook, you should be aware of your current shortcomings, combine it with your own interests, and choose a copybook that suits your glyph characteristics and writing habits.

6. When choosing a post, you must be specific and not change your mind. Do not expect to achieve it overnight, but practice for a period of time.

7. The famous inscriptions on inscriptions from all dynasties in our country are not only the best teachers for learning calligraphy with calligraphy, but also the best examples for learning calligraphy with hard pen.

8. The excellent inscriptions in ancient my country have gone through many vicissitudes and have been handed down to this day. Many writing rules of brush calligraphy can also be used for reference in hard-pen writing.

9. The best way to absorb the essence of traditional brush calligraphy and integrate it into hard-pen writing is to use hard-pen to write ancient inscriptions.

3. Calligraphy practice and copying

1. The most feasible and effective way to practice calligraphy is to copy. Copying can be said to be the most basic method of practicing calligraphy.

2. Even calligraphers mostly follow the process of "copying-creating-copying-recreating".

3. Copying is divided into copying and copying.

4. There are mainly two types of imitation: red tracing and tracing.

5. To trace the red text is to use a pen to directly follow the strokes of the red text on a template that has been printed or written in advance. One stroke should cover each stroke on the red background. Do not draw multiple strokes on the red background. Trace and change.

6. Tracing, also called shadowing, imitation, and rubbing, is to cover the transparent paper on the copybook, and then use a pen to draw the gourd according to the revealed handwriting. The pen follows the shadow and traces stroke by stroke. On paper.

7. The role of copying cannot be underestimated. It can enable beginners to learn how to tie words, use pens and arrange them (compositions) in a short period of time, and make significant progress. It is a quick way to learn hard-pen calligraphy.

8. When copying, you should be careful, remember the structure of the characters, use the pen forcefully, change the weight, don't drag it flat, trace too much, and become familiar with the gestures, which can lay the foundation for "like" writing when copying.

9. Copying the calligraphy is based on copying the calligraphy, and then writing against the calligraphy after having a basic understanding of the rules of writing and knotting.

10. Lin post mainly includes facing, facing, back and other methods.

11. Opposite copywriting, that is, place the copybook somewhere nearby (such as on the opposite calligraphy stand) and write accordingly. This is the most convenient and commonly used copywriting method.

12. Gelin, that is, writing according to the style on the grids such as Tianzi grid, Mizi grid, and Jiugong grid. This is mainly used to understand the structural parts of the calligraphy.

13. Beiling, also called Silent Lin, means putting away the copybook and writing the words in the copybook silently from memory. It requires not only physical similarity, but also spiritual similarity.

14. Other methods of linting include: continuous linting method, shun linting method (piece linting method), selected linting method, empty linting method, and meaning linting method.

15. It is not only necessary to copy the copybooks, but more importantly, to read them. The so-called "learning from books and being good at understanding" means to gain something from reading the copybooks.

16. When reading posts, you need to observe the overall shape of each character, the stroke characteristics of the basic strokes of a single character, the structure, and the proportion of radicals, and grasp the center of gravity of each character.

17. Copying requires thinking and being willing to use your brain. Remember the length, direction, and structural characteristics of the strokes while writing. Repeat many times and keep them in mind.

18. Copying needs to be summarized and find out the rules, such as focusing on practicing strokes, radicals, and representative characters of each type, or focusing on practicing based on one's own weaknesses in a certain aspect.

19. Copying requires comparison. Only by comparison can we identify, and only by identifying can we improve. Compare the words you copied with the words on the copybook. If you find words that are not good in the first pass, try to correct or at least partially correct them in the second copy.

20. After copying, you still need to take a test. After you have a foundation, you don’t need to copy from the copybook during the test. Instead, write out the practiced words and compare them with the same words in the copybook. If there is a big difference, copy them word for word to strengthen your skills. practise.

21. Only by achieving "similarity in form" can we further achieve "similarity in spirit".

22. The process of repeated copying is repeated memory.

23. Qigong: Writing is correct repetition.

24. There are words in your heart, and then there are words in your hands.

25. Practicing calligraphy requires persistence. Don’t fish for three days and dry the net for two days. Try to practice every day. If you have less time, you can write less, but you must not stop writing, otherwise the memory will not be strengthened.

26. It is better to practice calligraphy less than too much, as a little can add up to a lot. It is better to write one word seriously than to write a hundred words casually; it is better to write one or two words seriously than to write a hundred times casually.

