How to practice calligraphy by self-study?


First reading

Read the posts, read the words. As long as there is a work, you can read it. Couplets, screens, plaques, cliff carvings, there are many things that can be seen in life.

Second copy

Just use transparent white paper to cover the copybook and follow the description. Let’s talk about the necessity of this step: This must be done by beginners of calligraphy. Some people say that copying is not enough and that they cannot fully think about the meaning of the words and fully grasp them. I would say that the most important thing for beginners is to correct the glyphs, not to study the style. Practice the frame structure first, and then pursue your personal style, so let yourself put the strokes in the right place first.

The most important thing at this stage is the pursuit of image, that is, physical resemblance. If you perform temporary writing before the characters are written correctly, in order to achieve the purpose of the image, it will destroy your impression of the freehand brushwork of calligraphy. Lin is about learning meaning, not learning form. And it was not writing, but drawing, as if drawing a word. What's the use of repeating the image? Although it is not easy to memorize words by copying, it can ensure the number of words you write. Beginners need to study extensively and see and describe all the structures. Only then can they feel and understand it, and can integrate their own ideas.

When writing a copybook in a different style, if it feels like a big change, you have to start over from copying.


A certain foundation is required before proceeding. Avoid reading once and writing once. But this phenomenon will occur if beginners have no foundation and have no way to start. You must read every word and write every word. It is best to read every sentence and write every sentence. The writing style of the post can be reflected in the post. Although it may not be the same, it will be similar in spirit. This is the effect that Lin is pursuing. Writing is the process that takes the longest time to learn, and it is also the only way to go.

Four backs

Facing. After clearing the entire copybook, throw it away and write intuitively. Sometimes if you encounter it too much, you will start to memorize it.

five meanings

Come and create based on what you have learned and integrate your own style. You need to have your own style. At least you need to be proficient in two or more fonts, right? When you reach this level, you can make use of copybooks. At this stage, you can independently produce some works. At the very least, writing a couplet to a neighbor or posting a notice on the wall are all easy things to do.

Six uses

Calligraphy comes from life. After learning it to a certain stage, it can be used to serve life. Whether you're transcribing poetry or taking notes, calligraphy has many uses.