Practicing calligraphy with copybooks is the most common way for us to practice calligraphy in life. However, after writing many copybooks, many people find that their handwriting is still the same as before, and there is not much progress. So can calligraphy be practiced well with copybooks?


1. Find the font that suits you

When you practice writing calligraphy, don't just pick it up and practice. First, you have to choose the pen style you like. Be sure to choose the one you like. Don't practice in large quantities with multiple fonts. Not only will you not be able to The handwriting is good, but it is easy to write messily.

2. Use a pen to practice calligraphy

When you practice writing on copybooks, you must choose a pen to write from the beginning, because the fonts written by the pen are standardized and beautiful. The words you practice with a ballpoint pen will never achieve the effect we want, so use It is also very important to practice writing with a pen.

3. Persistence

When practicing calligraphy, you must persist. Don't stop writing for a few days. That will be of no use to you in practicing your calligraphy. You must persist in doing this every day, and you will slowly find that your handwriting will slow down. Slowly get on track.

4. Practice calligraphy independently without copybook

I would like to remind everyone here that after practicing a lot of copybooks, don’t use copybooks to write anymore. Over time, you will become dependent. The best way is to find a grid book and practice handwriting independently. After all, You have written a lot of copybooks and are familiar with calligraphy. At this time, you need to leave the copybooks and practice calligraphy independently.

5. Treat it correctly and don’t act too hastily.

Practicing writing is a very slow process. When you use copybooks to practice writing, you must pay attention to writing slowly and don't scribble in a hurry. You are not practicing calligraphy, but you are wasting it, so you must be careful. A correct attitude, don't rush for a moment, this is just like our growth, it requires daily practice.