27. To practice hard calligraphy, you can learn calligraphy using calligraphy. The brush calligraphy is exquisite, the thickness and fineness are clear, the ins and outs are clearly explained, the structure is meticulous, and the composition is harmonious.

28. For beginners, generally after a few months of short-term post-writing training, they will have obvious effects on the glyph structure and write decently.

4. Posture and Pen Holding

1. Correct writing posture helps to write correctly and keep the center of gravity steady.

2. The vision loss of many teenagers is also closely related to improper writing posture.

3. The correct writing posture should be: head upright, body stable, shoulders level, chest stretched, arms open and elbows level, and legs open enough.

4. To write well, you also need to be in good condition to avoid being too nervous, distracted, and experiencing large mood swings.

5. The writing brush is held with five fingers, while the hard brush is held with three fingers. The brush is held straight and the hard pen is held diagonally.

6. The specific requirements of the three-finger pen holding method are: Hold the pen with your right hand, and hold the lower end of the pen holder about 3 cm away from the pen tip with your thumb, index finger, and middle finger from three directions. The index finger is slightly forward, the thumb is behind, the middle finger is against the penholder on the inside, and the ring finger and little finger are naturally placed under the middle finger and bent into the palm of the hand. The upper end of the pen holder is tilted against the highest bone of the index finger, and the pen holder and the paper are at about 45 degrees.

7. When holding the pen, the fingers should be solid and the palm should be empty. That is to say, the fingers should be solid when holding the pen, the palm should be empty, and the palm and the arm should be in a straight line. This helps you write more flexibly.

8. When writing, the notebook is usually placed to the right of the center.

9. There are conventional stroke order rules for writing Chinese characters, but there are many Chinese characters and their structure and composition are complex. There are generally eight basic rules for stroke order: up first then down, left then right, horizontal first then vertical, first left and right, first middle then left, first inside then outside, first outside then inside, first outside then inside and then close the door.

5. Calligraphy and regular script practice

1. Beginners should start with regular script when practicing calligraphy.

2. The basic strokes and structural techniques of Chinese characters such as dots, horizontal and vertical strokes in regular script are the most complete. The strokes are straight, the structure is well-proportioned, and the shape is neat, making it easy for beginners to learn.

3. Su Dongpo said: Reality produces action, and action produces grass. It is believed that regular script (also known as true script and regular script) is the basis of running script and cursive script.

4. When calligrapher Shu Tong talked about the first step of practicing calligraphy, he used twelve words: copy first and then copy, start with regular script, and proceed step by step.

5. As a beginner, you must start with regular script and lay a solid foundation. Do not take shortcuts, make leaps, or take chances.

6. Regular script was founded in the late Han Dynasty and early Wei Dynasty. For a long time, the regular script of the Tang Dynasty has been regarded as the norm, and many beginners start with the regular script of the Tang Dynasty.

7. Famous regular script masters include Ouyang Xun, Chu Suiliang, Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan. Their calligraphy styles are called Ou style, Chu style, Yan style and Liu style respectively.

8. Learning regular script should start with stippling. There are many Chinese characters, but they are all composed of some basic stipple combinations, which is the principle of "stippling creates structure".

9. Beginners who practice calligraphy should first master the basic strokes of regular script. It is necessary to pay attention to the dot painting itself, but also to the echo between the dot painting (the internal connection between the dot painting and the written words).

10. After you become proficient in writing the basic strokes of regular script, the next step is the preliminary matching of strokes, that is, the practice of radicals in regular script.

11. The frame structure of regular script refers to the organization of strokes into characters according to certain rules. It is also called structure, structure, character knotting, frame, small chapter, etc.

12. The basic requirements for the regular script shelf structure are to be stable, upright, well-proportioned and beautiful.

13. Stability and correctness require grasping the center of gravity (referring to the support point of the weight of the character) and center (referring to the center of the character) of the character.

14. To be well-proportioned and beautiful, you need to pay attention to the appropriate spacing between strokes and between parts.

15. The ancients summarized many rules of regular script structure, which can also be used as a reference when practicing hard-pen calligraphy.

16. The official calligraphy practice account will provide detailed explanations on the basic strokes, radicals, and frame structure of regular script in the future.

6. Calligraphy and cursive calligraphy

1. You should learn running script after you have a certain foundation in regular script.

2. Running script was founded in the late Han Dynasty and is a font that appeared after cursive script and regular script. (Note: Cursive script appeared earlier than regular script and running script. The earliest cursive script was the fast writing of official script)

3. Running script is a font between regular script and cursive script formed by writing the strokes of regular script together.

