How to practice calligraphy systematically?


I always feel that my writing has no overall structure, the font is very immature, and the writing position has a large deviation when I look closely. Please help me give some suggestions to make the writing neat and beautiful. Thank you!

Many students have asked this question and I have never found the time. Today I will solve this problem:

First of all, I suggest that no matter whether you practice large regular script or small regular script, or learn any calligraphy or font, no matter hard pen or brush, you must go through the following practice steps before it can be called systematic training, namely:

Selected templates~writing postures~writing techniques~brushstrokes~basic strokes~knotting techniques~copying techniques~reading and copying techniques~preparation techniques~application techniques~improving skills.

In addition, matching writing tools, materials, utensils, etc. need to be selected according to the specific training course content. Otherwise, things will be counterproductive!

It is common for many people not to do this, but to write directly according to the copybook. When copying the template, they do not read or copy the copybook. Just think, before officially copying the calligraphy, without going through the necessary basic skills training, how can you achieve the unity of mind and hand?

Therefore, if you want to practice writing and learn calligraphy with high quality and efficiency, you must adopt a scientific and systematic operating mode to achieve the desired results. Otherwise, you will definitely go astray and deviate from the correct calligraphy track.