4. "Introduction to Art": The practitioner is really quick and the grass is detailed. Running script has both the fluidity and liveliness of cursive script and the rigorous and neat structure of regular script.

5. Running script is generally divided into two types. Those who write more regularly, with more regular calligraphy than cursive script, and are close to regular script, are called "Xing Kai" (also called Zhen Xing); those who write more unrestrainedly, with more cursive calligraphy than regular script, and are closer to cursive script, are called "Xing Cao" ” (also called Cao Xing).

6. Running script is the simple and continuous writing of regular script. First omit the stippled or unimportant parts of the regular script, and then connect the remaining strokes with hooks or pull threads. The strokes in the dotted strokes are heavy and solid, and the strokes in the joints are light and empty, forming a broken or continuous running script font.

7. There are obvious differences between the writing techniques of running script and regular script.

8. When writing in running script, there are expression techniques such as simple strokes, simplification of parts, simplification of the whole picture, and expansion and contraction.

9. The structure of running script should follow three basic principles: a stable center of gravity, a well-proportioned density, and an appropriate proportion.

10. The structural form of running script can be roughly summarized into ten types: single structure, left and right structure, upper and lower structure, double structure, surrounding structure, staggered structure, triangular structure, triple structure, four-corner structure and multi-body structure.

11. The frame structure of running script fonts has some conventions and regulations, but also has great flexibility.

12. To learn running script well, you must not only practice the strokes, gestures and structure of each character, but also pay attention to mastering the overall composition and charm to make them coherent and echo each other.

13. When writing horizontally in running script, three main methods are adopted: pen connection, meaning connection and body connection.

14. The calligraphy official account will provide detailed explanations on the learning of running script later.

7. Advanced calligraphy practice

1. Practicing calligraphy well is not only a skill, but also an art: the art of hard-pen calligraphy.

2. Accumulate paintings into characters, accumulate characters into lines, and accumulate lines into frames. Words and words, lines and lines, a collection of words form a piece.

3. Some friends will participate in some calligraphy competitions. In addition to writing well, they also need to pay attention to hard-pen writing.

4. Chapter method, the method of chapter layout, is a method of studying the overall organizational structure of words.

5. The glyph structure is the relationship between stipples and stipples, and the composition layout is the relationship between characters. It is necessary to pay attention to the overall space creation of the whole article.

Attachment: Famous calligrapher

1. Official script: There are Qin official script, Han official script, etc. It is generally believed that it developed from seal script. It is said that Cheng Miao served as a slave.

2. The founder of cursive script: Cursive script evolved from official script and can be divided into Zhangcao, Jincao and Kuangcao. Zhangcao is generally believed to have evolved gradually and was not created by one person at a time. Jincao is generally believed to have originated from Zhang Zhi in the late Han Dynasty. Kuangcao is represented by Zhang Xu and Huai Su in the Tang Dynasty.

3. The founder of regular script: There are three theories, one is Wang Cizhong, one is Wang Cizhong, the other is that it was created by many people.

4. The sage of calligraphy: Wang Xizhi, whose representative work "Lanting Preface" is known as "the best running script in the world". In the history of calligraphy, he and his son Wang Xianzhi are collectively known as the "Two Kings".

5. Grass Saint: Generally refers to Zhang Xu. In addition, Huaisu and Zhang Zhi are also known as grass saints.

6. The four masters of regular script: Ouyang Xun (European style) of the Tang Dynasty, Yan Zhenqing (Yan style) of the Tang Dynasty, Liu Gongquan (Liu style) of the Tang Dynasty, and Zhao Mengfu (Zhao style) of the Yuan Dynasty.

7. The four major calligraphers of the Song Dynasty: Su (Su Shi), Huang (Huang Tingjian), Mi (Mi Fu), and Cai (Cai Jing, also said to refer to Cai Xiang).

8. Famous calligrapher of the Yuan Dynasty: Zhao Mengfu.

9. Famous calligrapher of Ming Dynasty: Dong Qichang.

10. my country’s contemporary hard-tipped calligraphers: Liu Huipu, Xie Feimo, Zhao Yanliang, Luo Hengguang, Wang Zhengliang, Ren Ping, Ma Ming, Cui Xuelu, Fan Zhongyue, Lu Zhongnan, Gu Zhongan, Qian Peiyun, Tian Yingzhang, Ding Qian, Pang Zhonghua, etc. .